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Land Use Land Cover (LULC) change analysis assists decision makers to ensure sustainable development and to understand the dynamics of our changing environment. During the past 15 years the study area has undergone many LULC changes due... more
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      Remote SensingChange detectionLandsatSoil Erodibility
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Surface reflectance (SR) estimation is the most critical preprocessing step for deriving geophysical parameters in multi-sensor remote sensing. Most state-of-the-art SR estimation methods, such as the vector version of the Second... more
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Surface reflectance (SR) estimation is the most critical preprocessing step for deriving geophysical parameters in multi-sensor remote sensing. Most state-of-the-art SR estimation methods, such as the vector version of the Second... more
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Haze is an atmospheric phenomenon in which different types of particulates obscure the sky, and hence affect almost all human activities. Over a couple of recent decades, China has witnessed increasingly worse air quality as well as... more
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(M.B.); Tel.: +86-136-0515-4865 (H.L.) +86-132-6085-6312 (M.B.) † Authors with equal contributions. Abstract: The optical and physical characteristics of the aerosol vertical layers over Northeastern China (NEC) are investigated using the... more
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Many modelling studies suggest that the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), in interaction with the tropical Pacific background climate, will change with rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Solar geoengineering (reducing... more
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      ENSOThermoclineEl Nino-Southern OscillationGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by ISB. This eoffprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the... more
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In observational studies with exposures or treatments that vary over time, standard approaches for adjustment of confounding are biased when there exist time-dependent confounders that are also affected by previous treatment. This paper... more
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      StatisticsEpidemiologyMethodologyPublic Health
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceModelingEcology
Stochastic daily weather generators commonly used for biological modeling applications do not adequately reproduce empirical distributions of global solar irradiance. The daily clearness index, the ratio of daily... more
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      Stochastic ProcessEarth SciencesDensity-functional theoryBiological Sciences
This research study has been carried out to explore the dependence of fog formation on Radioactive aerosols. The aerosols containing radioactive nuclides are called radioactive aerosols. A large number of radioactive nuclides are present... more
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Finer climate change information on spatial scale is required for impact studies than that presently provided by global or regional climate models. It is especially true for regions like South Asia with complex topography, coastal or... more
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Finer climate change information on spatial scale is required for impact studies than that presently provided by global or regional climate models. It is especially true for regions like South Asia with complex topography, coastal or... more
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    • Atmospheric sciences
This research study has been carried out to explore the dependence of fog formation on 210 Pb and 7 Be laden aerosols. Results for Activity Concentrations of these radio-nuclides in the samples in clear and foggy conditions were... more
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Palestine faces economic and political issues such as conflict, siege and urbanization; all these have led to an increase in the air pollution over Gaza Strip. In this study, Particulate matter 10 (PM10) concentrations over Gaza Strip has... more
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      Environmental SciencePalestineAirborne Particulates
Natural and anthropogenic influence affects directly ecologic equilibrium and hydro morphologic symmetry of riverine surroundings. The current research intends to study the hydro morphologic features (meanders, shape, and size) of Indus... more
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This study was aimed to find the signature based spatial patterns of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) by using satellite data for Indus river delta district Thatta, Sindh Province of Pakistan. The Normalized Difference Suspended... more
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