Chulalongkorn University
Pharmaceutical Sciences
The use of field grown plants as a direct source of explant material for the production of 'clean' in vitro plantlets, presents a major challenge. Surface sterilization trials were conducted using nodal explants of guinea hen weed... more
The use of field grown plants as a direct source of explant material for the production of 'clean' in vitro plantlets, presents a major challenge. Surface sterilization trials were conducted using nodal explants of guinea hen weed (Petiveria alliacia), jack-in-the-bush (Eupatorium odoratum), spanish needle (Bidens pilosa), rice bitters (Andrographis paniculata), mint (Mentha viridis), lantana (Lantana camara), vervine (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis), french thyme (Plectranthus amboinicus), dog blood (Rivina humilis), and broom weed (Cassia jamaicensis) selected from mature field grown plants. Use of acidified bleach (pH 7) produced the largest reduction in bacterial and fungal contamination.
- by Sakai Yuriko
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Juice squeezed from cereal grasses harvested at the jointing stage, i.e., wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum), exhibits high antioxidant activity. Rice (Oryza sativa) may also exhibit antioxidant activity. We therefore examined the antioxidant... more
Juice squeezed from cereal grasses harvested at the jointing stage, i.e., wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum), exhibits high antioxidant activity. Rice (Oryza sativa) may also exhibit antioxidant activity. We therefore examined the antioxidant activity of juices squeezed from grasses harvested at the jointing stage for seven coloured and seven white Thai rice cultivars. The antioxidant activity was determined using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, ferric reducing antioxidant power, β-carotene bleaching, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assays. The total phenolic content (TPC) and total monomeric anthocyanin content (TMAC) were also determined. Coloured (purple) rice grass juices exhibited greater antioxidant potential than the grass juices from white rice and wheat. The coloured rice cultivar Kum Doisaket exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in all assays. Correlation analysis indicated that the TPC and TMAC could be responsible for the antioxidant activity. The DNA protective properties of the coloured rice cultivars Kum Doisaket and Kum Noi and wheat were also examined. Only the Kum Doisaket cultivar exhibited a dose-dependent DNA protective effect. The notable antioxidant efficacy for the Kum Doisaket cultivar may be influenced by the high level of anthocyanins present in its grass juice. This finding suggests the possibility of developing functional foods from coloured rice grass.
We measured health utility (HU) in Thai HIV/AIDS patients using visual analog scale (VAS), EuroQOL (EQ-5D), and standard gamble (SG), determine the relationships between these HU measures and healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) measures... more
We measured health utility (HU) in Thai HIV/AIDS patients using visual analog scale (VAS), EuroQOL (EQ-5D), and standard gamble (SG), determine the relationships between these HU measures and healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) measures of HIV and patient characteristics, and assess the feasibility of the HU methods. Methods: A sample of 120 HIV/AIDS patients was identified at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Disease Institute, Thailand, during September to December, 2004. Face-to-face interviews included VAS, SG, and EQ-5D, HRQOL assessment using the Thai abbreviated version of the World Health Organization quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF THAI) and HIVrelated symptom instruments, questions about ease of understanding HU approaches and sociodemographic items. Data were analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA, followed by Dunn-Bonferroni t-test, intraclass coefficients (ICC), Spearman's rank correlation, and multiple linear regressions.
after the onset of dialysis. Thereafter, the risk of death increased on PD patients. Results were consistent in different propensity score models and in sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, there was an initial survival... more
after the onset of dialysis. Thereafter, the risk of death increased on PD patients. Results were consistent in different propensity score models and in sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, there was an initial survival advantage of PD compared with HD among younger or non-DM patients. As the increase in age, with the presence of DM, and vintage, this relative survival advantage vanished, and even reversed.
Background: In Thailand and the US negotiating FTA, the 'TRIPs-Plus' is one of the US proposal which would result in an extension of market exclusivity of innovative drugs. In addition, it would foreseeably lead to high and unaffordable... more
Background: In Thailand and the US negotiating FTA, the 'TRIPs-Plus' is one of the US proposal which would result in an extension of market exclusivity of innovative drugs. In addition, it would foreseeably lead to high and unaffordable medicine prices and inaccessibility to essential medicines. Objective: To quantify the impact on medicine expense and medicine accessibility. Methods: Based on 2000 to 2003 Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s and the Drug & Medical Supply Information Center (DMSIC), costs and accessibility were estimated upon the price and quantity costing between innovative drugs and their generics plus some parameters found from their competitive behaviour. Thereafter, we simulated the 10-year potential additional expense on the 2003 unit price of the patented and monopolized non-patented medicines. Results: In 2003, the availability of generics helped to save 104.5% of actual expense and the accessibility would increase by 53.6%. By extension of market exclusivity, given that there were 60 new items approved annually, the cumulative potential expense was projected to be $US 6.2 million for the first year to $US 5215.8 million in tenth year. Conclusion: The TRIPs-Plus proposal would result in a significant increase in the medicine expense; and a delay in the increase in drug accessibility via generics. Several options as well as other related mechanisms to help reduce the negative impact are proposed.
A435 population-based cohort to inform health care planners on trends in costs and resource needs related to fractures. METHODS: We used the Population Health Research Data Repository for the Province of Manitoba, Canada which is a... more
A435 population-based cohort to inform health care planners on trends in costs and resource needs related to fractures. METHODS: We used the Population Health Research Data Repository for the Province of Manitoba, Canada which is a comprehensive collection of databases including physician visits, hospitalizations and pharmaceutical prescriptions. Age and sex-adjusted fracture rates were calculated for men and women age fifty years and older from 1986 to 2006 according to fracture site (defined by ICD-9-CM codes) and mechanism (presence/absence of ICD-9-CM external injury codes). Generalized linear models with generalized estimating equations were used to derive adjusted annual rates and test the linear change overall, and for men and women separately. RESULTS: Osteoporotic fractures (non-traumatic fractures of the hip, forearm, spine and humerus) showed a significant linear decline (0.8% per-annum [95% CI 0.3-1.2%]), with a greater decline in women (1.0% [0.4-1.7%]) than in men (0.5% [0.0-1.3%], P .05 for sex interaction). Similar trends were seen for all fractures sites: hip 0.9% (0.2-1.7%), forearm 0.8% (0.4-1.3%), humerus (0.7% [0.2-1.2%]) and spine (0.5% [0.0-1.0%]) A greater reduction in traumatic fractures was observed (1.8% per-annum [95% CI 1.0-2.6%]), with a greater decline in men (2.2% [1.3-3.1%]) than in women (1.3% [0.2-2.4%], P .05 for sex interaction). Similar results were seen when testing the difference between the initial 5 years (1986)(1987)(1988)(1989)(1990)(1991) and the final five years (2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006) of data. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a decrease in both non-traumatic (osteoporotic) and traumatic fracture rates over the study period. This decline was apparent in years prior to widespread osteoporosis testing or availability of modern pharmacotherapy. OBJECTIVES: It has been reported that bone fracture the risk of developing increases for patients who had fractures once before, and and that such patients do not receive enough osteoporosis treatment. In this present study, we investigated incidence of recurrent fractures and the circumstances of pharmacotherapy for osteoporosis among patients who had experience first hip fracture. METHODS: Female patients 65 years and older who had experienced first hip fractures from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007 were enrolled at 25 hospitals.We reviewed their medical records and conducted a patient survey to collect information on surgical methods, osteoporosis treatments and prognosis for 1 year after first hip fracture.The questionnaires were filled out by either the patient or family member. This interim analysis was conducted for 477 patients of 7 hospitals out of 2,266 enrolled patients. RESULTS: The average age was 84.0 (66-103) years old. In terms of fracture type, we identified 237 cervical cases and 237 intertrochantric fractures, with 3 cases that were not specified. A total of 94.3 % of the patients received an operation. During hospitalization, 26.2% were on pharmacotherapy and 22.9% received no pharmacotherapy. For the observational period, 1 year after first fractures, 13.4% of the patients received pharmacotherapy, but 57.2% received no treatment. For the observational period, 44 patients (9.2%) experienced recurrent fractures and 18 (3.8%) out of those suffered hip fractures. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the incidence of recurrent hip fractures among patients who have already experienced a first hip fracture was 3,800/100,000 person-year. This is 7.4 times the rate found in the general population of the same age group. Despite this increase in incidence rate, only 13% of patients had received osteoporosis treatment after the first hip fracture. Japanese patients who have already suffered from a first hip fracture must be considered high risk patients who should be treated with preventive action. OBJECTIVES: Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and increased fracture risk. Increased mortality rates have been documented following fractures, particularly hip and vertebral. Our aim was to compare short-term and long-term mortality rates following an incident fracture in men and women at different sites (hip, wrist, spine, humerus and others). METHODS: We identified a population-based cohort of men and women with non-traumatic incident fractures between 1986 and 2006 within the hospital, physician and pharmacy administrative database repository of the Province of Manitoba, Canada. The cohort-entry date was the date of a first fracture (index fracture) after age 50 years. Two matched controls from the same databases were identified for each case. Crude and adjusted mortality rates for each fracture site were computed separately for men and women. Secular trends in fracture site-specific mortality rates over the study period were tested using generalized linear models. RESULTS: We identified 23,514 index fractures in men and 52,897 in women. The crude mortality rates were consistently higher in men compared to women. Highest first year mortality rates were noted after hip (women 20.1% vs. men 33.6%) followed by spine fractures (13.9% vs. 15.8%), with lower mortality rates after humerus (7.4% vs. 15.3%), wrist (3.4% vs. 5.3%) and other fractures (9.2% vs. 11.0%). Similar rankings by fracture site were seen for year five mortality: hip fractures (women 53.1% vs. men 66.7%) followed by spine (38.4% vs. 43.1%), humerus (26.6% vs. 41.2%), wrist (15.7% vs. 21.2%) and other fractures (26.5% vs. 29.3%). Post-fracture mortality rates were generally stable over the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Fractures at all sites are associated with significant mortality rates, particularly in men. Better understanding of factors associated with increased post-fracture mortality will inform the development of practice guidelines and improved clinical outcomes.
Background: Data are scarce on the comparison of EQ-5D index scores using the UK, US, and Japan preference weights in other populations. This study was aimed to examine the differences and agreements between these three weights,... more
Background: Data are scarce on the comparison of EQ-5D index scores using the UK, US, and Japan preference weights in other populations. This study was aimed to examine the differences and agreements between these three weights, psychometric properties including test-retest reliability, convergent and known-groups validity, and the impact of differences in the EQ-5D scores on the outcome of cost-utility analysis in Thai people.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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The cost of pharmaceutical products is one of the largest contributors of operating costs in providing healthcare services in Thailand. As drug prices change according to shifting market forces, the distribution of purchase prices for... more
The cost of pharmaceutical products is one of the largest contributors of operating costs in providing healthcare services in Thailand. As drug prices change according to shifting market forces, the distribution of purchase prices for each drug varies according to the type of medication and the purchasing power of the healthcare provider. These changes can have significant impact on how well healthcare providers can effectively provide services. PAC-DSS (Pharmaceutical Acquisition Capability Decision Support Service) is an innovative decision support service that enables hospitals to pool together and share information to better understand current market prices and run analytics on drug prices in order to improve their operating costs. Our service allows users to interact with real pricing data to dissect various factors that can contribute to acquisition capabilities of individual drugs such as specific brand names or groups of drugs such as all brands of a given generic drug, without sacrificing individual providers' privacy as we do not disclose individual purchase prices. In developing PAC-DSS, we have had to address a range of technical challenges such as data privacy and alignment of disparate drug ontologies. In this paper, we describe PAC-DSS's service architecture, analytic services, and the benefit of PAC-DSS on improving healthcare services by lowering operating cost without sacrificing service quality. We also discuss the initial benefits from deployment of the service currently hosted by the Ministry of Public Health.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +2
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Diabetes was increased in Thailand with increasing burden of morbidity and mortality. There were 42.8% of diabetes patients in Bangkok who had been treated, but the disease conditions were uncontrolled. Diabetes with drug related problems... more
Diabetes was increased in Thailand with increasing burden of morbidity and mortality. There were 42.8% of diabetes patients in Bangkok who had been treated, but the disease conditions were uncontrolled. Diabetes with drug related problems (DRPs) frequently occurred, leading to problems of uncontrolled disease conditions. The objective of this study was to apply chronic care model (CCM) which has been introduced using medication therapy management (MTM) services by community pharmacist home health care and action research was conducted in the community in Bangkok Metropolitan. The uncontrolled diabetes conditions were purposively selected and identified by nurse home care team. The community pharmacists provided the MTM service 3 times as the delivery service design template that was planned over the 6-month period. The study implemented on CCM with MTM services as the main delivery system. The outcomes were evaluated on three aspect of ECHO model. Data were gathered for 288 uncontrolled diabetic patients with high prevalence of drug related problems. The number of drug were taking mean standard deviation (SD) 7.1 (3.1) per patient at enrollment. The 2.98 number problems per patient and 95.8% non-adherence were identified by community pharmacist. After 3 interventions, nont medication level and partially medication adherent level by 18.2 and 26.0%, respectively. The pharmacists identified problems and improved in safety issues (adverse drug reactions, drug interactions), adherence issue and effectiveness issue (subtherapeutic dosage). The clinical outcome found the average systolic and diastolic blood pressures to improve significantly in 48.6% patients with hypertension including those in pre-hypertension, stage I and stage II. The data was limited and results showed that the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was not significantly reduced from baseline due to lack of linkage among hospital and community settings. The non-compliance issue had an effect on excessive medications per patient on the average of $543.24 per year. This study concluded that implementation MTM service through CCM by community pharmacist overall quality of patient care.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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The aims of this study were to assess effectiveness of the pharmacy automation system in term of cost saving and cost avoidance, medication filling error reduction; and to suggest a model of cost calculation. Data were collected... more
The aims of this study were to assess effectiveness of the pharmacy automation system in term of cost saving and cost avoidance, medication filling error reduction; and to suggest a model of cost calculation. Data were collected retrospectively at the inpatient pharmacy department, Bumrungrad International Hospital during 6-month separated period (July-December 2007 and July-December 2008). Cost avoidance concerned costs of medication filling errors and other related costs, while cost saving referred to dispensing labor costs, new staff training costs, and inventory costs. In an overall, the result revealed that the new pharmacy system with an automated drug filling was be able to reduce around 70 percent of medication filling errors. Under traditional dispensing system, the medication error and related costs was 4,940 baht, whereas the new system lost 4,053 baht during the 6-month study period. Cost of claims and compensations could not include in this calculation because of unable to clarify of exact causes and details of such events. Thus, the automated system could avoid 1,687 baht of medication cost and drug filling cost during the study. At the same time, the new automated system was able to save dispensing labor cost around 303,996 baht, training cost saved 176,000 baht, and inventory cost saved up to 1,049,308 baht. So, total cost saving was 1,529,304 baht. In the consideration of cost calculation model, it was concerned that all possible related costs directed to the implementation of the new robot in which; cost avoidance counted from medication filling error cost (calculated depending on levels of severity) and cost of compensation resulting from dispensing deviations; cost saving could be computed fromdispensing labor costs, training costs, and inventory costs.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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Kittivachra, R., Sanguandeekul, R., Sakulbumrungsil, R., Phongphanphanee, P. and Srisomboon, J.
Objective: To compare the cost utility of using erythropoietin (EPO) to maintain different hemoglobin (Hb) target levels in hemodialysis patients from a societal perspective. Methods: A Markov model was used to estimate the incremental... more
Objective: To compare the cost utility of using erythropoietin (EPO) to maintain different hemoglobin (Hb) target levels in hemodialysis patients from a societal perspective. Methods: A Markov model was used to estimate the incremental cost and quality-adjusted life-year of five Hb levels: 9 or less, more than 9 to 10, more than 10 to 11, more than 11 to 12, and more than 12 g/dl. A systematic review of EPO treatment in hemodialysis patients was conducted to estimate transitional probabilities. Cost data were estimated on the basis of the reference price of Siriraj Hospital, the largest university hospital in Thailand. Utility scores were derived from the six-dimensional health state short form (derived from short-form 36 health survey), which were collected from 152 hemodialysis patients receiving EPO at Siriraj hospital. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of uncertain parameters. All future costs and outcomes were discounted at the rate of 3% per annum. Results: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of Hb levels more than 9 to 10, more than 10 to 11, more than 11 to 12, and more than 12 g/dl compared with the least costly option (Hb r 9 g/dl) were US $24,128.03, US $18,789.07, US $22,427.36, and US $28,022.33 per quality-adjusted lifeyear, respectively. From probabilistic sensitivity analysis, the hemoglobin level of more than 10 to 11 g/dl was appropriate when the willingness to pay was US $15,523.88 to US $46,610.17 and the probability of cost-effective was 29.32% to 95.94%. Conclusions: Providing EPO for a hemoglobin level of more than 10 to 11 g/dl had a cost-effectiveness higher than that of doing so for other hemoglobin levels. This finding will be put forward to the policy level to set up the EPO treatment guideline of the hospital for hemodialysis patients.
Professional accreditation generally serves to confirm the professional standard of practice with minimal reflection on the needs and wants of clients. The Community Pharmacy Accreditation (PA) is established to ensure high quality... more
Professional accreditation generally serves to confirm the professional standard of practice with minimal reflection on the needs and wants of clients. The Community Pharmacy Accreditation (PA) is established to ensure high quality services rendered by drugstores and professional pharmacists. Including the client perspective of service quality will encompass and assure all aspects of quality value. The development of the Perceived Community Pharmacy Service Quality (PCPSQ) scale was initiated to assess the clients? perception on quality of pharmacy service in community pharmacy. It was designed for selfadministration by clients to evaluate services received from the community pharmacy.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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Kittivachra, R., Sanguandeekul, R., Sakulbumrungsil, R. and Phongphanphanee, P.
The study aimed to measure medication--therapy--related quality of life (MTRQoL) using the individualized approach Patient--generated Index (PGI). Twenty--five patients were identified at the Medication Therapy Management Clinic of the... more
The study aimed to measure medication--therapy--related quality of life (MTRQoL) using the individualized approach Patient--generated Index (PGI). Twenty--five patients were identified at the Medication Therapy Management Clinic of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok between September 2010 and March 2011. The PGI method included three steps: 1) select five domains affected by taking medication from the list of 24 domains; 2) rate each of the selected five domains on a scale ranging from 0 (the worst status) to 100 (the best status); and3) distribute 10 points across the different selected domains patients wished to improve. Weighted scores were summed up across the domains to create a0--1 index, with higher scores indicating a better MTRQoL age was 56.9±13.5 years and 52% were female. The MTRQoL index score was 0.57±0.24. Top 5 selected domains ( 50%) were getting medication information, fear of medication side--effects, security/safety in life, medication dependence, and pain/discomfort. The MTRQoL measurement using the PGI proved to be useful. Drug by40% from their normal lives.The most affected MTRQoL domains identified will be beneficial for the development of a future questionnaire.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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Objective. To assess the online social constructivist learning environment (SCLE) and student perceptions of the outcomes of the online introductory module of pharmacy professional practice that was designed based on social constructivism... more
Objective. To assess the online social constructivist learning environment (SCLE) and student perceptions of the outcomes of the online introductory module of pharmacy professional practice that was designed based on social constructivism theory. Design. The online introductory module of pharmacy professional practice in pharmaceutical marketing and business was carefully designed by organizing various activities, which were intended to encourage social interaction among students. The Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) was applied to assess the SCLE. Course evaluation questionnaires were administered to assess student perceptions of this online module. Assessment. The result from the COLLES illustrated the development of SCLE in the course. The students reported positive perceptions of the course.
- by Rungpetch C. Sakulbumrungsil and +1
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