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The use of field grown plants as a direct source of explant material for the production of 'clean' in vitro plantlets, presents a major challenge. Surface sterilization trials were conducted using nodal explants of guinea hen weed... more
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Juice squeezed from cereal grasses harvested at the jointing stage, i.e., wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum), exhibits high antioxidant activity. Rice (Oryza sativa) may also exhibit antioxidant activity. We therefore examined the antioxidant... more
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      Molecular BiologyMultidisciplinaryAntioxidant ActivityDNA FINGERPRINTING OF PLANTS
We measured health utility (HU) in Thai HIV/AIDS patients using visual analog scale (VAS), EuroQOL (EQ-5D), and standard gamble (SG), determine the relationships between these HU measures and healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) measures... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsQuality of lifeThailandApplied Economics
after the onset of dialysis. Thereafter, the risk of death increased on PD patients. Results were consistent in different propensity score models and in sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, there was an initial survival... more
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      Applied EconomicsHemodialysisPublic health systems and services research
Background: In Thailand and the US negotiating FTA, the 'TRIPs-Plus' is one of the US proposal which would result in an extension of market exclusivity of innovative drugs. In addition, it would foreseeably lead to high and unaffordable... more
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      MarketingAlgorithmsIntellectual PropertyHealth Care
A435 population-based cohort to inform health care planners on trends in costs and resource needs related to fractures. METHODS: We used the Population Health Research Data Repository for the Province of Manitoba, Canada which is a... more
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      Concepts of Value in Health CareApplied EconomicsPublic health systems and services researchKnee Osteoarthritis
Background: Data are scarce on the comparison of EQ-5D index scores using the UK, US, and Japan preference weights in other populations. This study was aimed to examine the differences and agreements between these three weights,... more
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The cost of pharmaceutical products is one of the largest contributors of operating costs in providing healthcare services in Thailand. As drug prices change according to shifting market forces, the distribution of purchase prices for... more
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Diabetes was increased in Thailand with increasing burden of morbidity and mortality. There were 42.8% of diabetes patients in Bangkok who had been treated, but the disease conditions were uncontrolled. Diabetes with drug related problems... more
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The aims of this study were to assess effectiveness of the pharmacy automation system in term of cost saving and cost avoidance, medication filling error reduction; and to suggest a model of cost calculation. Data were collected... more
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Kittivachra, R., Sanguandeekul, R., Sakulbumrungsil, R., Phongphanphanee, P. and Srisomboon, J.
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Objective: To compare the cost utility of using erythropoietin (EPO) to maintain different hemoglobin (Hb) target levels in hemodialysis patients from a societal perspective. Methods: A Markov model was used to estimate the incremental... more
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Professional accreditation generally serves to confirm the professional standard of practice with minimal reflection on the needs and wants of clients. The Community Pharmacy Accreditation (PA) is established to ensure high quality... more
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Kittivachra, R., Sanguandeekul, R., Sakulbumrungsil, R. and Phongphanphanee, P.
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The study aimed to measure medication--therapy--related quality of life (MTRQoL) using the individualized approach Patient--generated Index (PGI). Twenty--five patients were identified at the Medication Therapy Management Clinic of the... more
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Objective. To assess the online social constructivist learning environment (SCLE) and student perceptions of the outcomes of the online introductory module of pharmacy professional practice that was designed based on social constructivism... more
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