55: Rebecca Vnuk

Steve chats with Rebecca Vnuk, editor for Reference and Collection Management at Booklist and co-creator of Shelf Renewal, at the Illinois Library Association conference.

Read the transcript.

Rebecca Vnuk

Rebecca Vnuk  is the Editor for Reference and Collection Management at Booklist Publications. She is the author of 3 Reader’s Advisory nonfiction titles for Libraries Unlimited: Read On…Women’s Fiction (2009), Women’s Fiction Authors: A Research Guide (2009), and Women’s Fiction: A Guide to Popular Reading Interests (co-authored with Nanette Donohue, 2013).  A long-time reviewer and collection development article writer for Library Journal, she was named their “Fiction Reviewer of the Year” in 2008.  In 2010, Rebecca was named both a Library Journal Mover and Shaker as well as the recipient of PLA’s Allie Beth Martin Award. Prior to her career at Booklist,  Rebecca spent 10 years as a Reader’s Advisory librarian and Adult Services manager with various public libraries in Illinois.


“V.C. Andrews Made Me the Librarian I am Today”:
Rebecca reads from Fifty Shades of Grey: youtube.com/watch?v=rW2TWkZDx1A

54: Monica Harris and Karen Egan

Steve chats with Monica Harris and Karen Egan, co-chairs of the Illinois Library Assocation conference planning committee.

Read the transcript.

Monica Harris

Monica Harris is the Deputy Director at the Schaumburg Township District Library and an instructor for San Jose State University’s iSchool. A former teen librarian with an affection for user experience and participatory services, she has been named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker and a PLA Leadership Academy Fellow. Monica is also a serious fan of umami and very slow running.


Karen Egan has worked in library development at the Illinois State Library for 20 years, the last 10 as the LSTA Grants Consultant, and truly believes that she has the best job ever!  With the goal to help libraries of all types use grant funds to improve library services for patrons, she coordinates Illinois’ federal Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) grant program and teaches grant writing skills.  She was awarded the Illinois Library Association Davis Cup award for outstanding services to youth services, and while under her direction, Illinois’ annual Family Reading Night was awarded an ALA John Cotton Dana Public Relations Award.   She was Co-Chairman of the Illinois Library Association’s 2014 Annual Conference and is actively involved in ILEAD USA, a Laura Bush 21st Century Library Grant awarded to the Illinois State Library and On the Front Lines, an annual conference to impact the library customer’s experience.

53: Becky Spratford

Steve chats with Becky Spratford, author of The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Horror, at the Illinois Library Association annual conference.

Read the transcript.

Becky Spratford in YS

Becky Spratford [MLIS] has been a Readers’ Advisor for patrons ages 13 and up for over 14 years at the Berwyn [IL] Public Library. She has taught at the graduate level and trains librarians all over the world. Becky runs two popular and critically acclaimed blogs, RA for All (raforall.blogspot.com) and RA for All: Horror (raforallhorror.blogspot.com) and writes content for EBSCO’s NoveList database. She is the author, mostly recently, of The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Horror (ALA Editions, 2012) and is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association.