Papers by Dorota Ciechanowska

Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people l... more Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people live and interact with each other in an increasingly globalized world. With global education, we can build a global consciousness. This makes the key task of education to provide learners not only with an opportunity but also the competence to reflect and share their own point of view. The tasks of kind of education include making learners aware of the complex relations between social, political, environmental and economic issues. Understanding the complexity of the relations in a globalized world is not possible in linear education. Only a comprehensive grasp of the issues will allow the learner to simultaneously recognize the many issues in their complexity which will contribute to new knowledge forming and the creating the ability to act in a global world. Concept maps are a way to adopt a comprehensive approach that allows you to graphically represent complex relationships and depende...
In recent years groves the importance of competence in the process of seeking employment and to a... more In recent years groves the importance of competence in the process of seeking employment and to adapt education systems. Competence of employees builds and improves the organization. In the knowledge-based economy, intellectual ability of workers in particular tacit knowledge is necessary to build the company's capital. Tacit knowledge, in contrast to explicit knowledge is knowledge of individual people, not the organization as a whole. It is practical knowledge stems from an understanding of explicit knowledge. It is a key strategic factor in determining the competitiveness of the organization in the market. The ability to build tacit knowledge as practical knowledge is necessary competence in the economy of the future. The market of educational services and employment cannot operate in isolation from each other, they complement each other.
General and Professional Education, 2010
Transforming modern university is facing many changes forced by consumer market. So many courses ... more Transforming modern university is facing many changes forced by consumer market. So many courses are conducted in the way that requires students simple memorization. Aiming to equip the graduate with competence is not a limitation of their knowledge and preparation, but is a step beyond “providing them information”. The pedagogical graduate competence is a complex set of capabilities. Education should deal with providing opportunities to practice the necessary skills. Educational drama has been used in educational process to promote experiences that are not taught by theoretical issues. Drama experience during study may be a great tool for the prospective teacher to win competences beyond the theory and broaden teacher competences.

Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people l... more Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people live and interact with each other in an increasingly globalized world. With global education, we can build a global consciousness. This makes the key task of education to provide learners not only with an opportunity but also the competence to reflect and share their own point of view. The tasks of kind of education include making learners aware of the complex relations between social, political, environmental and economic issues. Understanding the complexity of the relations in a globalized world is not possible in linear education. Only a comprehensive grasp of the issues will allow the learner to simultaneously recognize the many issues in their complexity which will contribute to new knowledge forming and the creating the ability to act in a global world. Concept maps are a way to adopt a comprehensive approach that allows you to graphically represent complex relationships and depende...
In recent years groves the importance of competence in the process of seeking employment and to a... more In recent years groves the importance of competence in the process of seeking employment and to adapt education systems. Competence of employees builds and improves the organization. In the knowledge-based economy, intellectual ability of workers in particular tacit knowledge is necessary to build the company's capital. Tacit knowledge, in contrast to explicit knowledge is knowledge of individual people, not the organization as a whole. It is practical knowledge stems from an understanding of explicit knowledge. It is a key strategic factor in determining the competitiveness of the organization in the market. The ability to build tacit knowledge as practical knowledge is necessary competence in the economy of the future. The market of educational services and employment cannot operate in isolation from each other, they complement each other.

Modern academic tuition does not go along the academic lines of mass schooling. Tuition at univer... more Modern academic tuition does not go along the academic lines of mass schooling. Tuition at universities sets up different objectives. It is crucial for the economic growth of countries. Therefore, significant attention is paid to the utilitarian character of academic knowledge. The effects of academic tuition are perceived as focusing on the student individuality. Being a university student implies playing a certain role, where norms of conduct, lifestyle, and professed values result from identification with the academic community, a sense of belonging to the elite of youth, characterized by an autonomy of its activity. Autonomous approach to the students’ own development is expressed by self-directedness, self-directed learning and choosing methods which facilitate constructing one’s own knowledge instead of its non-reflective acquisition. Employing concept maps is a method which facilitates subjective building of cognitive personal knowledge structures. The method uses visual tech...
Higher education has always served the public by educating its top leaders. Historically shaped t... more Higher education has always served the public by educating its top leaders. Historically shaped the functions and tasks of the universities are subject to change due to changes in civilization. Nowadays academic training is not just elites but to move towards specialized and professional preparation. Social and technological transformations influenced the generation Y. Gen Y Students shaped by digital technologies and the commercial market pre¬sents different characteristics than their older colleagues. Higher education teaching and learning process in its transformation must take into account the offer educational and training programs to the expectations and needs of this generation.
Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes pro... more Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes profound changes. Economic needs and the resulting government policy affect the reduction of nature of knowledge transferred or constricted on college campuses. Massification of education significantly contributed to lowering academic standards. Deep learning as the effect of academic adult learning is a prerequisite for the functioning of the university. There is justified concern that due to the progressive evolution of higher education, deep learning in higher education is rare and elite.

s, scripts, lists and tables. 19 Changing the admissions strategies and massification of higher e... more s, scripts, lists and tables. 19 Changing the admissions strategies and massification of higher education in Poland have led to lowering the level of academic education. Universities in their teaching activities directed their teaching programs at the student, calculated at best at the average one, and instead of passing the most current knowledge and enforce its understanding and ability to apply it, have often limited themselves to the enforcement of knowledge acquisition. These remarks do not apply to all the universities, but the multitude of students and the lack of direct contact with the academic teacher present significant obstacles to cultivate deep learning. 20 The world is changing, social expectations grow, the identity of the students is changing along with their learning culture. Characterizing the quality of academic education, several aspects should be pointed out: Universities are undergoing a period of organizational transformation and must meet the internal requ...
Universities are faced with the necessity of redefining their educational goals in relation to th... more Universities are faced with the necessity of redefining their educational goals in relation to the newly-defined tasks posed to the academic education. The outcomes of university education defined in the language of competence will not be achieved, unless the university ceases to continue the transmission strategies of teaching. Activation of students in the process of education means a shift in emphasis from teaching to make students responsible for their learning process. Autonomy in learning leads one to self-directedness and deep learning, which involves critical analysis of new information and combining it with the existing memory concepts, building the personal knowledge of the student.
Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes pro... more Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes profound changes. Economic needs and the resulting government policy affect the reduction of nature of knowledge transferred or constricted on college campuses. Massification of education significantly contributed to lowering academic standards. Deep learning as the effect of academic adult learning is a prerequisite for the functioning of the university. There is justified concern that due to the progressive evolution of higher education, deep learning in higher education is rare and elite.
General and Professional Education, Mar 1, 2010
Transforming modern university is facing many changes forced by consumer market. So many courses ... more Transforming modern university is facing many changes forced by consumer market. So many courses are conducted in the way that requires students simple memorization. Aiming to equip the graduate with competence is not a limitation of their knowledge and preparation, but is a step beyond "providing them information". The pedagogical graduate competence is a complex set of capabilities. Education should deal with providing opportunities to practice the necessary skills. Educational drama has been used in educational process to promote experiences that are not taught by theoretical issues. Drama experience during study may be a great tool for the prospective teacher to win competences beyond the theory and broaden teacher competences.
Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes pro... more Dynamic economic and political changes influence the task of academic education. It undergoes profound changes. Economic needs and the resulting government policy affect the reduction of nature of knowledge transferred or constricted on college campuses. Massification of education significantly contributed to lowering academic standards. Deep learning as the effect of academic adult learning is a prerequisite for the functioning of the university. There is justified concern that due to the progressive evolution of higher education, deep learning in higher education is rare and elite.

Intencją tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt indywidualnego zróżnicowania procesów uczenia się. D... more Intencją tekstu jest zwrócenie uwagi na fakt indywidualnego zróżnicowania procesów uczenia się. Dotyczy ono zarówno wieku uczących się i związanej z tym sprawności uczenia się, jak i środowiska, w którym zachodzi uczenie się oraz doświadczeń i nawyków uczenia się. Duże zainteresowanie neurodydaktyki dostosowaniem metod pracy edukacyjnej do możliwości mózgu uczących się skupia się głównie na dzieciach i młodzieży. W czasach całożyciowego uczenia się istotnym jest odniesienie zainteresowań neurodydaktyki także do uczenia się osób dorosłych we wszystkich etapach dorosłości. Wydaje się to tym bardziej zasadne, gdyż w wypadku dorosłych należy brać pod uwagę nie tylko specyfikę procesu uczenia się ale także uwarunkowania uczenia się dorosłych, do których należy sprawność intelektualna osoby dorosłej, jej nawyki uczenia się przyswojone w szkole obciążonej tradycyjnych podejściem do nauczania oraz cyfryzację wszystkich sfer życia i dostępu do informacji, które bardzo wpływają na charakter współczesnego uczenia się.
The intention of the text is to draw attention to the fact of individual variation in learning processes. It concerns both age learners and associated learning efficiency and the environment in which there is learning and experience and habits of learning. Neurodidactics is strong interested in adjustment methods of educational work to the capabilities of the brain learners focuses mainly on children and youth. In an era of lifelong learning it is important to refer neurodidactics interest also to adult learning in all stages of adulthood. This seems all the more justified, since in the case of adults should be taken into account not only the specifics of the learning process but also the conditions of adult learning, which include intellectual abilities of an adult, her study habits assimilated in school encumbered traditional approach to teaching and digitization all walks of life and access to information, which affect the very nature of modern learning.

Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people l... more Global Education is an educational perspective resulting from the fact that contemporary people live and
interact with each other in an increasingly globalized world. With global education, we can build a global
consciousness. This makes the key task of education to provide learners not only with an opportunity but also
the competence to reflect and share their own point of view. The tasks of kind of education include making
learners aware of the complex relations between social, political, environmental and economic issues.
Understanding the complexity of the relations in a globalized world is not possible in linear education. Only a
comprehensive grasp of the issues will allow the learner to simultaneously recognize the many issues in their
complexity which will contribute to new knowledge forming and the creating the ability to act in a global world.
Concept maps are a way to adopt a comprehensive approach that allows you to graphically represent complex
relationships and dependencies.
Papers by Dorota Ciechanowska
The intention of the text is to draw attention to the fact of individual variation in learning processes. It concerns both age learners and associated learning efficiency and the environment in which there is learning and experience and habits of learning. Neurodidactics is strong interested in adjustment methods of educational work to the capabilities of the brain learners focuses mainly on children and youth. In an era of lifelong learning it is important to refer neurodidactics interest also to adult learning in all stages of adulthood. This seems all the more justified, since in the case of adults should be taken into account not only the specifics of the learning process but also the conditions of adult learning, which include intellectual abilities of an adult, her study habits assimilated in school encumbered traditional approach to teaching and digitization all walks of life and access to information, which affect the very nature of modern learning.
interact with each other in an increasingly globalized world. With global education, we can build a global
consciousness. This makes the key task of education to provide learners not only with an opportunity but also
the competence to reflect and share their own point of view. The tasks of kind of education include making
learners aware of the complex relations between social, political, environmental and economic issues.
Understanding the complexity of the relations in a globalized world is not possible in linear education. Only a
comprehensive grasp of the issues will allow the learner to simultaneously recognize the many issues in their
complexity which will contribute to new knowledge forming and the creating the ability to act in a global world.
Concept maps are a way to adopt a comprehensive approach that allows you to graphically represent complex
relationships and dependencies.
The intention of the text is to draw attention to the fact of individual variation in learning processes. It concerns both age learners and associated learning efficiency and the environment in which there is learning and experience and habits of learning. Neurodidactics is strong interested in adjustment methods of educational work to the capabilities of the brain learners focuses mainly on children and youth. In an era of lifelong learning it is important to refer neurodidactics interest also to adult learning in all stages of adulthood. This seems all the more justified, since in the case of adults should be taken into account not only the specifics of the learning process but also the conditions of adult learning, which include intellectual abilities of an adult, her study habits assimilated in school encumbered traditional approach to teaching and digitization all walks of life and access to information, which affect the very nature of modern learning.
interact with each other in an increasingly globalized world. With global education, we can build a global
consciousness. This makes the key task of education to provide learners not only with an opportunity but also
the competence to reflect and share their own point of view. The tasks of kind of education include making
learners aware of the complex relations between social, political, environmental and economic issues.
Understanding the complexity of the relations in a globalized world is not possible in linear education. Only a
comprehensive grasp of the issues will allow the learner to simultaneously recognize the many issues in their
complexity which will contribute to new knowledge forming and the creating the ability to act in a global world.
Concept maps are a way to adopt a comprehensive approach that allows you to graphically represent complex
relationships and dependencies.