Green Day |
[28 Apr 2009|10:35pm] |
Green Day is releasing a new album on May 15th, titled 21st Century Breakdown. Below is a widget where you can check out the new single, Know Your Enemy, and follow what the band has going on right now.
[17 Dec 2006|05:34pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
[10 Sep 2006|12:14pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
[12 May 2006|11:11pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
Free iPod (not scam, i swear) |
[29 Mar 2006|09:24am] |
Hi everyone. I know I don't post to this community very often, but this is pretty cool. I found this site,, where you can get a free iPod. All you have to do is register for one of the free available services, refer five other people, and you'll get a free ipod nano or ipod video.
Don't worry, I'm not some crazy spammer or part of any "congo line", but this is the real deal. I did some research, and I found this two articles: and Both of the articles say that this particular site has been around for a while, and actually is legit.
If you guys are interested, it's pretty easy. Just register on the site, then choose one of the offered free trials (I would personally suggest the RealArcade trial, because Real/RealPlayer is an authentic and reliable company/program. Not only is it free, but I immediately ended my trial after beginning it). After that, just get five other people to register and you should get an iPod.
Thanks for reading my post. Bye everyone.
[24 Feb 2006|07:38pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
[22 Sep 2005|08:58pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
The Music Man DJ Service - new website! Windsor, Ontario |
[05 Aug 2005|03:17pm] |
Check out one of the fastest growing DJ services in Windsor, Ontario.
The Music Man DJ Service - Official site!
Your wedding and party dj for all your special events. Serving Windsor & Southwestern Ontario, The Music Man DJ Service has you covered with your favorite tunes to last you all night on the dance floor with prices that can’t be beat. Come see why we are the right dj service for you.
DJ Rob Salvati [email protected] (519) 796-9841
disc jockeys, djs, dj, deejay, dj services, disc jockey services, windsor, wedding reception music, weddings, disk jockey, disc jockey, wedding, music, mobile disc jockeys, ontario, leamington, tecumseh, essex county, dj services
[17 Jun 2005|10:11am] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? ( If you said yes, than Advice_Source may be for you!Collapse )
[24 Apr 2005|07:21pm] |
Looking for a like-minded people who truly love music in all its forms? Check us out.
People with great taste, recommendations, and lots of music-related articles and contributions.
We even trade MP3's in a community happening we call "The Game"
[09 Apr 2005|02:42pm] |
Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Are you looking for a place to get some advice about relationships? depression? school? family problems? or about almost any other issue? Looking for a place to find support? Find others in a similar position? to vent? to gain another opinion about your problem? To see your issue from a new angle or point of view? Wishing you could help others? Be supportive? Give advice? Do so anonymously? Share your experiences and words of wisdom? Let others know they aren't alone? advice_source may be the community for you! Our goal is to have a place that people from all walks of life, ages and situations can come to and get advice or help support others. We're not out there personally recruiting people to join this community but we hope that people will join, use our services and maybe even get the chance to help someone else in return. We're looking for people who are openminded, honest and caring and for people who need support, guidance and understanding. This community is not just about telling others what you think but doing it with respect and guidance. One of our biggest hopes is to have a community where there is no is publicly judged. Everyone has their own oppinion but we hope that people can leave advice without criticizing others. This community is about acceptance, support and words of advice. It is not about judging others for their mistakes or experiences they have had. and we want people to feel comfortable in our community. Anyone can leave advice, you do not have to be a member. You can also leave anonymous advice. To post in the community, you need to become a member and then the post will be screened by either Becky ( hoodwink) or Candace ( ckandi007). You can have things posted anonymously if you email your issue to us at: [email protected] Then we will post the advice without usernames or any other identifying information. If you want to know more, please check out our info/rules page! or drop Candace and Becky a line at [email protected]Thank you for your time!
_theforsaken_ |
[29 Mar 2005|06:26pm] |

Name: _theforsaken_ Genre: freeform fantasy on greatestjournal Rating: Mature Players Preferred. Must be at least 16 Website Link: Forsaken Website Contact: [email protected] Game Description: Community information page, Characters in the game, History of the world of Deruta, City information and maps. Endorsed by: unique_roleplay on greatestjournal Time period: Modern day Planet: Deruta, planet very much like earth. Location: On the island of Diavolesc in the city of Tainuit. Further Info: Supernaturals are myths that you tell your children, fables of the creatures that go bump in the night. But in all life myths and fables have to come from somewhere and in the forsaken, they come from reality. Supernaturals are creatures in hiding, constantly having to blend in with sociey to avoid world wide war of humans against supernaturals.
Humans do not accept things that they do not understand and supernaturals are no exception to that thinking.Tainuit is the city of suprnaturals, the fabled city that few humans will ever accept or acknowledge exists. The city is the one place where supernaturals do not have to hide what they are. Tainuit is home to those that humans would consider monsters. Vampire, werecreature, dragon, angel, demon, it matters not what you are. All that matters is if you are you one that is tired of hiding...
Are you one of the forsaken?
This is a well developed and long term rpg that has been around for about two years. To Join Click HERE
[28 Dec 2004|09:14pm] |
- Looking for advice but don't have access to a counselor?
- Looking for support but don't have anyone close that you can go to?
- Do you simply want a place to vent but also where you can get input on your issues?
- Want to help others but don't know where to start?
- Want to give advice because you enjoy doing so?
- Looking to volunteer your free time but not sure what to do?
[12 Nov 2004|10:21am] |
But on the other hand, i have to admit most things happen for a motherfucking reason right? i dont know what the hell the reason is but its gonna happen cuz you got a boyfriend who looks like a boyfriend that you had a baby that you had a boyfriend. its weird im not the killers im telling the truth motherfuckers those motherfuckers live to take us away take us away from the light kill them all make it bright the dark is brighter than the bright fuck em all just fuck them all fuck those motherfuckers kill the motherfuckers and let them die. just watch them die and see them bleed watch the pang of kill, kill, kill them all and watch them die. just ognna watch them die. and see them die .
[12 Sep 2004|10:31pm] |

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