? ?
24 November 2008 @ 07:39 am
Challenge #119! (BERLIN || SKYLINES)

I'll announce the previous results when the ties are broken. :D

General Rules:
[x] Max. 4 icons for each challenge. [total of 8]
[x] In the regular challenge use only the photos provided; in the theme challenge use any photos you like
[x] Animation is allowed, but all icons must follow LJ standards: [100x100, 40kb or less, jpg., gif., png.]!
[x] Reply to this post with your entries in img src and url form - all comments are screened.
[x] When submitting, please indicate which challenge you are entering and also list any city or theme suggestions you may have for the next challenges.

DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 28; 10:30pm Brisbane time. THE WORLD CLOCK
pics under the cut!Collapse )

[x] You may interpret the theme word in any way you like
[x] You do not have to add the actual word to your icon

entry submission formCollapse )
previous challengesCollapse )

Regular - 07
Theme - 08
24 November 2008 @ 05:16 am
--------Collapse )
22 November 2008 @ 01:57 am
Congrats everyone!

Challenge #116 resultsCollapse )


Challenge #117 resultsCollapse )

* I'll do these banners seeing as it took me so long and resume normal 118 results. Also, those who've told me banners were missing, they'll be added to the banner post! :D
22 November 2008 @ 01:15 am
Challenge #118 voting!

Thank you to everyone who entered and good luck! :D

[x] Numbers are on the left of the icons
[x] Don't vote for yourself
[x] You can vote even if you didn't enter
[x] Vote for 3 icons in the regular section and 3 in the theme

Voting closes Sunday, Nov 23, 10:30pm Brisbane time. The World Clock.

Challenge #118 VotingCollapse )
21 November 2008 @ 09:22 am
You've still got 10 hours to enter if you haven't already! :)
DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 21; 7:30pm Brisbane time. THE WORLD CLOCK
entries: Regular - 22 | Theme - 25
20 November 2008 @ 04:27 am
DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 21; 7:30pm Brisbane time. THE WORLD CLOCK
entries: Regular - 15 | Theme - 19
17 November 2008 @ 01:42 am
Challenge #118! (SANTIAGO || BALLOONS)

General Rules:
[x] Max. 4 icons for each challenge. [total of 8]
[x] In the regular challenge use only the photos provided; in the theme challenge use any photos you like
[x] Animation is allowed, but all icons must follow LJ standards: [100x100, 40kb or less, jpg., gif., png.]!
[x] Reply to this post with your entries in img src and url form - all comments are screened.
[x] When submitting, please indicate which challenge you are entering and also list any city or theme suggestions you may have for the next challenges.

DEADLINE: Friday, Nov 21; 7:30pm Brisbane time. THE WORLD CLOCK
pics under the cut!Collapse )

[x] You may interpret the theme word in any way you like
[x] You do not have to add the actual word to your icon

entry submission formCollapse )
previous challengesCollapse )

Regular - 22
Theme - 25
17 November 2008 @ 12:37 am
Quick tiebreaker for best cropping in the theme category.

2. 3. 6.
This poll is closed.

THEME | Best Cropping


Challenge #116 + #117 will be posted together after the tie is broken! :)
15 November 2008 @ 02:20 pm
A few quick ties to break under the cut. :\ Sorry. Thought my life WAS in order as of this week. lol So all please try and take a quick minute to vote please and thank you. :D

challenge #116 tiebreakersCollapse )
15 November 2008 @ 02:19 pm
Challenge #117 voting!

[x] Numbers are on the left of the icons
[x] Don't vote for yourself
[x] You can vote even if you didn't enter
[x] Vote for 3 icons in the regular section and 3 in the theme

Voting closes Sunday, Sunday Nov 16, 11:30pm Brisbane time. The World Clock.

Challenge #117 VotingCollapse )