Papers by Muhammad Ali Lodhi

RPL routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF... more RPL routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recommended IPv6 based protocol for routing over Low power Lossy Networks (LLNs). RPL is proposed for networks with characteristics like small packet size, low bandwidth, low data rate, lossy wireless links and low power. RPL is a proactive routing protocol that creates a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the network topology. RPL is increasingly used for Internet of Things (IoT) which comprises of heterogeneous networks and applications. RPL proposes a single path routing strategy. The forwarding technique of RPL does not support multiple paths between source and destination. Multipath routing is an important strategy used in both sensor and ad-hoc network for performance enhancement. Multipath routing is also used to achieve multi-fold objectives including higher reliability, increase in throughput, fault tolerance, congestion mitigation and hole avoidance. In this paper, M-RPL (Multi-path extension of RPL) is proposed, which aims to provide temporary multiple paths during congestion over a single routing path. Congestion is primarily detected using buffer size and packet delivery ratio at forwarding nodes. Congestion is mitigated by creating partially disjoint multiple paths and by avoiding forwarding of packets through the congested node. Detailed simulation analysis of M-RPL against RPL in both grid and random topologies shows that M-RPL successfully mitigates congestion and it enhances overall network throughput.

— Todays in computing environment, most of our critical activities depends on network services in... more — Todays in computing environment, most of our critical activities depends on network services in a variety of domain. For trustworthy environment a secure mechanism is needed that ensures the security of all activities from any damage and unauthorized access. Several defending systems are introduced to face challenges that enforcing security policies. Intrusion detections and prevention systems are one of those that are used to define security policies, documenting threats and observe entities that violating security policies. Snort is one of the efficient and widely used signature based IDS (Intrusion Detection System/) that analyses real time network packets for secure computing. But IDS employs complex syntax that describe attacks description and required more processing power. Software and hardware based platforms tolerate this difficulties and faces challenges that can considerably reduce performance. In this research a pre-filtering model is presented that improves the overall performance of an IDS. It is infrequent for each incoming packet to match with a number of rules. With the advantage of this remake, a pre-filtering approach is used that selects a small part of rules from IDS ruleset. This small part of rules further applicant for full match. Second full match module provides high throughput with this small subset of rules. When a fixed number of rules cross its limit, priority analyser (PA) judge packet priority and provide it processing resources to complete its residual processing. As the number of rules increase, the probability of priority analyser increase according to it. In our experiment we used DefCon traces and snort IDS ruleset and select prefix up to ten character of payload part of packet. This model reduce a large overhead of processing, drop ratio of packets and improve scalability of system. Keywords— Intrusion detection system, network intrusion deteciotn system , intrusion prevention system, packet pre-filtering, processing enigne.

—During last decades of advancements in technology, new ways are opened to think and develop an i... more —During last decades of advancements in technology, new ways are opened to think and develop an infrastructure that can perform sensing, monitoring, communication and computation for administrators of the system to perform different task.In Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), selection of appropriate Cluster Head (CH) is very important task in wireless sensor networks for stability and reduction of frequent reselection of CH. Considering the limitations of WSNs, there is a need of some intelligent and novel approach so that the energy consumption is optimized and frequent reselection of CH is reduced. The selections of a various input parameters with assigned weight may significant improve the CH selection, eliminating the frequent reselection of CH. In this paper a novel fuzzy logic based CH selection scheme is proposed that takes in account of different parameters including battery power, vulnerability and communication history to optimally select CH. Overall aim of the study is to identify different clustering challenges, Cluster head selection parameters and analyzing them to find the impact on performance of overall network life time.

—Routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) is the standard IPv6 based routing proto... more —Routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL) is the standard IPv6 based routing protocol for low power, lossy Networks (LLNs) proposed by IETF. It is proposed for networks with characteristics like small packet size, lossy links, low bandwidth, low data rate and low power resources. RPL is a single path routing protocol and the existing objective functions do not support creation of multiple routing paths between source and destination. Multipath routing can be used to achieve multi-fold objectives, including higher reliability, increased throughput, fault tolerance, congestion mitigation and hole avoidance. In this paper, M-RPL a multi-path extension of RPL is proposed that aims to provide temporary multipath routing during congestion over a path. Congestion is primarily detected by a forwarding node by monitoring packet delivery ratio and is mitigated by providing partially disjoint multipath routing. Detailed simulation analysis of M-RPL against RPL shows that using multi-path RPL reduces congestion and increases the overall throughput. Hence M-RPL is suitable for supporting high data rates as compared to single path RPL. Keywords—Low power and lossy networks, multipath routing, RPL, congestion control, partially disjoint paths.

RPL (Routing Protocol for low power and Lossy networks) is recommended by Internet Engineering Ta... more RPL (Routing Protocol for low power and Lossy networks) is recommended by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for IPv6-based LLNs (Low Power and Lossy Networks). RPL uses a proactive routing approach and each node always maintains an active path to the sink node. Sink-to-sink coordination defines syntax and semantics for the exchange of any network defined parameters among sink nodes like network size, traffic load, mobility of a sink, and so forth. The coordination allows sink to learn about the network condition of neighboring sinks. As a result, sinks can make coordinated decision to increase/decrease their network size for optimizing over all network performance in terms of load sharing, increasing network lifetime, and lowering end-to-end latency of communication. Currently, RPL does not provide any coordination framework that can define message exchange between different sink nodes for enhancing the network performance. In this paper, a sink-to-sink coordination framework is proposed which utilizes the periodic route maintenance messages issued by RPL to exchange network status observed at a sink with its neighboring sinks. The proposed framework distributes network load among sink nodes for achieving higher throughputs and longer network's life time.

—The Routing Protocol for Low power and lossy network (RPL) is recommended by Internet Engineerin... more —The Routing Protocol for Low power and lossy network (RPL) is recommended by Internet Engineering Task force (IETF) for IPv6 based Low Power Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN). RPL is a proactive routing protocol for Internet of Things (IoT) that has applications in smart homes, smart cities and smart world. RPL creates a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the network topology. Rank in a primitive construct in RPL and it defines the relative position of node within the DAG. It is used for topology formation, maintenance and prevention of loops in routing paths. Few internal attacks are identified in existing literatures which maliciously use the rank property within RPL networks. In this paper, we introduce a new rank attack in RPL networks that modifies Objective Function (OF) along with rank value. The OF is used by RPL nodes to select forwarding nodes based on application defined routing metric e. g., expected transmission count, residual energy etc. The proposed rank attack is more distractive in nature because the attacking node can easily force its neighboring nodes to route their data through the attacking node. Comprehensive simulation analysis has shown that the proposed rank attack can be used to introduce false routing path for decreasing network throughput and increasing latency of communication.

— Low power and lossy networks (LLNs) consist of devices having limited battery power, less memor... more — Low power and lossy networks (LLNs) consist of devices having limited battery power, less memory, reduced processing capability. RPL (Routing Protocol for low power and Lossy networks), is an approved Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard routing protocol for IPv6-based LLNs. RPL uses a proactive routing approach and the sink or controller node within the network creates a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the network. In a RPL network each node has a path to the sink node and the sink has routing paths to all nodes within the network. In case of multiple sink nodes within the network, nodes attach themselves with DAG of closet sink depending on the objective function used by RPL. In a multi-sink environment sink nodes can coordinate for evenly distributing the network load, increasing network life time, resource sharing and quick data collection. Currently, RPL does not provide any coordination framework that can define message exchange between different sink nodes for enhancing the network performance. In this paper, we propose a novel sink-to-sink coordination framework in RPL network for enhancing overall network throughput and increasing overall network lifetime. The proposed coordination framework uses the network management messages issued by RPL to achieve message exchange between multiple sink nodes. Simulation analysis has shown that the proposed coordination framework enhance network performance of RPL in a multi-sink network. Keywords—Low power and lossy networks, sinks to sink coordination, RPL, coordination framework.
Papers by Muhammad Ali Lodhi