Conference Presentations by Tommy Efrata

This study aim is to describe the effect of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial role m... more This study aim is to describe the effect of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial role models toward entrepreneurial intention of university students, both directly and through mediation of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. The population is business and management students at four public universities in Indonesia who have followed entrepreneurship education. Sampling was conducted through stratified proportional random sampling method; numbers of respondents are 209 students. Data is analyzed by structural equation modeling using a generalized structural component analysis (GSCA) software to measure the relationship and accuracy (fitness) of the models and Sobel test to detect the mediation variables. The study results proved that entrepreneurship education affect to increase the entrepreneurial intention through student's self-perception to entrepreneurial capabilities (perceived feasibility). On other hand, a direct effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention is negative. The type of entrepreneurship education at public universities is awareness education. It potentially could become the cause of negative effect between them. Entrepreneurial role models improve student's entrepreneurial intention through the mediation of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility. Entrepreneurial role models do not have direct effect on entrepreneurial intention. Entrepreneurial characteristics difference between role models and students could potentially become the cause the low effect between them. The study results show inconsistency with the previous studies that examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, this study results also indicate the mediation function of perceived desirability and perceived feasibility on relationship between entrepreneurial role models and entrepreneurial intention which received less attention in previous research. The research results are beneficial for managers and stakeholders of entrepreneurship education in universities to make graduates choose an entrepreneurial career.

Pengembangan identitas entrepreneurial merupakan bagian penting dari pengembangan kompetensi kewi... more Pengembangan identitas entrepreneurial merupakan bagian penting dari pengembangan kompetensi kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh role model terhadap kinerja berwirausaha dengan mediasi identitas entrepreneurial. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang sedang menjalankan usaha rintisan, selama 2 sampai 3 tahun, dengan omset kurang dari 4,8 milyar per tahun. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah simpel random sampling. Total terdapat 57 responden yang dinyatakan layak sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Data yang terkumpul melalui kuisioner diolah dengan menggunakan partial least square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa role model secara langsung tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja berwirausaha. Pengaruh role model terhadap kinerja berwirausaha dimediasi oleh identitas entrepreneurial. Temuan dari penelitian ini dapat mengisi celah konseptual dengan menjelaskan keterkaitan antara role model, identitas entrepreneurial dan kinerja kewirausahaan. Keberadaan identitas entrepreneurial yang memediasi hubungan antara role model dan kinerja berwirausaha, menunjukkan pentingnya seorang entrepreneur dalam memilih role model-nya dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja berwirausaha
Papers by Tommy Efrata

Ekspektra : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of user loyalty in social media banking o... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of user loyalty in social media banking on innovation engagement, functional engagement, emotional engagement, and communal engagement. With a sample of 223 banking customers who actively use social media in Indonesia, this study used survey and purposive sampling methods. Data was collected using a Google Form online questionnaire. SEM-PLS is used to process the collected data. This study tested the hypothesis that user loyalty is affected by innovation engagement, functional engagement, and emotional engagement. User loyalty is unaffected by communal engagement. As far as is known, this study is still not much research with social media objects in the banking industry compared to previous studies. The findings of this study are expected to assist Indonesian banks in determining the best strategy for increasing social media engagement in order to increase customer loyalty.

Review of Management and Entrepreneurship
Because of technological advances, the role of cash as a means of payment began to shift and was ... more Because of technological advances, the role of cash as a means of payment began to shift and was eventually replaced by digital payments. Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard is one of the digital payment methods developed in Indonesia (QRIS). The goal of this study is to determine what factors influence people's intentions to use QRIS as a mobile payment in Indonesia, as measured by personal innovativeness, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and trust. Non-probability sampling was used in this study. Researchers collected data from 241 respondents by distributing questionnaires online via Google Form. The measurement scale used in this study is a linear scale. SEM-PLS is used to process data. According to the findings of this study, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and trust influence the intention of Indonesians to use QRIS, whereas personal innovativeness has no effect. As far as researchers are aware, there are still few studies that specifically dis...

Jurnal aplikasi manajemen, Sep 1, 2021
Studies on individual entrepreneurial orientation as well as the relationship between innovativen... more Studies on individual entrepreneurial orientation as well as the relationship between innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking have not received much attention in the entrepreneurship literature. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between the components of individual entrepreneurial orientation and examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education, individual entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial intention. The model developed was tested on 231 management and business students who have completed an entrepreneurship education program in the university. The data obtained were processed using PLS-SEM statistical programming to evaluate the outer and inner structure of the model. This study indicates that most of the arguments of the model compilers as explicitly observed in determining the effect of proactiveness on innovation have been confirmed. At the same time, risk-taking was discovered not to affect personal innovativeness. Entrepreneurship education was also proven to have affected individual entrepreneurial orientation, while only innovativeness and risk-taking were confirmed to have the ability to increase entrepreneurial intention. The findings succeeded in filling the void related to the study on the relationship dynamics between the dimensions forming individual entrepreneurial orientation. They also comprehensively complement the study model designed in the scope of individual entrepreneurial orientation, which was partially completed. Therefore, the results are expected to provide direction for educators and scholars in the area of entrepreneurship.
Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences Proceeding, Dec 28, 2022

rap fillllllce ;5 regardt'd us WI alternative method to fulfill the need of capital fo r the '{I'... more rap fillllllce ;5 regardt'd us WI alternative method to fulfill the need of capital fo r the '{I'f ll (II'3. This filethod is preferab ly lI,n'c/ since compared /0 the traditional on e, it has many ~t' J_ The /110M nOlaMy is /hal il does 110/ haw to meet inst itutional requirements or market allon. \' colllf'l,ret! 10 if they 115 (' IIIl' traditional WlI)' offinancing. This is part kutarty lrue fo r ll1ml mediulII firms which have 1I limited access to formal channel of finan cing such as credit toe auraaing angel investors. purpose of this study is to identify the techniques uf boots trapping CO""'1U II ~)' used by trmeurs U5 well (1-\ 10 explore !I O'H' intense they make lis e of them. Using 36 small and medium inSurab(~ I'Il. lndonesia (1.\ ' a sample, the result indicates thai managing cash (JI1(J assets is the / freqlll!lll~1' used melhod for entrepreneurs in order to f ulfill their ne cessity of capital. The lIniqllt's for this category include coordinating (J p urc hase with other businesses. requiring a pllymellf, invoicing promptly. minimizing inventory al/(I hl~ri"g used eq uipment. This stud y bfllejil entrepreneurs who l1'a n l 10 init iate aI/eli' Ve/l fUre or business 10 understand various rno/ires offinancing outside the conventional ones. Ie wcrds: small and medi um firm s. bootstrap finance. ca pita l.

Social Science Research Network, Apr 1, 2016
This article explores links between entrepreneurship education (EE) participation, alertness and ... more This article explores links between entrepreneurship education (EE) participation, alertness and risk-taking skills and the intensity of entrepreneurial intention relating to becoming an entrepreneur. Guided by insights from human capital and socially learned stereotypes theories, we conceptualize and test novel hypotheses that consider the potential moderating effect of gender and participation in EE. Business students participating in EE modules were compared with engineering students excluded from such programmes. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that EE students reported high intensity of intention; however, EE did not generate equal benefits for all students. Women were significantly less likely to report high intensity of intention; however, those citing the alertness skill were more likely to report high intensity of intention than non-EE women students. Both male EE and non-EE students citing the risk perception skill reported higher intention whereas, women EE students citing the risk perception skill reported lower intention.
International Journal of Economics and Business Research, 2023

Jurnal Entrepreneur dan Entrepreneurship, Feb 8, 2017
Penelitian yang berfokus pada minat berwirausaha pada mahasiswa sudah banyak dilakukan. Walau dem... more Penelitian yang berfokus pada minat berwirausaha pada mahasiswa sudah banyak dilakukan. Walau demikian penelitian yang secara spesifik meneliti mahasiswa yang memilih untuk tidak melanjutkan rintisan usahanya pada saat kuliah belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sikap kewirausahaan, perspektif lingkungan untuk berwirausaha, dan persepsi kemampuan berwirausaha terhadap minat untuk berwirausaha pada mahasiswa yang tidak melanjutkan rintisan usaha pada saat kuliah. Sampel diseleksi menggunakan metode random sampling. Jumlah sampel ditentukan sebanyak 133 mahasiswa. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan structural equation modeling–partial least square (SEM–PLS). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sikap kewirausahaan, perspektif lingkungan untuk berwirausaha, dan persepsi kemampuan berwirausaha berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat untuk berwirausaha. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 67,9% menunjukkan bahwa variabilitas konstruk minat untuk berwirausaha (Y) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabilitas konstruk sikap kewirausahaan, perspektif lingkungan untuk berwirausaha, dan persepsi kemampuan berwirausaha. Hasil penelitian ini mengonfirmasi model minat berwirausaha berbasiskan teori perilaku terencana yang telah dilakukan pada penelitianpenelitian sebelumnya.

Jurnal keuangan dan perbankan, Sep 1, 2012
Application of bootstrap financing methods had been very popular among small-scale entrepreneurs ... more Application of bootstrap financing methods had been very popular among small-scale entrepreneurs in Indonesia. This was because their access to capital was still very limited. Although bootstrap financing methods were used by many entrepreneurs, the risk factors, timing, market share, education, age, and gender was not yet known. This study aimed to determine whether there was an influence of risk, time, market share, education, age, and gender of the application of bootstrap financing methods. The sample in this study was small and medium entrepreneurs in the city of Surabaya. The sampling method used was stratified random sampling. The analysis technique used was multiple regression. The results of this study showed that the risk factors, time, age, and gender affected significantly to the application of the bootstrap method significant financing, while the market share and education had no significant effect.

Jurnal aplikasi manajemen, Dec 1, 2022
Studies on SME new product development utilizing the design thinking methodology during the pande... more Studies on SME new product development utilizing the design thinking methodology during the pandemic have received little attention from academics. This study aims to examine how a firm's new product and performance are impacted by the design thinking process. The study was carried out at the height of Covid-19's market dominance. Data was gathered using an online survey of 187 SMEs from diverse industries located throughout Indonesia. Purposeful sampling is conducted to find the chosen companies, particularly those that have altered their business model or added new products. The data is then analysed and modelled using SEM-PLS to determine how the concepts connect. This study discovered that SMEs can still use the design thinking method to assist them in coping with the effects of the pandemic. It has also been demonstrated that market volatility makes the design thinking method less effective. The study highlights the significance of a firm's absorptive capacity for fostering the design-thinking process. The results of this study demonstrate how design thinking helps a business succeed during a period of significant changes in customer behaviour, bridging a knowledge gap. The study's conclusions might help SMEs modify their business practices during and after the pandemic.
BIP'S: Jurnal Bisnis dan Perspektif, Jan 31, 2013
Bootstrap financing methods commonly used as an alternative to access a capital, since the conven... more Bootstrap financing methods commonly used as an alternative to access a capital, since the conventional access of capitalis limited for small and medium firms in Indonesia.This study aims to explain the application of bootstrap financing for small and medium-sized firms in getting access to capital. Subjects used in this study are 67 owners of small and medium firms in Surabaya. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that for the method loan from the owner, instrument using personal credit card is the most frequent one. On the other hand, for the method funding from family, borrowing from family and friends is the most common instrument.

Jurnal aplikasi manajemen, Sep 1, 2020
The growth of service companies in the scope of the creative industries has grown a lot in this d... more The growth of service companies in the scope of the creative industries has grown a lot in this decade. However, not much research has explored the innovation process that is key to business sustainability. This study builds the model of the innovation process performed by selected service companies within the creative industry. It investigates some processes of new product development (NPD) of service products of the firms. An interview was conducted on the companies' owners or directors with sufficient knowledge of the innovation process implemented in each company. Data were processed using a qualitative method approach with the help of the NVIVO program. The outcome revealed similarities in the innovation process of NPD among companies, specifically in the stages of identifying problems and opportunities, generating and processing ideas, market predictions, business analysis, visualization, and execution, representing the model in service companies. This research outcome would benefit business practitioners and scholars to better comprehend the NPD process in service companies within the creative industries.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
Asymmetric information between the issuer to potential investors believed by some academics in fi... more Asymmetric information between the issuer to potential investors believed by some academics in finance as one of the main causes of the phenomenon of underpricing at the time of the initial public offering (IPO). On science and technology-based company main problem lies in how to conduct assessments on the future value of a product that is still in the development stage. The issue became more prominent on pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology, due to the characteristics of this industry is the high expense, complex process, and the lengthy process of research and development (R & D) of a product. This study describes the characteristics above is associated with the phenomenon of underpricing when companies conduct IPO. The samples are 82 pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology conduct IPO in the United States stock market in 1998-2005. The results of this study revealed a negative correlation between the intensity of R & D and IPO underpricing phenomenon in this industry. These studies have identified R & D as the main source of information asymmetry that led to the phenomenon of underpricing for pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology.

KnE Social Sciences, 2019
This study is aimed to examine the level of financial literacy among young entrepreneurs. Young e... more This study is aimed to examine the level of financial literacy among young entrepreneurs. Young entrepreneurs in this study are active college students who take entrepreneurship education so that they have a real business besides their role as students. The novelty of this research lies in the research respondents, the aforementioned young entrepreneurs. The research method used was comparative descriptive, which includes investigating the level of financial literacy and then analyzing the difference in the level of financial literacy between male and female entrepreneurs. A survey method was used in this study. The level of financial literacy uses the concept by Chen & Volpe (1998), while the difference test uses the Mann-Whitney test. The results show that the level of young entrepreneurial literacy is in the moderate category. Of the four aspects studied, the highest aspect of financial literacy is the Insurance aspect, while the lowest is the investment aspect. The next result is that there is no difference in the level of financial literacy between young male and female entrepreneurs.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap minat b... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha. Pada model penelitian juga dikaji pengaruh moderasi model peran serta pengaruh mediasi perceived desirability dan perceived feasibility. Desain penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan eksplanatori. Pengumpulan data digunakan dengan metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah probability sampling dengan subyek penelitian adalah 209 mahasiswa pada empat perguruan tinggi negeri yang ada di Jawa Timur yang memiliki visi dan misi untuk menghasilkan lulusan sebagai wirausahawan. Metode analisis data dalam pengujian hipotesis adalah Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kewirausahaan tidak secara langsung berpengaruh pada minat berwirausaha. Penelitian ini membuktikan adanya pengaruh mediasi perceived desirability dan perceived feasibility pada hubungan antara pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha. Sela...

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen
Studies on SME new product development utilizing the design thinking methodology during the pande... more Studies on SME new product development utilizing the design thinking methodology during the pandemic have received little attention from academics. This study aims to examine how a firm’s new product and performance are impacted by the design thinking process. The study was carried out at the height of Covid-19’s market dominance. Data was gathered using an online survey of 187 SMEs from diverse industries located throughout Indonesia. Purposeful sampling is conducted to find the chosen companies, particularly those that have altered their business model or added new products. The data is then analysed and modelled using SEM-PLS to determine how the concepts connect. This study discovered that SMEs can still use the design thinking method to assist them in coping with the effects of the pandemic. It has also been demonstrated that market volatility makes the design thinking method less effective. The study highlights the significance of a firm’s absorptive capacity for fostering the...
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Organizational Innovation (ICOI 2019), 2019
The aim of this study is to identify the influence of marketing and product innovation, competiti... more The aim of this study is to identify the influence of marketing and product innovation, competitive advantage and market orientation on marketing performance. The objects of this research are small and medium enterprises in the garment industry in Indonesia. 107 firms were selected as samples in this study. The Data was obtained through surveys using Likert scale. Data was tested using multiple regression methods. The results of the study suggest that marketing innovation, product innovation, competitive advantage and market orientation affect marketing performance.
Conference Presentations by Tommy Efrata
Papers by Tommy Efrata