173: Melissa Wong

Steve chats with Melissa Wong, adjunct instructor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science and author of Instructional Design for LIS Professionals: a Guide for Teaching Librarians and Information Science Professionals, about her path to librarianship and teaching, focusing on accessibility when designing courses, supporting students, and what engages Melissa in her work.

Read the transcript.

Melissa Wong is an instructor in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she teaches courses in instruction, e-learning, and higher education. During her career, she has served as a librarian at the University of Southern California and as the library director at Marymount California University (then Marymount College). Melissa has extensive experience developing and teaching online. She has taught for San Jose State University, designed asynchronous professional development courses for ACRL, and developed an e-learning program for the pediatrics department at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Melissa is passionate about creating online learning that is relevant and engaging through the use of authentic content and inclusive, accessible design. She is the author of Instructional Design for LIS Professionals: A Guide for Teaching Librarians and Information Science Professionals (Libraries Unlimited, 2019) and co-editor of the upcoming 6th edition of Reference and Information Services: An Introduction (Libraries Unlimited, 2020). Melissa holds degrees from Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois (BA, English) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (MS, library science).


Instructional Design for LIS Professionals: A Guide for Teaching Librarians and Information Science Professionals (Libraries Unlimited)
Melissa on Twitter: @lisafterclass

171: Whole Hearted Librarianship by Michael Stephens

Steve chats with returning guest Michael Stephens, Associate Professor in the School of Information at San Jose State University and author of Whole Hearted Librarianship, about empathy in librarianship, the importance of self-care, learning from libraries around the world, and what we can learn from dogs about life.

Dr. Michael Stephens is Associate Professor in the School of Information at San Jose State University. His teaching focuses on information communities, evolving library service, and reflective practice for librarians. His teaching has garnered awards for delivery and engagement in the online environment. Dr. Stephens has delivered keynotes, papers, and workshops throughout the US and internationally on topics related to creative and open uses of technology to support and drive library services and learning. Since 2010, Dr. Stephens has written the monthly column “Office Hours” for Library Journal exploring the issues, ideas, and emerging trends in libraries and LIS education. His research focuses on the use of emerging technologies in libraries, professional development and learning programs for librarians, and innovation in information environments. He is inspired by library structures and virtual spaces that support user curiosity, encourage participation, nurture the creation of new knowledge, and encourage the heart. In 2018, Dr. Stephens spent a month in Australia visiting libraries, keynoting a multi-national conference, and serving as a visiting scholar at the University of Southern Queensland. ALA Editions has published two collections of his writings: The Heart of Librarianship (2016) and Wholehearted Librarianship (2019).  Michael resides in Traverse City, Michigan.


Tame the Web
Whole-Hearted Librarianship

162: David Lankes

Steve chats with Dr. R. David Lankes, director of the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science, about the current state of New Librarianship, Big Data and privacy concerns, and defining library science as distinct to information science.

R. David Lankes is a professor and the director of the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science. Lankes has always been interested in combining theory and practice to create active research projects that make a difference. His work has been funded by organizations such as The MacArthur Foundation, The Institute for Library and Museum Services, NASA, The U.S. Department of Education, The U.S. Department of Defense, The National Science Foundation, The U.S. State Department, and The American Library Association.

Lankes is a passionate advocate for libraries and their essential role in today’s society earning him the American Library Association’s Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship in 2016. He also seeks to understand how information approaches and technologies can be used to transform industries. In this capacity he has served on advisory boards and study teams in the fields of libraries, telecommunications, education, and transportation including at the National Academies. He has been a visiting fellow at the National Library of Canada, The Harvard School of Education, and was the first fellow of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy. His book,The Atlas of New Librarianship won the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature.


David’s blog
University of South Carolina SLIS

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The State of the MLIS, Part Two (LiTTech 80)

LiTTech, Episode 80 features part two of the shared discussion between Circulating Ideas and LiTTech about the state of the MLS. Emily, Addie and Steve continue their talk with David Lankes, Jill Hurst-Wahl, and Cori Dickerson.

Read the transcript.

This is part two of the conversation. Part one is here.

R. David Lankes is a professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. Lankes has always been interested in combining theory and practice to create active research projects that make a difference. Past projects include the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, the Gateway to Education Materials, AskERIC and the Virtual Reference Desk. Lankes’ more recent work involves how participatory concepts can reshape libraries and credibility. You can hear earlier Circulating Ideas interviews with Dr. Lankes here and here.

Jill Hurst-Wahl, MLS, is a digitization consultant and owner of Hurst Associates, Ltd. She also an Associate Professor of Practice in Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and the director of the iSchool’s Library and Information Science Program. She is a member of the SLA Board of Directors (2011-2013). Jill’s interests include digitization, digital libraries, copyright, web 2.0 and social media.

Cori Dickerson is an absentee MLS student and a part-time librarian in the great state of Texas. Her art and English degrees keep her in the lap of luxury, and the high school students keep her from making any progress on her To Read list. 
Cori’s trying very hard not to be a responsible adult, and spends far too much time playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. (Star Trek is her one true love, however!) She can generally be spotted on Twitter and Pinterest, scavenging ideas from much cooler people.

The State of the MLS, Part One

Steve teams up with Emily and Addie from the LiTTech podcast to discuss the current state of library and information science education with guests David Lankes, Jill Hurst-Wahl, and Cori Dickerson.

Read the transcript.

This is part one of the conversation. Part two is here.

R. David Lankes is a professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. Lankes has always been interested in combining theory and practice to create active research projects that make a difference. Past projects include the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, the Gateway to Education Materials, AskERIC and the Virtual Reference Desk. Lankes’ more recent work involves how participatory concepts can reshape libraries and credibility. You can hear earlier Circulating Ideas interviews with Dr. Lankes here and here.

Jill Hurst-Wahl, MLS, is a digitization consultant and owner of Hurst Associates, Ltd. She also an Associate Professor of Practice in Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and the director of the iSchool’s Library and Information Science Program. She is a member of the SLA Board of Directors (2011-2013). Jill’s interests include digitization, digital libraries, copyright, web 2.0 and social media.

Cori Dickerson is an absentee MLS student and a part-time librarian in the great state of Texas. Her art and English degrees keep her in the lap of luxury, and the high school students keep her from making any progress on her To Read list. Cori’s trying very hard not to be a responsible adult, and spends far too much time playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. (Star Trek is her one true love, however!) She can generally be spotted on Twitter and Pinterest, scavenging ideas from much cooler people.

7: R. David Lankes

Steve speaks with R. David Lankes, professor at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and author of The Atlas of New Librarianship.

Read the transcript.

R. David Lankes is a professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, director of the library science program for the school, and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. Lankes has always been interested in combining theory and practice to create active research projects that make a difference. Past projects include the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, the Gateway to Education Materials, AskERIC and the Virtual Reference Desk. Lankes’ more recent work involves how participatory concepts can reshape libraries and credibility.

Lankes is a passionate advocate for libraries and their essential role in today’s society. He also seeks to understand how information approaches and technologies can be used to transform industries. In this capacity he has served on advisory boards and study teams in the fields of libraries, telecommunications, education, and transportation including at the National Academies. He has been a visiting fellow at the National Library of Canada, the Harvard School of Education, and the first fellow of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy.


Virtual Dave…Real Blog
The Atlas of New Librarianship | Blog
Books on the Side
A Rose By Any Other Name
Civil War, Doctors, and the Future of Librarians
The Annoyed Librarian