Papers by Tomás de la Rosa

Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, Apr 23, 2024
Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) pose significant challenges for biomedicine in the twenty-first c... more Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) pose significant challenges for biomedicine in the twenty-first century, particularly considering the global demographic ageing and the subsequent increase in their prevalence. Characterized as progressive, chronic and debilitating, they often result in higher mortality rates compared with the general population. Research agendas and biomedical technologies are shaped by power relations, ultimately affecting patient wellbeing and care. Drawing on the concepts of bio-and necropolitics, introduced by philosophers Foucault and Mbembe, respectively, this perspective examines the interplay between the territoriality and governmentality around demographic ageing, ND and death, focussing on knowledge production as a dispositif of power by highlighting the marginal role that the phenomenon of mortality plays in the ND research landscape. We propose a shift into acknowledging the coloniality of knowledge and embracing its situatedness to attain knowledge 'from death', understood as an epistemic position from which novel approaches and practices could emerge.

Clinics, 2024
Recent research in Parkinson's Disease (PD) has underscored the necessity of examining stigma wit... more Recent research in Parkinson's Disease (PD) has underscored the necessity of examining stigma within a broader framework that includes social, cultural, and political dimensions. 1,2 This recognition emphasizes some limitations of traditional medical perspectives and calls for an expanded focus on factors such as social discrimination, socioeconomic status, past traumas, access to specialized care, and caregiving disparities. 3 The incorporation of diverse and underrepresented populations should help us to better understand and address the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals with PD in their respective contexts. 4 The call for attention to social, cultural, and political disparities in stigma aligns with the overarching goal of understanding the intricate nature of the issue and constitutes a global trend in medical care. 5,6 Stigma, generally, can be delineated as a characteristic that implies the devaluation of the afflicted, categorizing them as "bad, weak, or dan

Movement Disorders, 2021
We read with great interest the recently published study by Iwaki and colleagues about sex differ... more We read with great interest the recently published study by Iwaki and colleagues about sex differences in the presentation and progression of Parkinson’s disease (PD). They tested 40 clinical phenotypes using cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis consisting of 5946 patients with a 3-year follow-up. Differences between men and women were observed regarding some features of the disease, which contributed to heterogeneity in PD. Female PD patients had a higher risk of developing dyskinesias and a lower risk of cognitive impairment compared with male patients, as well as slower progression of difficulties in activities of daily living (ADLs). ADL is a subscore of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part II that is an indicator of autonomy in daily functioning activities such as hygiene, dressing, and food preparation. That data of Iwaki and colleagues suggest that PD in women progresses with fewer restrictions in daily activities compared with men, and this result i...
Book Reviews by Tomás de la Rosa
Athenea Digital, 2022
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2020).
Midia and blogs by Tomás de la Rosa
El Salto, 2024
La economía extractiva de la atención se refiere a la preocupante tendencia a convertir nuestra a... more La economía extractiva de la atención se refiere a la preocupante tendencia a convertir nuestra atención en una mercancía más. En este sistema, nuestra mirada se convierte en objeto de subasta, siendo adjudicada al mejor postor: el algoritmo de inteligencia artificial que consiga mantenernos cautivos durante más tiempo frente a la pantalla.

Um minuto da sua atenção, 2024
A atenção como capacidade biológica começa nos primeiros organismos unicelulares, os quais preci... more A atenção como capacidade biológica começa nos primeiros organismos unicelulares, os quais precisaram se relacionar com o ambiente por meio de quimiorreceptores, precisaram prestar atenção a seu redor e procurar um ambiente cheio de nutrientes enquanto evitavam outro ambiente tóxico. Evolutivamente, além da sobrevivência e a procura de alimento, a atenção foi se inserindo e tornando as relações mais complexas, como nas interações presa-predador, no cuidado materno e também na formação de estruturas sociais. Portanto, considera-se que a atenção é adaptativa e indispensável ao normal desenvolvimento da vida. Podemos dizer, inclusive, que é uma capacidade primária e prévia à própria vida, de maneira que sem ela não acontecem as funções de reprodução e alimentação. Sendo assim, assistimos preocupados ao sequestro e extração desta atenção para os fins do lucro privado.
El Salto, 2023
Apoyada en nuevas tecnologías de genética, computación y neuroimagen, la neurociencia se presenta... more Apoyada en nuevas tecnologías de genética, computación y neuroimagen, la neurociencia se presenta a sí misma como clave para entender los procesos que hacen posible lo humano y la humanidad
Papers by Tomás de la Rosa
Book Reviews by Tomás de la Rosa
Midia and blogs by Tomás de la Rosa