Videos by David Shaffer
Pecha kucha presentation on Korean customs and practices that are seemingly illogical at first gl... more Pecha kucha presentation on Korean customs and practices that are seemingly illogical at first glance. Gwangju Pecha Kucha Night 3, September 16, 2016. Gwangju International Center. 9 views
Pecha kucha presentation on strange and seemingly inexplainable quirks in the Korean language.
G... more Pecha kucha presentation on strange and seemingly inexplainable quirks in the Korean language.
Gwangju Pecha Kucha Night 2, May 27, 2016. Gwangju International Center. 4 views
Presentation on progress made in English education since the 1970s. GIC Talk, February 4, 2012. G... more Presentation on progress made in English education since the 1970s. GIC Talk, February 4, 2012. Gwangju International Center. 6 views
Pecha Kucha presentation on incorrectly held ELT beliefs. KOTESOL National Conference, May 26, 20... more Pecha Kucha presentation on incorrectly held ELT beliefs. KOTESOL National Conference, May 26, 2012. BUFS, Busan. 6 views
Presentation made at the Busan-Gyeongnam Chapter KOTESOL Conference, June 4, 2011. BUFS, Busan.
Interview with David Shaffer and other early members of Korea TESOL, October 2017. SMU, Seoul.
ELT Articles by David Shaffer
Gwangju News, No. 274, pp. 22-24, December, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 267, pp. 30-32, May, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 266, pp. 30-32, April, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 265, pp. 30-32, March, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 264, pp. 30-32, February, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 263, pp. 30-31, January, 2024
Gwangju News, No. 261, pp. 36-38, November, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 260, pp. 31-35, October, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 257, pp. 36-39, July, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 256, pp.30-33, June, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 255, pp. 36-39, May, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 254, pp. 30-33, April, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 253, pp. 35-37, March, 2023
Gwangju News, No. 248, pp. 28-33, October, 2022
Interview with Julian Warmington
Videos by David Shaffer
Gwangju Pecha Kucha Night 2, May 27, 2016. Gwangju International Center.
ELT Articles by David Shaffer
Gwangju Pecha Kucha Night 2, May 27, 2016. Gwangju International Center.
A more effective method of teaching figurative expressions such as idioms seems necessary. I propose using the cognitive linguistic constructs of conceptual metaphor and image schema to form such a method. Rather than thinking of metaphor as an extraordinary form of discourse characteristic of literary language, Lakoff and Johnson (1980) have shown that metaphor is a fundamental property of everyday language and a powerful cognitive tool for the conceptualization of abstract categories. Image schemas are discussed in Lakoff (1987), Lakoff and Turner (1989), and Johnson (1987) and are characterized as recurring basic abstract conceptual structures that occur in our conceptualizations of the world, which play a fundamental role in cognitive semantic processes.
(1) Longman Advanced American Dictionary
(2) Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (3rd ed.)
윤후명작가의 단편 소설 [영역]. Translation by David Shaffer.
A story of ethnic-Korean life in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) viewed from the Korean mindset.