Policy Briefs by Rachel Sieder

Publicado como Cuaderno de Debate, FLACSO-Guatemala (diciembre de 1996) * Rachel Sieder es catedr... more Publicado como Cuaderno de Debate, FLACSO-Guatemala (diciembre de 1996) * Rachel Sieder es catedrática de ciencias políticas en el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Londres e investigadora asociada de FLACSO, Guatemala. Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (ILAS) School of Advanced Study University of London 31 Tavistock Square London WC1H 9HA Tel: (00 44) 207-862-8870 Fax: (00 44) 207-862-8886 FLACSO -Facultad Latinomericana de Ciencias Sociales 5a. Avenida 6-23 zona 9 Guatemala Telefax: (00 502) 326729 E-mail: [email protected] Indice Introducción 1. El derecho y la reconstrucción del Estado en la transición actual Las demandas mayas y la transición guatemalteca 2. El derecho consuetudinario: definiciones 3. El derecho consuetudinario y el pluralismo legal: el desarrollo de la literatura existente Orígenes coloniales El pluralismo legal Derecho vrs. orden 4. Perspectivas para el análisis del derecho: entendiendo el derecho consuetudinario Comunidad y cultura 5. El derecho y la violencia: contrainsurgencia y cambio legal

Millennium Development Goal number 5 (MDG 5) aims to reduce maternal mortality. In this brief we ... more Millennium Development Goal number 5 (MDG 5) aims to reduce maternal mortality. In this brief we argue that, in the current global context more rigorous research focusing on the legal battles around women’s sexual and reproductive rights – over who gets to control women’s bodies – is of critical importance if this goal is to be reached..
When Pope Francisco I was elected last week, his position on sexual and reproductive rights and his stand on abortion was one of the main topics in the media and on social networks all over the world. The debates surrounding the election of the new pope signal the close links between religion, conceptions of morality, public policies and sexual and reproductive rights. For many people in countries where the majority are Roman Catholic, these are key issues. Whether these countries are secular or non-secular states, the Catholic Church is seen as an authority with regard to sexual and reproductive rights (SSR), and on public policies and laws that regulate and define these rights.
Papers by Rachel Sieder

The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2009
R e s u m e n Este artículo reú ne una serie de reflexiones colectivas sobre las profundas transf... more R e s u m e n Este artículo reú ne una serie de reflexiones colectivas sobre las profundas transformaciones que los patrones de globalizació n neoliberal están causando en las comunidades indígenas y la manera en que los pueblos indígenas se están posicionando dentro de estos nuevos contextos como sujetos de derechos. Uno de los objetivos del proyecto colectivo que dio origen a este artículo fue el de reflejar de forma comparativa las experiencias indígenas en distintas regiones de México, Guatemala y los Estados Unidos, incluyendo la vivencia transnacional de los migrantes indígenas en estos países. Nuestro enfoque se centra en la manera en que los pueblos indígenas luchan por sus derechos políticos, sociales y econó micos, sus formas de autonomía y un mejor acceso a la justicia dentro de los cambios producidos por la globalizació n econó mica y legal. Nos interesan particularmente las maneras diferenciadas en que los hombres y mujeres
RESUMEN Este artículo reúne una serie de reflexiones colectivas sobre las profundas transformacio... more RESUMEN Este artículo reúne una serie de reflexiones colectivas sobre las profundas transformaciones que los patrones de globalización neoliberal están causando en las comunidades indígenas y la manera en que los pueblos indígenas se están posicionando dentro de estos nuevos contextos como sujetos de derechos.
… europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del …, 1997
... Enlaces. Customary law and democratic transition in Guatemala. Código, Rev.457. Título del ar... more ... Enlaces. Customary law and democratic transition in Guatemala. Código, Rev.457. Título del artículo, "Customary law and democratic transition in Guatemala". Autor del artículo, Sieder, Rachel Siebers, Hans. comment. Revista, ...

Judicialization and Political Activism in Latin America, 2009
ABSTRACT Legal practices and ideas about law are undergoing dramatic change in Latin America. Tod... more ABSTRACT Legal practices and ideas about law are undergoing dramatic change in Latin America. Today, a turn-of-the-century crop of constitutions grants higher courts greater powers; provides long lists of social, economic, and cultural rights; and assigns international treaties constitutional status "or better" within the hierarchy of laws. High courts, in turn, have begun to cast themselves as defenders of rights and to intervene in significant political controversies. And, correspondingly, political claims more often take legal forms. The growing importance of law, legal discourse and legal institutions in the political arena has led scholars to report that a "judicialization of politics" is underway in the region. Our volume explores this landscape of changing legal cultures. Starting with the assumption that formalism is no longer a useful concept for describing Latin American legal cultures "and was in any case always an oversimplification" we explore the repertoires of legal ideas and practices that accompany, cause, and are a consequence of the judicialization of politics.
Economy and Society, 2011
... Peo-ple's Battle for Indigenous Land: Possibilities for Litigating on Indige... more ... Peo-ple's Battle for Indigenous Land: Possibilities for Litigating on Indigenous Land Rights(May 2006 ... Her research on the Mapuche people forms part of the CMI's ongoing project Courts ... andInternational Studies of the Torcuato Di Tella University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. ...
Anthropological Perspectives, 2001
... Formerly monolingual women learnt Spanish and literacy skills in exile; interaction with chur... more ... Formerly monolingual women learnt Spanish and literacy skills in exile; interaction with church ... determined by contested power relations both within indigenous communities and between those communities ... peace settlement fetishizes or reifies' custom'or'tradition'as law, in effect ...
Books, 2008
... Author Info. Rachel Sieder; Line Schjolden; Alan Angell. Registered author(s): Abstract. ... ... more ... Author Info. Rachel Sieder; Line Schjolden; Alan Angell. Registered author(s): Abstract. ... For corrections or technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its listing, contact: (CarolinaEsguerra). Related research. Keywords: judicialización política; América Latina; References ...
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1999
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1998
CJO Search Widget (Journal of Latin American Studies) What is this? ... Download a branded Cambri... more CJO Search Widget (Journal of Latin American Studies) What is this? ... Download a branded Cambridge Journals Online toolbar (for IE 7 only). What is this? ... Add Cambridge Journals Online as a search option in your browser toolbar. What is this?
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1997
... In showing how 'America' was invented for specific ends, Rabasa doe... more ... In showing how 'America' was invented for specific ends, Rabasa does not for one minute wish to suggest that it has never had a ... Those by Sandra Lauderdale Graham on the Vintem Riot in Rio de Janeiro and Jeffrey Needell on Rio's vaccination riot in largely focus on ...
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1997
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1993
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1994
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1994
Policy Briefs by Rachel Sieder
When Pope Francisco I was elected last week, his position on sexual and reproductive rights and his stand on abortion was one of the main topics in the media and on social networks all over the world. The debates surrounding the election of the new pope signal the close links between religion, conceptions of morality, public policies and sexual and reproductive rights. For many people in countries where the majority are Roman Catholic, these are key issues. Whether these countries are secular or non-secular states, the Catholic Church is seen as an authority with regard to sexual and reproductive rights (SSR), and on public policies and laws that regulate and define these rights.
Papers by Rachel Sieder
When Pope Francisco I was elected last week, his position on sexual and reproductive rights and his stand on abortion was one of the main topics in the media and on social networks all over the world. The debates surrounding the election of the new pope signal the close links between religion, conceptions of morality, public policies and sexual and reproductive rights. For many people in countries where the majority are Roman Catholic, these are key issues. Whether these countries are secular or non-secular states, the Catholic Church is seen as an authority with regard to sexual and reproductive rights (SSR), and on public policies and laws that regulate and define these rights.