Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Katherine Akey. Ms. Akey is Adjunct Professor of Photography in the Corcoran School of the

Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Katherine Akey. Ms. Akey is Adjunct Professor of Photography in the Corcoran School of the
By Stephen J. Greenberg Anniversaries can be funny things. As we observe (“celebrate” somehow seems wrong in the context) the
By Stephen J. Greenberg It is, perhaps, a bit hard for the modern reader to imagine that a coffee table
By Erika Mills For over a century, images of nurses and nursing have been featured frequently as the subjects of
By Courtney Jefferies ~ Around this time of the year, many of us, including myself, are preparing to go back
On June 6, 1944, among the troops that waded onto the Normandy beaches were over 40 U.S. surgical teams. Dr. Henry Swan described his experience…
By Michael North ~ Today marks the 499th birthday of the great, 16th-century anatomist Andreas Vesalius, born on December 31,
By Laura McNulty and Ginny A. Roth Dr. Albert Sabin was born today, August 26 in 1906 in Poland and
By Jeffrey S. Reznick and Lenore Barbian Dr. D. Willard Bliss Five minutes after Charles Guiteau shot President Garfield on
By Michael North First Edition Albinus Anatomical Prints Come to the National Library of Medicine In April, 2013, Gloria and