EXECUTIVE MANSION, July 2, 1881. 12.35 P. M. The reaction from the shock of the injury has been very gradual.
President Garfield’s Condition: July 2, 1881, 12 PM
EXECUTIVE MANSION, July 2, 1881. 12 M. The President is somewhat restless, but is suffering less pain. Pulse 112. Some

“The President is somewhat restless…”
By Jeffrey S. Reznick and Lenore Barbian Reenacting the Summer of 1881, and the Days Following the Assassination of President

A Relic of Gettysburg and Cycloramas Past
By Michael Sappol ~ Once upon a time, long before immersive video games, the History Channel and IMAX cinema, History

Welcome to Circulating Now
By Jeffrey S. Reznick Welcome to Circulating Now, the new blog of the History of Medicine Division of the U.S.