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The Chronic Kilo

Fastlane Weekly Fic Challenge

The Chronic Kilo: Fastlane Weekly Fic Challenge



June 23rd, 2008

Dear fanfic authors,

first of all I’m sorry if OT posting isn’t allowed in this community, but there’s no other way for me to do this; just delete this if it isn’t appropriate.

I’m a fanfic reader and occasional fanfic writer myself, so what did I pick for my thesis in communication sciences? Fan Fiction, of course. I designed a survey to find out more about our writing habits and media use; it takes about 10 minutes to complete.

If you could go here and fill it out, I’d be forever grateful. Of course I’ll publish some of the results at my journal in about a month or two, so you’ll know what happened with your answers.
The survey is completely anonymous; I have no way of finding out who gave which answers.

Please, please help a fellow fan out. It’s only ten minutes for you; it’s a very important part of my work for me.

This has been cross-posted like crazy, and I'm sorry for spamming you guys, I'm just a little desperate, too.

August 2nd, 2004

A recent challenge I ran produced two Fastlane stories.

Three Letter Words about Deaq and Dre and Superimpose about Van and Dre.

Don't forget to give the authors love, y'all.

January 10th, 2004

I don't know if y'all are familiar with WITR-R or not. Basically, it's a challenge where you are assigned a writer and you choose one of their stories to rewrite, and someone else is assigned to rewrite one of your stories. It's a lot of fun.

Anyway, I've signed up, but from what I can see, not a lot of Fastlane people are involved. :( The lj remixredux and I think y'all should look into it. I'd love to see a whole slew of Fastlane stories come out of it this year.

Would people like to run a few challenges between now and final sign ups so they have enough FL stories?

November 2nd, 2003

Read More Here

October 29th, 2003

Memories for Cleaning Out My Closet
The last part was supposed to be sent yesterday, but this posting by e-mail thing is tricky, yo.

Today's installmentCollapse )
I've decided to do a Smallville story for Nano, but I do want to pick this
up. So, a short bit, since I raised some people's hopes. Maybe more to
follow. Maybe not.

Read more...Collapse )

October 25th, 2003


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I'm thinking (in a very speculative way) about trying a Fastlane novel for NaNoWriMo. Would y'all be interested in having me post it here as I worked on it, if so?

June 13th, 2003

So, we'll try something new.

Van and Deaq arrest a music star. Bonus points for boyband members!
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