This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry’s 1964 landmark Smoking and Health report, which

This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry’s 1964 landmark Smoking and Health report, which
This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry’s 1964 landmark Smoking and Health report, which
Maxine Singer, a former NIH trainee, researcher and leader, died in 2024 at age 93. Dr. Singer is remembered for her contributions to biochemistry and her efforts to encourage diversity in the scientific workforce.
By Christopher Crenner ~ Can one surgical problem have more than one surgical solution? A version of this question vexed
By Christopher J. Phillips ~ Through the pioneering work of historian Harry Marks and others over the past three decades,
An interview with Kelly O’Donnell PhD on her NLM History Talk and her research on mid-20th century women’s auxiliary organizations in medicine.
By Jessica L. Adler ~ While undertaking research for a book on the history of medical care in U.S. carceral
By Kelly West ~ When I consider that I was once a sickly, premature baby brought into this world while
Explore a new addition to Medicine on Screen: Films and Essays from NLM, a curated, freely-accessible portal presenting digitized historical titles from the Library’s world-renowned audiovisuals collection.
By Trey Bunn ~ I recently spent some time with a film called Robin, Peter, and Darryl: Three to the