Papers by Sarah Eliuth Ochoa Hugo

Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc, Mar 7, 2024
Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is one of the most common
malignant neoplasms in the world, cha... more Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is one of the most common
malignant neoplasms in the world, characterized by
uncontrolled cell growth on the colon mucosa. Treatment
approaches depend primarily on the characteristics of the
tumor´s localization, size, metastasis, and the health status
of the patient. Nanomedicine shows itself as a novelty strategy
to overcome the limitations of the therapies used in the
clinic due to the disregard of the mechanisms associated
with multidrug resistance because of the nanometric size of
the particles utilized. Gold nanoshells are spheric structures
of an approximate size of 30 nm, coated with an ultrathin
gold layer that can absorb near-infrared light and convert it
to thermal energy to produce hyperthermia on in vivo models
of cancer tumors. Nanoparticles-assisted hyperthermia consists
of control, direct, and specific heating against the tumor
cells by nanoparticle irradiation with an external power source
capable of increasing temperature to 39°C - 45°C without
damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Compared with other
nanomaterials, gold nanoshells show high biocompatibility
and low cytotoxicity, which is why adjuvant chemotherapy
and hyperthermia on gold nanoshells is a novel and promising
approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
Quimiofilia. Divulgación de la ciencia química, May 6, 2024
La tecnovigilancia tiene como objetivo vigilar la seguridad post-comercializa-ción de los disposi... more La tecnovigilancia tiene como objetivo vigilar la seguridad post-comercializa-ción de los dispositivos médicos, identificar, evaluar, gestionar y divulgar la información generada de los hallazgos e incidentes notificados, de cualquier dispositivo médico comercializado en el sistema de salud nacional e interna-cional, mediante publicaciones y retroalimentación a través de pacientes, mé-dicos y personal involucrado en el ciclo de vida del dispositivo médico. A tra-vés del presente trabajo se busca informar a la población sobre la importancia de notificar incidentes adversos relacionados con dispositivos médicos e inci-tar a hacer uso de las herramientas disponibles para identificar de manera tem-prana los riesgos, tendencias de uso y áreas de mejora contribuyendo a la pro-tección de la salud de los pacientes
Archivos de ciencia. Congreso Internacional Avances en Medicina XXV - ISSN:2007-2139, Apr 17, 2024
El cáncer de colon (CCR) es la segunda causa de muerte por neoplasias
malignas a nivel mundial. E... more El cáncer de colon (CCR) es la segunda causa de muerte por neoplasias
malignas a nivel mundial. El empleo de quimioterapia e hipertermia, individualmente, producen un efecto citotóxico in vitro. Estos tratamientos en conjunto podrían actuar sinérgicamente aumentando el efecto citotóxico de cada uno, disminuyendo la viabilidad celular.

5th World Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ISBN: 978-81-970328-7-5, 2024
A significant fraction of the global infectious disease burden is due to the vector-borne infecti... more A significant fraction of the global infectious disease burden is due to the vector-borne infectious diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya. Almost half of the world's population is infected with at least one type of vector-borne disease. We tried to develop a natural, low cost, safe and effective nano formulation using essential oils.. An experimental study of oil in water nanoemulsion preparation, process optimization and stability based on the required size distribution was performed with surfactant oil ratio (SOR), stirring time and speed as the variables for nanoemulsion preparation. The storage stability of the nanoemulsion was also studied in terms of particle size, pH, viscosity and zeta potential at room temperature and refrigeration temperature for a period of 6 months. The nanoemulsion was tested for its larvicidal activity against both susceptible and resistant strain of mosquito larvae's and their antibacterial activity was also tested.
Artículos del congreso internacional de investigación Academia Journals CDMXX. ISSN 1946-5351. VOL. 15, NO. 11, 2023

Horizontes Transdiciplinarios, 2024
El cáncer de colon ocupa la tercera posición entre las neopla- sias más letales en el mundo con m... more El cáncer de colon ocupa la tercera posición entre las neopla- sias más letales en el mundo con más de un millón de decesos anualmente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar los datos más recientes sobre impacto del cáncer de colon en México, para lo cual se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en bases de datos como PubMed, EBSCO, GLOBOCAN, SEGOB e INEGI. En México este es el segundo tipo de cáncer más letal, afecta a más de 14,000 personas al año, la variación geográ- fica en el índice de mortalidad es mayor en la frontera norte, existen solo dos programas de detección temprana llevados a cabo por instituciones de salud y los datos epidemiológicos no se conocen con precisión ya que existe un subregistro de esta enfermedad. El cáncer de colon es un problema de salud nacional que requiere un seguimiento epidemiológico más cercano con datos estadísticos actualizados.

Society for Neuroscience Annual meeting, 2022
Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative, progressive, and irreversible disorder that grad... more Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative, progressive, and irreversible disorder that gradually leads to a total loss of cognition. AD´s microenvironment is characterized by the presence of beta-amyloid protein (βA) and Tau protein in its hyper-phosphorylated form (p-Tau), along with other signaling and transporting proteins such as exosomes, all of them interacting with neurons and glial cells on different development states. For AD to be manifested, cells must communicate with each other, on that context the use of neural precursor cells (NPCs) presents the opportunity to study cell communication through exosomes and its pathological events. This work aimed to study NPCs-derived exosomes, with A431E mutation in gen PSEN1, and its effects on the induction of neurodegenerative processes related to AD. This is the first research work on exosomes of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC)-derived NPCs with this mutation. The iPSCs culture (previously reprogrammed from AD´s patient's skin fibroblasts by our research group) was induced to NPCs for five days, sub-cultured eight times, and conservated its morphological characteristics such as individual, pyramidal, and long perimeters. The established NPCs culture was nestin-positive expressive cells which indicate its neural stem cell identity. We characterized NPCs-derived exosomes. NPCs-derived exosomes were extracted from the medium of a cell density of 9x106 cell/ml from which we obtained 0.503 μg/μl exosomes with a size of 157 nm on average that showed an expression of the trans-membranal exosomal marker CD81-positive, which indicates its identity as exosomes. We also evaluated the cytotoxic effect of NPCs-derived exosomes on astrocytic cell culture. The astrocytic cell line U138MG, with the expression of glial marker GFAP-positive, was used for the treatment and cytotoxicity assays with the NPCs-derived exosomes for 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and exosome concentrations of 30 μg/μl, 60 μg/μl and 90 μg/μl. The cytotoxicity assay indicated no cell density or morphological changes post-treatment, cell viability percentages were statistically analyzed by ANOVA test with values p>0.05 which indicates no statistical differences between the treated groups. Finally, immunodetection of AD´s related proteins such as βA and p-Tau on NPCs and NPCs-derived exosomes was negative. We suggest further analysis of the presence of these proteins on the NPCs-derived exosomes by implementing more sensitive techniques, delving into the study of human exosomes from iPSC-derived NPCs, and analyzing their real functions throughout AD´s development on in vivo models.
"Validación de un modelo de cultivo en 3D de Glioblastoma Multiforme”. , 2018
XX Congreso internacional de avances en medicina. Archivos de Ciencia. ISSN: 2007-213
Página 15.
Society for Neuroscience Meeting , 2018
Memorias en Extenso Congreso Academia Journals Hidalgo 2020, 2020
Tesis de Licenciatura. , 2017
A mis padres, Eliuth y Luis, a quienes estoy eternamente agradecida por formarme como persona de ... more A mis padres, Eliuth y Luis, a quienes estoy eternamente agradecida por formarme como persona de bien y motivarme de forma incesante a lograr mis objetivos.
Conference Presentations by Sarah Eliuth Ochoa Hugo
Archivos de Ciencia, 2023
Archivos de Ciencia CIAM., 2023
Pagina 24. Análisis de citotoxidad: cisplatino y paclitaxel sobre un cultivo in vitro de cáncer d... more Pagina 24. Análisis de citotoxidad: cisplatino y paclitaxel sobre un cultivo in vitro de cáncer de colon.

CIAM, 2018
Los Glioblastomas Multiformes (GBM) son los tumores más comunes y agresivos del sistema nervioso ... more Los Glioblastomas Multiformes (GBM) son los tumores más comunes y agresivos del sistema nervioso central ya que afectan a 13 de cada 100,000 adultos entre los 40 y los 70 años, incluso son frecuentes en niños, sin embargo, su etiología sigue sin ser elucidada y, a pesar de que el método principal para el tratamiento de este tipo de padecimientos es la intervención quirúrgica, la expectativa de vida no supera los 15 meses ya que suele tratarse de un tumor recidivante. En vista de que los estudios in vitro se realizan en cultivos en monocapa 2D, estos continúan sin mimetizar el ambiente que presentan los GBM en los pacientes. En este sentido, la aplicación de cultivos celulares en 3D, que logren obtener buenos parámetros comparables a lo que acontece in vivo, pueden apoyar al estudio in vitro de estos tumores en distintas áreas de investigación (básica o aplicada). Material y Métodos Validar el cultivo en 3D de una línea inmortalizada de GBM que permita simular el microambiente celular in vivo al estar en contacto con proteínas de matriz extracelular.
CIAM , 2017
El Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) es el tumor cerebral primario más común y agresivo, afecta a 5.6... more El Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) es el tumor cerebral primario más común y agresivo, afecta a 5.6 personas por cada 100,000 habitantes en promedio, con 17,000 nuevos casos por año. El tratamiento de primera línea es cirugía, seguida de quimioterapia con Temozolomida (TMZ) principalmente, y la radioterapia. Sin embargo se han reportado casos de resistencia al quimioterapéutico, por lo cual se buscan nuevas moléculas de origen natural o sintetico que puedan usarse con este fin. En este sentido los ácidos fenólicos, principales componentes activos de las plantas, presentan propiedades antitumorales mediante arresto del ciclo celular, apoptosis e inhibiendo la migración y angiogénesis. Material y Métodos Evaluar la actividad citotóxica del metil-o-cumárico y etil-o-cumárico en una línea celular de Glioblastoma Multiforme.
Society for Neuroscience Annual meeting , 2022
This work aimed to study NPCs-derived exosomes, with A431E mutation in gen PSEN1, and its effects... more This work aimed to study NPCs-derived exosomes, with A431E mutation in gen PSEN1, and its effects on the induction of neurodegenerative processes related to Alzheimer´s Disease.
Papers by Sarah Eliuth Ochoa Hugo
malignant neoplasms in the world, characterized by
uncontrolled cell growth on the colon mucosa. Treatment
approaches depend primarily on the characteristics of the
tumor´s localization, size, metastasis, and the health status
of the patient. Nanomedicine shows itself as a novelty strategy
to overcome the limitations of the therapies used in the
clinic due to the disregard of the mechanisms associated
with multidrug resistance because of the nanometric size of
the particles utilized. Gold nanoshells are spheric structures
of an approximate size of 30 nm, coated with an ultrathin
gold layer that can absorb near-infrared light and convert it
to thermal energy to produce hyperthermia on in vivo models
of cancer tumors. Nanoparticles-assisted hyperthermia consists
of control, direct, and specific heating against the tumor
cells by nanoparticle irradiation with an external power source
capable of increasing temperature to 39°C - 45°C without
damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Compared with other
nanomaterials, gold nanoshells show high biocompatibility
and low cytotoxicity, which is why adjuvant chemotherapy
and hyperthermia on gold nanoshells is a novel and promising
approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
malignas a nivel mundial. El empleo de quimioterapia e hipertermia, individualmente, producen un efecto citotóxico in vitro. Estos tratamientos en conjunto podrían actuar sinérgicamente aumentando el efecto citotóxico de cada uno, disminuyendo la viabilidad celular.
Conference Presentations by Sarah Eliuth Ochoa Hugo
malignant neoplasms in the world, characterized by
uncontrolled cell growth on the colon mucosa. Treatment
approaches depend primarily on the characteristics of the
tumor´s localization, size, metastasis, and the health status
of the patient. Nanomedicine shows itself as a novelty strategy
to overcome the limitations of the therapies used in the
clinic due to the disregard of the mechanisms associated
with multidrug resistance because of the nanometric size of
the particles utilized. Gold nanoshells are spheric structures
of an approximate size of 30 nm, coated with an ultrathin
gold layer that can absorb near-infrared light and convert it
to thermal energy to produce hyperthermia on in vivo models
of cancer tumors. Nanoparticles-assisted hyperthermia consists
of control, direct, and specific heating against the tumor
cells by nanoparticle irradiation with an external power source
capable of increasing temperature to 39°C - 45°C without
damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Compared with other
nanomaterials, gold nanoshells show high biocompatibility
and low cytotoxicity, which is why adjuvant chemotherapy
and hyperthermia on gold nanoshells is a novel and promising
approach for the treatment of colorectal cancer.
malignas a nivel mundial. El empleo de quimioterapia e hipertermia, individualmente, producen un efecto citotóxico in vitro. Estos tratamientos en conjunto podrían actuar sinérgicamente aumentando el efecto citotóxico de cada uno, disminuyendo la viabilidad celular.