Papers by Miguel Angel Olvera-Novoa

Introducción: Existe una gran variedad de desechos agrícolas, entre los que se encuentra la pulpa... more Introducción: Existe una gran variedad de desechos agrícolas, entre los que se encuentra la pulpa de café, que no son utilizados en su totalidad, y que podrían ser empleados como complemento en la alimentación animal (1). En la pulpa están presentes sustancias con efectos antifisiológicos como la cafeína, y antinutricionales como los compuestos fenólicos que constituyen el primer factor limitante para su utilización. La fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) permite eliminar dichos compuestos. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el producto fermentado de pulpa de café en dietas balanceadas para crías de tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Metodología. Se utilizó pulpa de café ensilada, la cuál fue inoculada con el hongo Penicillium comune usando un nivel de inóculo de 10 7 g -1 (esporas/g MSH). Se trabajó con un reactor de charolas de 4 Kg de capacidad, el cuál fue colocado en una cámara bajo condiciones de humedad, temperatura y aireación controladas por 40 horas. Obteniendo así el sus...

In this study, the effect as growth promoter of five lactic acid strains (Enterococcus faecium, E... more In this study, the effect as growth promoter of five lactic acid strains (Enterococcus faecium, E. durans, Leuconostoc sp., Streptococcus sp. I and Streptococcus sp. II), isolated from intestinal tract of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), was evaluated. Eight isocaloric diets were formulated: one containing 40% of protein as positive control, and seven with 27% protein. Five diets with 27% protein were supplemented with one of the isolated lactic acid bacteria in a concentration of 2.5x10 6 cfu g -1 of diet. A commercial probiotic based on S. faecium and Lactobacillus acidophilus was added at the same concentration to one 27% protein diet as a comparative diet, and the last diet was not supplemented with bacteria (negative control). Tilapia fry (280 mg basal weight) stocked in 15 L aquaria at a density of two per liter were fed for 12 weeks with experimental diets. Results showed that fry fed with native bacteria supplemented diets presented significantly higher growth and feeding performance than those fed with control diet. Treatment with Streptococcus sp. I isolated from the intestine of Tilapia produced the best growth and feeding efficiency, suggesting that this bacteria is an appropriate native growth promoter.

During the tuna canning process, about 52~54% of the total weight of the fish is discarded as was... more During the tuna canning process, about 52~54% of the total weight of the fish is discarded as waste, which can be processed in order to obtain tuna byproducts meal (TBM), or stabilized as tuna silage hydrolysates (TSH). Both products were tested as replacements of soybean meal (SBM), in diets for fingerling male Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. Seven test diets were isonitrogenous (35% CP) and isoenergetic (19 kJ g -1 ): a basal diet contained SBM as main protein source (TSH0); four experimental diets had increasing inclusion levels of TSH replacing 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the SBM protein. The sixth diet contained TBM as sole protein source, and a commercial feed for tilapia was used as reference diet (RD). The diets were fed for eight weeks to triplicate tanks, each with 15 fry tilapia (initial weight of 0.89 ± 0.29 g). Tilapia fed the TBM diet had greater weight gain and feed intake, and lower feed conversion ratios than those fed diets containing with TSH. The RD, TSH25 and TSH50 diets gave the similar growth response. Fish fed diets TSH0, TSH75% and TSH100% showed reduced growth performance. Uso de residuos de la industria del atún en dietas para alevines de tilapia del Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus: efecto sobre la digestibilidad y el rendimiento del crecimiento RESUMEN. Durante el proceso de enlatado de atún se desecha aproximadamente el 52-54% del peso total de los peces. Estos desechos pueden ser usados para producir harina de desechos de atún (TBM) o estabilizados como subproductos hidrolizados de atún (TSH). Ambos productos se probaron como sustitutos de harina de soya (SBM), en dietas para alevines de tilapia del Nilo Oreochromis niloticus. Seis dietas con igual contenido de proteína (35%) y energía (19 kJ g -1 ): una dieta basal con SBM como principal fuente de proteína (TSH0); y cuatro dietas experimentales se prepararon con crecientes niveles de TSH en reemplazo de 25, 50, 75 y 100% de la proteína de soya. La sexta dieta fue preparada con TBM como única fuente de proteína y un alimento comercial fue incluido como dieta referencia (RD). Estas dietas se ofrecieron por triplicado durante ocho semanas a grupos de 15 alevines cada uno, con un peso medio inicial de 0,89 ± 0,29 g. Los peces alimentados con la dieta preparada con TBM presentaron mayor ganancia de peso, mayor consumo de alimento y factor de conversión más eficiente que los alimentados con las dietas RD, TSH25 y TSH50. Con las dietas antes mencionadas, se obtuvieron resultados similares entre sí, mientras que los peces que recibieron dietas TSH0, TSH75% y TSH100% dieron las menores respuestas de crecimiento. Palabras clave: alimentación de peces, derivados de la pesca, ensilado, proteínas prestadas, Oreochromis niloticus.

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 2012
de chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa McVaugh) como sustituto parcial del alimento balanceado RESUMEN.... more de chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa McVaugh) como sustituto parcial del alimento balanceado RESUMEN. La acuicultura es una alternativa para la producción de proteína de alta calidad a bajo precio, particularmente en países en desarrollo y desabasto de alimentos. En zonas rurales, la disponibilidad de insumos alternativos es clave para mejorar la producción en el cultivo de peces, sobre todo si dichos insumos se usan en forma cruda. Una opción son las hojas de chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa), arbusto que crece en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. En este estudio se evaluó durante dos épocas climáticas (cálida y fría) la supervivencia, tasa de crecimiento y tasa de conversión alimenticia de juveniles de tilapia (7-14,5 g), al sustituir parcialmente la ración de alimento balanceado (25 y 50%) con hojas crudas de chaya (ad libitum), en un diseño experimental completamente al azar, con dos tratamientos y un control (100% de la ración a base de alimento balanceado), con tres réplicas cada uno por época climática. Las densidades fueron de 36 peces m -3 por réplica en la época fría y de 44 peces m -3 por réplica en la época cálida. Los resultados indican que los tratamientos con 50 y 75% de alimento balanceado y chaya, en ambas épocas climáticas, tuvieron una ganancia de peso similar a la de los organismos que se alimentaron con la dieta control. Durante la época fría se observaron efectos adversos en la supervivencia, peso ganado y tasa de conversión alimenticia en todos los tratamientos, lo cual no ocurrió en la época cálida. Al incluir hojas de chaya en la dieta de las tilapias, la tasa de conversión alimenticia de alimento balanceado se redujo de 9,17 a 33,62% en la época fría y de 15,38 a 40,23% en la época cálida. Los resultados muestran que el uso de insumos complementarios disponibles regionalmente como la chaya, puede favorecer el desarrollo de cultivos de tilapia a pequeña escala en los trópicos.

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2008
The discharge of nutrients, phytoplankton and pathogenic bacteria through ballast water may threa... more The discharge of nutrients, phytoplankton and pathogenic bacteria through ballast water may threaten the Cayo Arcas reef system. To assess this threat, the quality of ballast water and presence of coral reef pathogenic bacteria in 30 oil tankers loaded at the PEMEX Cayo Arcas crude oil terminal were determined. The water transported in the ships originated from coastal, oceanic or riverine regions. Statistical associations among quality parameters and bacteria were tested using redundancy analysis (RDA). In contrast with coastal or oceanic water, the riverine water had high concentrations of coliforms, including Vibrio cholerae 01 and, Serratia marcescens and Sphingomona spp., which are frequently associated with ''white pox" and ''white plague type II" coral diseases. There were also high nutrient concentrations and low water quality index values (WQI and TRIX). The presence of V. cholerae 01 highlights the need for testing ballast water coming from endemic regions into Mexican ports.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2007
Analysis was done of the composition and bioactive factor content of whole meal, processed meal a... more Analysis was done of the composition and bioactive factor content of whole meal, processed meal and protein concentrate from a cowpea cultivar (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp var. IT86D-719) grown in Yucatan, Mexico and of changes in these parameters after soaking and dehulling. Both meals had a high protein content (247.53 and 257 g kg −1 dry matter (DM) respectively). The protein concentrate was rich in protein (786 g kg −1 DM) and lipids (58.47 g kg −1 DM) and had an amino acid profile similar to that of the processed meal. The amino acid profiles of the meals almost covered human dietary requirements based on FAO/WHO/UNU-suggested profiles but were deficient in sulphur amino acids. Trypsin inhibitor activity was high in both meals compared with levels found in previous studies. Trypsin inhibitor activity in the concentrate was not eliminated but was significantly reduced. Lectin activity, tannin levels, phytate levels and α-amylase inhibitor activity were relatively low in the meals, and cyanogenic glucosides were not detected. Residual amounts of α-amylase inhibitors, tannins and phytate were observed in the concentrate, and lectin activity was not detected. Results indicate that V. unguiculata L. Walp var. IT86D-719 meals and protein concentrate are good potential foodstuffs in the Yucatan region.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003
The nutritional and physiological effects of raw cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) seed meal, ... more The nutritional and physiological effects of raw cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.) seed meal, protein isolate (globulins), or starch on the metabolism of young growing rats have been evaluated in 14-day trials. Wet and dry weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, and lipid and protein accretion were significantly reduced as a result of inclusion of seed meal, globulins, or starch in the diet, with growth retardation being most marked with the seed meal. The proportional weights of the small intestine and pancreas were increased by meal diets, and serum cholesterol levels were slightly reduced. The globulins and raw starch also increased relative small intestine weights but had no effect on the pancreas or serum constituents. The effects of cowpeas on rats appeared to be due primarily to the combined actions of globulins, resistant starches, protease inhibitors, and possibly fiber and non-starch polysaccharides on intestinal and systemic metabolism.

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013
Tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) is an economically and socially important freshwater species... more Tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) is an economically and socially important freshwater species from Southeastern Mexico, with a high aquaculture potential. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to characterize the digestive proteases of tropical gar juveniles through biochemical and electrophoretic analyses. Twenty specimens with an average weight of 73.6 ± 12.7 g were used to obtain stomach and intestinal tissue from which multienzymatic extracts were prepared. The general activities of the acid and alkaline proteases were evaluated, as well as the specific activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase A. The effect of the pH and temperature on the proteases was also analyzed, together with the composition of the multienzymatic extracts using protease inhibitors and electrophoretic tests. Results showed that A. tropicus have a functional stomach in which protein hydrolysis starts with pepsin and which contains endo-and exopeptidases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, leucine aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase A) and proteases that are resistant to high temperatures (45 and 55°C for alkaline and acid proteases, respectively) and pH values. Using zymogram technique, we found two acid protease isoforms (0.35 and 0.71 rf) and five alkaline protease isoforms (83.7, 43.7, 27.5, 24.0 and 19.4 kDa), which decrease or disappear with the different inhibitors. Thus, this species is considered to be a carnivore capable of adapting to its environment by consuming different types of proteins from preys and also could adapt rapidly to consume a compound diet with different animal protein sources.

Aquaculture Research, 2010
The in£uence of dietary protein/lipid levels on growth and survival in juvenile cray¢sh (Procamba... more The in£uence of dietary protein/lipid levels on growth and survival in juvenile cray¢sh (Procambarus acanthophorus) was evaluated during a12-week nutritional trial. Twenty experimental diets were formulated containing di¡erent protein (200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 g kg À 1 ) and lipid (60, 80, 100 and 120 g kg À 1 ) levels. A bifactorial model (5 Â 4) was used with three replicates and 15 cray¢sh (0.014 AE 0.006 g) per replicate, in a recirculation system with 60^15 L rectangular tanks and a biological ¢lter, the culture conditions were a photoperiod of 12:12 h L:D and temperature 24.7 AE 1.0 1C. Total survival ranged from 66.6% to 86.6%, with no di¡erences attributed to treatments. Dietary protein levels had a signi¢cant e¡ect on growth gain and nutritional e⁄ciency; in contrast, lipid levels had no effect on juvenile performance. The 250/120 (protein/ lipid) treatment promoted the most e⁄cient growth (¢nal weight: 3.09 g, weight gain: 21995%, speci¢c growth rate: 3.35% day À 1 ); the less e⁄cient growth was observed in juveniles fed with 400 g kg À 1 protein diets. The quadratic regression model indicated 279 g kg À 1 as the optimal protein level for cray¢sh growth, while levels between 211 and 232 g kg À 1 could minimize the feeding costs without a¡ecting growth.
Aquaculture Research, 2004

Aquaculture Nutrition, 2010
The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of poultry byproduct meal-pet food grade (PBM) and ... more The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of poultry byproduct meal-pet food grade (PBM) and porcine meal (PM) were determined for fingerling male Nile tilapia. ADC for protein were 98.1% and 92.3% in PBM and PM, and 87.1% and 79.4% for energy. PBM and PM were then used as complete replacements for fish meal (FM) in practical diets for Nile tilapia formulated to contain equal digestible protein (300 g kg )1 ) and energy (16.74 MJ per 100 g) on an as-fed basis. Fingerlings (mean initial weight ±SD, 9.5 ± 0.015 g) were fed for 8 weeks on one of the four diets: FM-, PBM-or PM-based and a commercial feed. The ADC for protein in control and PBM diets (89.7% and 87.9%) were significantly higher than those for the control diet (81.96%). Growth performance and feed utilization were statistically similar between fish fed control and PBM diets, whereas the PM diet exhibited significantly lower performance compared with the control. However, the PM diet showed similar results to the commercial reference diet. Survival and feed conversion ratio were not significantly influenced by replacement of FM with either PBM or PM. The results indicated that PBM and PM can effectively replace FM in practical diets for fingerling Nile tilapia.
Aquaculture, 2003
The main objective of aquaculture is to obtain high yields to improve the costbenefit relationsh... more The main objective of aquaculture is to obtain high yields to improve the costbenefit relationship. Organic fertilizers are considered cheap inputs that may contribute to improving crop yields; however, responses to these fertilizers can vary not only due to their own ...

Aquaculture, 2003
The influence of dietary lipid level on growth, survival, and proximate composition of juvenile r... more The influence of dietary lipid level on growth, survival, and proximate composition of juvenile redclaw crayfish was evaluated during a 12-week growth trial utilizing semi-intensive culture conditions. Four diets were formulated to be isoenergetic (17.58 kJ g À 1 ) and isonitrogenous (30% crude protein). Three of the diets were designed to contain 4.2% (L4), 8.2% (L8) and 12.3% (L12) lipid in a 1:1 ratio of corn oil/fish oil. A fourth diet was formulated to contain 8.7% (LC8) lipid, with corn oil as lipid supplement. A fifth treatment (UF) was included in which the redclaw were not fed in order to estimate the contribution of primary production. Juvenile redclaw (4.08 F 0.2 g initial weights) were stocked at a density of 10 per tank in 15, 2.5-m 3 fiberglass tanks with three replicates per treatment. The trial was conducted in an outdoor flow-through water system. The redclaw in the unfed treatment gained 8.3 g whereas redclaw that received a prepared ration gained an average of 31.9 g. Hence, in this experiment natural productivity contributed about 26% of the weight gain of the redclaw maintained in outdoor tanks. Among the fed treatments, there were no significant differences in survival, final weight, growth, or feed utilization. The hepatosomatic index (HI) generally increased with lipid level and 0044-8486/03/$ -see front matter D Aquaculture 223 was influenced by the sex of the redclaw. Results indicated that in similar culture conditions, diets containing 4% lipid are sufficient for redclaw growth and survival when natural food is present. D

Aquaculture, 2004
The effect of dietary cholesterol level on growth and survival of juvenile redclaw crayfish Chera... more The effect of dietary cholesterol level on growth and survival of juvenile redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus was evaluated over a 10-week culture period. Five isoenergetic (430 kcal/100 g) and isonitrogenous (30% protein) diets, supplemented with 0%, 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.00% cholesterol were evaluated. Juvenile redclaw crayfish (0.06 F 0.02 g) were individually housed in plastic cages in 15-l, low case tanks in a climate-controlled laboratory, using a semiclosed recirculation system. Water temperature was maintained at 28 F 0.5 jC. Redclaw crayfish fed with 0.50% cholesterol diet had significantly higher weight gain than those from the other four treatments. Redclaw crayfish fed with diets without cholesterol supplementation had the lowest growth. Survival ranged from 90% to 100% and was not significantly different among treatments. The recommended dietary cholesterol level for optimum growth under these environmental conditions was 0.50%. D
Aquaculture, 1994
A 15-week experiment was conducted with bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles to determine the eff... more A 15-week experiment was conducted with bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles to determine the effects of three different water management strategies in rearing tanks: static, a daily exchange (100%/day) and a recirculating system (900% exchange rate/day). Survival, growth rate ...
Hidrobiológica, 2002
2002 Miguel Rodríguez Serna / Claudia Carmona Osalde / José Luis Arredondo Figueroa / Miguel A. O... more 2002 Miguel Rodríguez Serna / Claudia Carmona Osalde / José Luis Arredondo Figueroa / Miguel A. Olvera Novoa DISTRIBUCIÓN GEOGRÁFICA ACTUAL DE PROCAMBARUS (AUSTROCAMBARUS) LLAMASI (CAMBARIDAE)EN LA PENÍNSULA DE YUCATÁN ...
Lara Flores, M., Briones, L., Olvera Novoa, M., 2002. Avances en la utilización de probióticos co... more Lara Flores, M., Briones, L., Olvera Novoa, M., 2002. Avances en la utilización de probióticos como promotores de crecimiento en tilapia nilótica (Oreochromis niloticus). En: Cruz-Suárez, LE, Ricque-Marie, D., Tapia-Salazar, M., Gaxiola-Cortés, MG, Simoes, N. ...

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2002
This study provides information on the use of shrimp head silage protein hydrolysate (SPH) as an ... more This study provides information on the use of shrimp head silage protein hydrolysate (SPH) as an alternative protein source for tilapia feeding. Six diets (28% protein, 12% lipid) were prepared where ®shmeal protein was replaced at levels of 0 (control), 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% with the hydrolysate. The diets were supplied to Nile tilapia fry (338 mg initial weight) stocked in plastic recirculating 20 l tanks (10 animals per tank), with three replicates per treatment. After an 8 week experimental period, ®sh fed the diets containing 10 and 15% SPH showed signi®cantly better performance in terms of ®nal body weight, weight gain (%), mean daily weight gain (mg day À1 ), speci®c growth ratio and feed conversion ratio than those fed the control diet (®shmeal as protein source) and higher-SPH diets. It is concluded that shrimp head hydrolysate is a promising alternative protein source for tilapia feeding, improving growth ratio at dietary inclusion levels as high as 15%. In addition, the diets with added shrimp silage protein were well accepted by the ®sh, which avidly consumed the feed during the experiment.
The dietary requirement of VC in L. guttatus was estimated to be 29 mg kg-1 of AA based on weight... more The dietary requirement of VC in L. guttatus was estimated to be 29 mg kg-1 of AA based on weight gain and specific growth rate, but more than 250 mg kg-1 of AA is required to eliminate clinical signs and histopathological lesions.
Papers by Miguel Angel Olvera-Novoa