The Circle 9 Icon Collective's Journal
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The Circle 9 Icon Collective

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Icons: Multifandom [29 Feb 2012|03:19am]

Cleaned out and uploaded my icon folders from 2011. Alternative links to both LJ and DW for now; I'm in the process of migrating but the LJ comm will remain open.

53 Multifandom--Andromeda (Rhade icons), Fiona Apple, Robert Downey Jr: LJ | DW (Mainly Andromeda)

44 Farscape: LJ| DW

37 Actors (Jensen Ackles, Malin Akerman, AnnaSophia Robb) + 9 odd sized graphics: LJ | DW
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Multifandom Icon posts [19 Aug 2011|02:56pm]


73 Iron Man
60 The Prisoner
59 The Prisoner
93 Music related
All links go to so_out_of_icons.
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Icons-Multifandom [25 Jul 2010|07:10pm]


115 Brotherhood of the Wolves
103 Transporter
63 Multifandom- Iron Man, Crusade: A March Through Time, Duplicity

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe-Roughly 90 per post Post 1| Post 2| Post 3| Post 4|

The 10th Kingdom-Roughly 90 per post Post 1| Post 2| Post 3|
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Icons-Multifandom [29 Jun 2010|02:38pm]


Hawaii 5-0 (Original, baby!)
GI Jane
Sense and Sensibility
Stargate: Atlantis

100 or so icons per post. Links go to so_out_of_icons
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Icons-Multifandom [24 Dec 2009|01:20am]

I've mad a ton of icons in the last few days. Tried to break them up by fandom, but some of the don't have enough to warrant a whole post. Broke them up into 4 posts.

[107] Voltron: Defender of the Universe
[87] Highlander: The Raven
[67] Stargate: SG-1
[30] Painkiller Jane
[23] Obidala (originally for obidala_lims)
[21] Russell Crowe
[16] Bewitched
[16] Highlander: The Series
[16] Sanctuary
[12] Sailor Moon
[09] Women's Murder Club
[07] Xena: Warrior Princess
[04] Misc
[03] Witchblade: The Series
[02] Bionic Woman


TEASER! Icon 008 TEASER! Icon 042 TEASER! Icon 051

Sanctuary and SG-1 | Highlander | Voltron | All others
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Icons-Rodgers and Hammerstien [21 Dec 2009|11:28pm]

I think meneleth requested The King and I a couple of years ago and I finally got the movie, so here are some. I apparently lack the ability to icon an entire film these days, so I just grabbed my favorite scenes from The King and I and The Sound of Music.

Total Icon Count: 120


TEASER! Icon 004 TEASER! Icon 048 TEASER! Icon 067

here on so_out_of_icons
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Icons-Multifandom [20 Dec 2009|04:16am]

[25] Bruce Willis (Die Hard, The Fifth Element)
[25] Leverage
[19] Sanctuary
[15] Russell Crowe (Heaven's Burning, The Silver Stallion, Proof)
[08] Andie MacDowell (Beauty Shop, Deception, Harrison's Flowers)
[04] Anna Paquin (Fly Away Home)
[03] Queen Latifah (Beauty Shop)

Total Icon Count: 101

TEASER! Icon 052 TEASER! Icon 090 TEASER! Icon 100

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Icons-Multifandom [19 Dec 2009|04:16am]

[29] Xena: Warrior Princess
[22] Witchblade: The Series
[24] Disney (Aladdin/Jasmine; Twitches)
[20] Robin Hood 2010
[18] Painkiller Jane
[08] Highlander: The Raven
[09] Stargate: SG-1

-Photobucket seems to have done something odd while uploading and some of the icons are out of order from the rest of their fandoms. My apologies to anyone looking for one group in particular.

TEASER! Icon 027 TEASER! Icon 048 TEASER! Icon 051

Total Icon Count: 131

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Icons: Multifandom [01 Dec 2009|02:28am]

[07] Highlander: The Raven
[50] Xena: Warrior Princess
[53] Witchblade: The Series

Total Icon Count: 110


TEASER! Icon 016 TEASER! Icon 042 TEASER! Icon 043

All Here on so_out_of_icons
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Icons-SG-1-3x04 [23 Nov 2009|02:47pm]


TEASER! Icon 018 TEASER! Icon 029 TEASER! Icon 054

82 here @ so_out_of_icons
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Icons-SG-1 3x02-Seth [19 Nov 2009|02:22pm]


Total Icon Count: 126


TEASER! Icon 076 TEASER! Icon 111 TEASER! Icon 112

here on so_out_of_icons
Masterlist of my previous SG-1 icon sets on so_out_of_icons.
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Icons-SG-1 3x01-Into The Fire [09 Oct 2009|02:30pm]


178 here on so_out_of_icons.

Masterlist of my previous SG-1 icon posts here, also on so_out_of_icons.
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Icons-SG-1-2x09-Secrets [08 Oct 2009|06:53pm]


139 here on so_out_of_icons.

Masterlist of my previous SG-1 icon posts here, also on so_out_of_icons.
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Icons--SG-1--3x07 Deadman's Switch [01 Oct 2009|07:01am]


166 here @ so_out_of_icons
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Icons-SG-1-3x10 Forever In A Day [29 Sep 2009|09:27pm]


144 here @ so_out_of_icons
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Icons-SG-1 4x18-The Light [28 Sep 2009|04:42am]

Some classic team icons from one of my favorite episodes. I can't believe how long it's been since I've made SG-1 icons! Well. Any icons, really, but especially SG-1.

146 here on so_out_of_icons
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Knight Rider icons (The original series) [26 Mar 2009|08:44pm]


TEASER! Icon 013 TEASER! Icon 018 TEASER! Icon 029

36 here on so_out_of_icons.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion icons [04 Mar 2009|10:04pm]

I made icons from episodes 1-10 of Evangelion back in August and I'm just getting around to posting them. As a caveat, I've only seen this show from the episodes I could find on YouTube, and I'm not a big enough anime fan to go hunting it down, so I may or may not finish the series. They were done as a gift for aruna7. Caps from military_base.

Each episode is in its own post. Posts contain between 80 and 125 icons each. If you want to snag from more than one post, you can just leave a single comment on the masterlist or something.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Masterlist
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Master and Commander Icons [16 Feb 2009|02:32am]

A small batch of icons entitled "Why I'd Follow Lucky Jack Anywhere." :P

57 here on so_out_of_icons

-Comments and credit appreciated.
-Textless are not bases this time, sorry. These were too much of a pain.

Check my Movie Icons Master List for more M&C posts. (The other posts can be used as bases)
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Assorted Movie Icons (Lots of Russell Crowe and Christian Bale) [31 Jan 2009|10:59pm]

I've mentioned before I have a tendency to make a lot of icons at once, and then sort of forget to post them to communities. The last time I think I posted to comms was some time in November, and I have made a lot of icons since then-- this time mostly live action films and a few TV fandoms. For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to re-post the links to my icon Master Lists. Links go to my graphics community, so_out_of_icons. Posts contain roughly 100 to 130 icons apiece.

New Subjects ListingCollapse )

LinksCollapse )

CreditsCollapse )

My complete resource list including image credits can be found here.

Yes, these can be used as bases. However, I am more than willing to add text to an icon for someone if they don't have adequate knowledge of graphic art to do so. Please just ask, and always feel free to show me what you've done.

Comments/Credit Appreciated. Not required. If you snag from more than one post and just want to comment on the links page, it's fine.

Requests are currently open-Comment on this post @ my journal.
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