? ?
Journal created:
on 28 October 2007 (#14126665)
on 16 November 2010
ChyanFic Challenge
Posting Access:
All Members
Chad/Ryan fanfic challenges
If you ever wanted to write some Chad/Ryan fanfic and couldn't think of an idea, or if you have an idea and want to see someone else write it, you've come to the right place.

Here you will find challenges issued from many different people. There are all sorts of genres and styles of prompts, some detailed, some single words, but hopefully, you will find something that inspires you.

If you have something you'd like to see written, please make a post! Any sort of prompt/challenge is welcome as long as there are warnings for anything that wouldn't be seen in a Disney movie. ;)

Note - this is not a place to post your fic. Please visit idontdance or chyanxlove to post your stories. This community is just for issuing prompts.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me. [email protected]

Thank you and have fun!
