본 논문은 2017년 OECD DAC 동료검토(Peer Review)의 주요 의제인 원조효과성 제고를 위해 원조 및 비원조분야에서 개발을 위한 정책일관성(PCD) 논의를 적용... more 본 논문은 2017년 OECD DAC 동료검토(Peer Review)의 주요 의제인 원조효과성 제고를 위해 원조 및 비원조분야에서 개발을 위한 정책일관성(PCD) 논의를 적용 분야에 초점을 두고 분석한다. 이를 위해 국제사회에서 PCD 논의를 주창하고 있는 OECD와 EU 그리고 주요 공여국이 집중하고 있는 PCD 정책 분야를 검토하고, 한국이 국제사회의 PCD 확산을 위해 우선적으로 집중해야 할 정책 분야를 분석하였다. 결론적으로, 향후 PCD 논의는 무역, 기후변화, 불법자금흐름(조세・송금 포함), 식량 안보, 이민 및 안보분야를 중심으로 논의가 진행될 것임을 전망할 수 있다. 아울러 PCD의 중요성이 UN의 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 채택으로 인해 더욱 활성화 될 것으로 본다. 한국은 그간 PCD에 대한 이해 부족으로 인해 PCD 사례로 해석되는 국내 정책들을 국제사회와 공유하지 못한 바 있으나, 향후 PCD적 관점에서 포함될 수 있는 기존의 우수 국내사례를 발굴하고 축적함으로써 국제사회의 PCD 논의에 동참하는 노력과 함께, OCED와 EU가 제시한 다양한 정책 분야들에서 PCD에 입각한 새로운 정책들을 개발할 필요가 있음을 논문의 정책적 시사점으로 제시한다.
Under the international economic system that characterized as an increased interdependent system,... more Under the international economic system that characterized as an increased interdependent system, the development of developing countries needs a comprehensive approach with cross-border dimensions. By adopting the concept of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD), OECD and EU advocate that progress towards policies that are more coherent and supportive of development is an important part in achieving sustainable and broad-based development of developing countries. Since being the member of OECD DAC in 2010, South Korea is expecting its first Peer Review by DAC in 2012. Given this operational environment, this research aims to explore the relationship between the internalization of PCD and political environment. By examining the cases of Sweden and Germany’s internalization of PCD, this research demonstrated that social consensus, the state policy making structure of policy-making and implementation, institutions linking the state and civil society, the degree to which the state accommodates international norms and institutions advocating norms are import factors that facilitate the norm internalization.
There are very complicated and confornting approaches to the analysis of North Korean famine. Two... more There are very complicated and confornting approaches to the analysis of North Korean famine. Two dominant approaches on the issue of famine are food availability decline approach(FAD) and food entitlement decline approach (FAD). The desirable analysis of famine cause is possible when it balanced between FAD and FED approaches. In North Korean famine studies, however, there have been a tendency that it was divided into FAD and FED. This paper examines FAD and FED approaches as two dominant analytical framework for famine analysis. Based on FAD and FED framework, we categorized the existing papers and reports on North Korean famine and found relationship between the adminitstration of South Korea and a preferred approach.
Reliable statistics offer good aid policies and also in the process of producing the statistics t... more Reliable statistics offer good aid policies and also in the process of producing the statistics there has had a positive impact on the expansion of aid. The purpose of this paper is to compare OECD CRS(Creditor Reporting System) and ROK's data in terms of aid to the DPRK, and figure out problems of ROK's statistics. CRS successfully describes the international aid to the DPRK but ROK's aid statistics do not show the reality of aid flows between the two Koreas. The absence of reliable statistics in aid of South Korea gives the difficulty in aid monitoring basically. Furthermore, international cooperation to assist the DPRK seems impossible because of different aid language. Finally, due to the ambiguity of the data, cooperation with aid recipient countries, the DPRK, is also expected not to be easy. Therefore it is necessary to set up new statistics based on CRS criteria for ROK's aid to the DPRK.
This paper aims to analyze views of major actors on mobilizing development finance. Major actors ... more This paper aims to analyze views of major actors on mobilizing development finance. Major actors cooperating for international development can be classified into public sector(nation, international organization) and private sector(corporation, civil society organization, foundation). Recognizing times to termination of the MDGs scheme, analyzing the major actorʹs different views on the development finance is vital for the future development finance discussions since the analysis is closely related to why different views on development finance existed, how diverse views emerged and what are the issues for. Moreover, analyzing actorʹs progress for mobilizing development finance is critical agenda for the future international development cooperation since it is reflected by each actorʹs behavior for eradicating poverty. As a result of analyzing major actorʹs views on the development finance, the positions between the traditional donors, referring to OECD DAC, and emerging donors represented the most different views, and also the roles of corporations among the private sector showed different aspects.Namely, traditional donors regard mobilization of innovative finance as critical issue for development finance since aid fatigue has been likely to persist. On the other hand, emerging donors prefer traditional development finance to innovative finance.
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, 2013
In 2000, Park Sunyoung’s study, which was on the same topic and objectives as this study, tried t... more In 2000, Park Sunyoung’s study, which was on the same topic and objectives as this study, tried to examine the democratic impact of the North Korean economic crisis, but it was not enough to show the impact of the economic crisis due to the lack of data on the North Korea economic crisis in 2000. Cho Dongho and Jang Namsoo also attempted to examine the relationship between demographic changes in North Korea and labour productivity and economic growth. Neither did this study show the impact of chronic economic downturn on the demographic changes in North Korea which has continued for the last 20 years from 1993 to 2013. This study, therefore, seeks to identify the demographic impact - not simply mortality rate, but also the impact of malnutrition throughout the life cycle of North Korea people - during the North Korean economic crisis from 1993 to 2013. By doing so, this study extrapolates a more detailed and comprehensive demographic impact of the economic crisis in North Korea in 2013. This article found that the North Korean economic crisis, which continued since 1993 until 2013, resulted in the significant demographic impact and changes in the North Korean population. This study also argues that such demographic changes should not be ignored by the North Korean government in the process of economic resuscitation.Based on the findings, this study suggests the resumption of humanitarian food assistance to North Korea, especially for vulnerable target groups such as infants, children, adolescents, mothers, and women in fertile regardless of the political, military and economic confrontation between North Korea and South Korea. Humanitarian assistance should also include health sector assistance as well as food aid to North Korea. Lastly, this study suggests the continuation of nutritional surveys of UN agencies in North Korea and for this, at least, South Korean government needs to finance the budget for UN nutritional surveys in North Korea in order to understand the demographic impact of the North Korean economic crisis more scientifically and design a future possible response strategy for the recovery of North Korean people from the humanitarian crisis.
Since 2002, the international community have begun to discuss the topic of development fiance in ... more Since 2002, the international community have begun to discuss the topic of development fiance in that the financing for development is one of critical factors for the achievement of development goals. However, it seems the mechanism of the Post-2015 to establish development agendas replacing the MDGs in 2015 does not pay proper attention on the financing for development. Therefore, there are low consensus on how to secure financial resources required to implement strategies to achieve development agendas and goals among developed and developing countries, international agencies, and NGOs. This article focuses on how the issues of anti-slavery, human rights, environment, woman suffrage movement were able to be the issues of transnational movement and finally affect changes in state policy and practice. Based on the lessons learned from the successful transnational movements, the article aims to find room for the effective agenda setting for financing for development as a transnational development agenda. It seeks to establish a sustainable global aid architecture enabling relevant actors in international development and cooperation to change their policy and practice on financing for development. This article found the three implications. Firstly, it is necessary to exploit the strategy of accountability politics to pressure actors in international development and cooperation to fulfil their pledge of 0.7% ODA/GNI which is accepted as a common goal in the international community in 1970. Secondly, organizing transnational networks is an effective mechanism to influence the behavior changes of states and international agencies in relation to financing for development. Lastly, NGOs and their advocacy is a critical actor to pressure states, international agencies, and private sector to tackle the issue of financing for development more actively, and therefore building enabling environment for NGOs and their advocacy is important for financing for development.
The principle of humanitarianism denotes that humanitarian assistance should be driven by humanit... more The principle of humanitarianism denotes that humanitarian assistance should be driven by humanitarian needs itself and that it needs to follow the values of neutrality, impartiality and universalism. In addition, it puts emphasis on the donor's accountability to the recipients and its tax payers. However, the South Korean civil society and government which engaged in the human-itarian assistance to North Korea since 1995 have not fully recognised the essential of the interna-tional effort and principle to protect human dignity in disaster-stricken areas. The South Korean government made the humanitarian assistance to North Korea conditional on the inter-Korean political and economic relations and interests from the principle of reciprocity, rather than the consideration of the humanitarian distress in North Korea and the principle of humanitarianism that emphasizes aid monitoring to ensure the delivery of aid to the target groups in the recipient country. It consequently resulted in the situation that no one knows whether the humanitarian assistance to North Korea since 1995 contributed to the promotion of human security in North Korea or not. Through the examination of the principles, norms and guidelines for humanitarianism which is supported by the international humanitarian regime, this thesis argues three implications for advancing South Korean aid to North Korea. Firstly, it argues that humanitarian assistance to North Korea should respect the principle of humanitarianism rather than the principle of reciprocity between both Koreas. Secondly, the paper suggests the South Korean government to deliver its assistance through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in that the expansion of NGO activities and cooperation in both Koreas would play a positive role in building a favourable political environment in Korean peninsula as well as the relief of humanitarian distress in North Korea. Lastly, it suggests that the necessity of humanitarian assistance to North Korean through the channel of international organizations such as WFP and UNICEF and UNDP to secure transparency by improving monitoring in the process of aid to North Korean recipients.
Since 1995 when North Korea appealed the international community for aid, South Korean NGOs for a... more Since 1995 when North Korea appealed the international community for aid, South Korean NGOs for aid to North Korea have played a significant role in organizing a nationwide advocacy movement. At the same time, North Korean human rights NGOs in South Korea have been established and their activities have been expanded. The study on the role of NGOs in South Korea needs to be conducted from different perspectives, such as peace building, democratization and good gover- nance, economic cooperation, and recovery of inter-Korean national identity. However, existing studies are limited to the delivery of huma-nitarian and development assistance to North Korea by South Korean NGOs. This study analyzes the roles of humanitarian, development and human rights NGOs which have conducted a significant political role from 1995 to 2012 in South Korea from the perspective of building the ground for Korean unification. This study argues that South Korean NGOs have acted as a safety net between North and South Korea(a peace building role), a norm entrepreneur through the increase of public awareness toward North Korean human rights(democratization and good governance), the delivery of humanitarian and development assistance to North Korea(economic cooperation), and the recovery of inter-Korean national identity(social and cultural change). In this sense, this paper points out that NGOs can be a useful and complementary actor for the government in building peace and achieving unification on the Korean peninsula when the positive roles of NGOs are institutionalized. In this light, their strengths and limitations should be systematically identified in future studies so that international NGOs may become strategic supporters of Korean unification.
There have been paradigms of international development cooperation, such as the Millennium Develo... more There have been paradigms of international development cooperation, such as the Millennium Development Goals (Millenium Development Goals, MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Plan (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). MDGs has been affected in various ways to support the development of North Korea, and changed paradigm, SDGs will also affect the development of cooperation in various aspects of North Korea. This paper certainly applies North Korea to recently announced SDGs. According to discussions, international donors will basically focus on No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Clean Water and Sanitation as they did in the past, and they also work for Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure and Responsible Consumption and Production for North Korea's Development.
In March 2013, North Korea adopted its “Byongjin” policy of simultaneously pursuing economic an... more In March 2013, North Korea adopted its “Byongjin” policy of simultaneously pursuing economic and nuclear development. While the Byongjin policy in the Kim Jong-il era aimed at developing military forces at the expense of economic development, Kim Jung-un era’s Byongjin policy prioritizes economic development ahead of defense. The Kim, Jung-un regime’s most urgent challenge is to enhance its people’s livelihoods. This reasoning could be further substantiated by evidence of a rise in economic investment and overall stagnation in defense investment, even after the Byongjin policy was announced. In this sense, the character of the new policy is defensive rather than aggressively expansionist. Since 2013, North Korea has initiated a series of economic reform measures that seek to expand its policy to open up by collaborating with China and Russia. To sum up, the Byongjin policy is a new North Korean strategy, which is carefully chosen to face “the dilemma of security and development.”
This paper explores initial conditions of international cooperation for North Korea’s development... more This paper explores initial conditions of international cooperation for North Korea’s development as analyzing North Korea’s SDG indicator. Generally, a number of fundamental questions plague the SDG indicator: what is meaning of the data actually? how the data could be collected? and how many countries could offer the data? Despite, we examine North Korea’s SDG indicator, and it brings following results. First, there should be a study for North Korea’s development indicators as a priority project. Second, most sectors traditionally dealt with in the health and education are at the global level of its development. However, some of detailed indicators from those sectors have no information, so it brings new homeworks to do in North Korea. Third, there are almost no information about unknown indicators from known goals, we need to build new approaches of those unknown tasks. Last, there should be a new roadmap for new agendas such as SDG [8], [9], [10] and [16].
The South Korean government has recently engaged in various discussions preparing for the possibi... more The South Korean government has recently engaged in various discussions preparing for the possibility of reunification between two Koreas. There arises necessary questions of establishing a proper mode of governance to build a strong foundation for reunification. This study attempts to suggest a basic principle of cooperation, which can construct the condition of a “progressive peaceful reunification of South-North Korea.” I argue that it is important to build up an inte- grated national governance system in which various social actors voluntarily participate during the reunification process. In order for establishing the national system of reunification, a leading role of the government is necessarily required. Its main function is to set up a microscopic mode of governance under the meta-governance system, which ensures the network of a national management to cope with various socio-political issues generated from the unification environment.
Immigrants to South Korea are a diverse group that includes marriage immigrants, migrant workers,... more Immigrants to South Korea are a diverse group that includes marriage immigrants, migrant workers, Koreans with foreign citizenship and refugees. Due to this, the policy on immigrants has evolved from earlier forms focusing on regulating immigration based on discrimination and exclusion, to integration and assimilation policies supporting multiculturalism. There are previous studies on immigrant policies and literature reviews both at home and abroad, but the factors that impact on policy diffusion have not been fully analyzed in Korea. This study reviews multicultural family support policies adopted by 153 local governments from 2007 to November 2012, and analyzes the impact of internal determinants which include financial and economic factors, consisting of self-generated revenue, per capita self-generated income, percentage of social welfare budget and urbanization, social and cultural factors including percentage of foreign population, the number of marriage immigrants and their children and the number of civil society organizations, and political and administrative factors including the political orientation of heads of local governments and city council members, election time and acceptance of policies for foreigners. The results suggest that variables of regional diffusion, per capita self-generated income, spending on social welfare, and the acceptance level of policies for foreigners are most significant, while the numbers of marriage immigrants and their children, the number of civil society organizations, and the heads of governments of local governments’ political orientation are partially significant.
I examine the experiences of South Korean nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that provide aid t... more I examine the experiences of South Korean nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that provide aid to North Korea in order to assess the success and limitations of the NGO movement. With reference to the political role of NGOs in constructivist theory, I identify three factors that have hindered the formation of a sustainable partnership between the South Korean government and NGOs since the inter-Korean summit of 2000. First, South Korean NGOs have lacked consistent efforts toward transparency and accountability in operations and organizational management. Second, the great increase in inter-Korean cooperation and exchange after 2000 weakened the research, education, and advocacy function of NGOs. Third, aid NGOs failed to establish independent, diversified, and stable funding mechanisms, decreasing their capacity to act as cooperative partners of the government. KEYWORDS: South Korea, nongovernmental organizations, aid policy, government-NGO relations, aid to North Korea, inter-Korean exchange and cooperation.
This article describes and analyzes two approaches in South Korean civil society to the issue of ... more This article describes and analyzes two approaches in South Korean civil society to the issue of human rights in North Korea: a civil and political rights–based approach and an economic, social, and cultural rights–based approach that emphasizes the right to food. By analyzing the relationship between the policy stances of South Korean administrations in respect of North Korean human rights (NKHR) and NGO (nongovernmental organization) advocacy, this essay argues that South Korean humanitarian and human rights NGOs contributed to the adoption of different human rights norms in South Korean society. Since 2000, South Korean humanitarian NGOs separated civil and political rights (CPR) concerns from economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) concerns and selectively adopted the latter by limiting these human rights to the “right to food.” Under the hard-line policy of the Lee Myung-Bak administration (2008–2012), South Korean human rights NGOs resumed active advocacy targeting the international community by exposing poor CPR situation in North Korea through transnational human rights networks given the CPR approach and this led to the dominance of the CPR approach in South Korean civil society. Thus, humanitarian and human rights NGOs in South Korea narrowed the focus of human rights norms to CPR and this emphasis influenced and shaped the way later political administrations in South Korea viewed human rights issues related to North Korea.
본 논문은 2017년 OECD DAC 동료검토(Peer Review)의 주요 의제인 원조효과성 제고를 위해 원조 및 비원조분야에서 개발을 위한 정책일관성(PCD) 논의를 적용... more 본 논문은 2017년 OECD DAC 동료검토(Peer Review)의 주요 의제인 원조효과성 제고를 위해 원조 및 비원조분야에서 개발을 위한 정책일관성(PCD) 논의를 적용 분야에 초점을 두고 분석한다. 이를 위해 국제사회에서 PCD 논의를 주창하고 있는 OECD와 EU 그리고 주요 공여국이 집중하고 있는 PCD 정책 분야를 검토하고, 한국이 국제사회의 PCD 확산을 위해 우선적으로 집중해야 할 정책 분야를 분석하였다. 결론적으로, 향후 PCD 논의는 무역, 기후변화, 불법자금흐름(조세・송금 포함), 식량 안보, 이민 및 안보분야를 중심으로 논의가 진행될 것임을 전망할 수 있다. 아울러 PCD의 중요성이 UN의 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 채택으로 인해 더욱 활성화 될 것으로 본다. 한국은 그간 PCD에 대한 이해 부족으로 인해 PCD 사례로 해석되는 국내 정책들을 국제사회와 공유하지 못한 바 있으나, 향후 PCD적 관점에서 포함될 수 있는 기존의 우수 국내사례를 발굴하고 축적함으로써 국제사회의 PCD 논의에 동참하는 노력과 함께, OCED와 EU가 제시한 다양한 정책 분야들에서 PCD에 입각한 새로운 정책들을 개발할 필요가 있음을 논문의 정책적 시사점으로 제시한다.
Under the international economic system that characterized as an increased interdependent system,... more Under the international economic system that characterized as an increased interdependent system, the development of developing countries needs a comprehensive approach with cross-border dimensions. By adopting the concept of Policy Coherence for Development (PCD), OECD and EU advocate that progress towards policies that are more coherent and supportive of development is an important part in achieving sustainable and broad-based development of developing countries. Since being the member of OECD DAC in 2010, South Korea is expecting its first Peer Review by DAC in 2012. Given this operational environment, this research aims to explore the relationship between the internalization of PCD and political environment. By examining the cases of Sweden and Germany’s internalization of PCD, this research demonstrated that social consensus, the state policy making structure of policy-making and implementation, institutions linking the state and civil society, the degree to which the state accommodates international norms and institutions advocating norms are import factors that facilitate the norm internalization.
There are very complicated and confornting approaches to the analysis of North Korean famine. Two... more There are very complicated and confornting approaches to the analysis of North Korean famine. Two dominant approaches on the issue of famine are food availability decline approach(FAD) and food entitlement decline approach (FAD). The desirable analysis of famine cause is possible when it balanced between FAD and FED approaches. In North Korean famine studies, however, there have been a tendency that it was divided into FAD and FED. This paper examines FAD and FED approaches as two dominant analytical framework for famine analysis. Based on FAD and FED framework, we categorized the existing papers and reports on North Korean famine and found relationship between the adminitstration of South Korea and a preferred approach.
Reliable statistics offer good aid policies and also in the process of producing the statistics t... more Reliable statistics offer good aid policies and also in the process of producing the statistics there has had a positive impact on the expansion of aid. The purpose of this paper is to compare OECD CRS(Creditor Reporting System) and ROK's data in terms of aid to the DPRK, and figure out problems of ROK's statistics. CRS successfully describes the international aid to the DPRK but ROK's aid statistics do not show the reality of aid flows between the two Koreas. The absence of reliable statistics in aid of South Korea gives the difficulty in aid monitoring basically. Furthermore, international cooperation to assist the DPRK seems impossible because of different aid language. Finally, due to the ambiguity of the data, cooperation with aid recipient countries, the DPRK, is also expected not to be easy. Therefore it is necessary to set up new statistics based on CRS criteria for ROK's aid to the DPRK.
This paper aims to analyze views of major actors on mobilizing development finance. Major actors ... more This paper aims to analyze views of major actors on mobilizing development finance. Major actors cooperating for international development can be classified into public sector(nation, international organization) and private sector(corporation, civil society organization, foundation). Recognizing times to termination of the MDGs scheme, analyzing the major actorʹs different views on the development finance is vital for the future development finance discussions since the analysis is closely related to why different views on development finance existed, how diverse views emerged and what are the issues for. Moreover, analyzing actorʹs progress for mobilizing development finance is critical agenda for the future international development cooperation since it is reflected by each actorʹs behavior for eradicating poverty. As a result of analyzing major actorʹs views on the development finance, the positions between the traditional donors, referring to OECD DAC, and emerging donors represented the most different views, and also the roles of corporations among the private sector showed different aspects.Namely, traditional donors regard mobilization of innovative finance as critical issue for development finance since aid fatigue has been likely to persist. On the other hand, emerging donors prefer traditional development finance to innovative finance.
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, 2013
In 2000, Park Sunyoung’s study, which was on the same topic and objectives as this study, tried t... more In 2000, Park Sunyoung’s study, which was on the same topic and objectives as this study, tried to examine the democratic impact of the North Korean economic crisis, but it was not enough to show the impact of the economic crisis due to the lack of data on the North Korea economic crisis in 2000. Cho Dongho and Jang Namsoo also attempted to examine the relationship between demographic changes in North Korea and labour productivity and economic growth. Neither did this study show the impact of chronic economic downturn on the demographic changes in North Korea which has continued for the last 20 years from 1993 to 2013. This study, therefore, seeks to identify the demographic impact - not simply mortality rate, but also the impact of malnutrition throughout the life cycle of North Korea people - during the North Korean economic crisis from 1993 to 2013. By doing so, this study extrapolates a more detailed and comprehensive demographic impact of the economic crisis in North Korea in 2013. This article found that the North Korean economic crisis, which continued since 1993 until 2013, resulted in the significant demographic impact and changes in the North Korean population. This study also argues that such demographic changes should not be ignored by the North Korean government in the process of economic resuscitation.Based on the findings, this study suggests the resumption of humanitarian food assistance to North Korea, especially for vulnerable target groups such as infants, children, adolescents, mothers, and women in fertile regardless of the political, military and economic confrontation between North Korea and South Korea. Humanitarian assistance should also include health sector assistance as well as food aid to North Korea. Lastly, this study suggests the continuation of nutritional surveys of UN agencies in North Korea and for this, at least, South Korean government needs to finance the budget for UN nutritional surveys in North Korea in order to understand the demographic impact of the North Korean economic crisis more scientifically and design a future possible response strategy for the recovery of North Korean people from the humanitarian crisis.
Since 2002, the international community have begun to discuss the topic of development fiance in ... more Since 2002, the international community have begun to discuss the topic of development fiance in that the financing for development is one of critical factors for the achievement of development goals. However, it seems the mechanism of the Post-2015 to establish development agendas replacing the MDGs in 2015 does not pay proper attention on the financing for development. Therefore, there are low consensus on how to secure financial resources required to implement strategies to achieve development agendas and goals among developed and developing countries, international agencies, and NGOs. This article focuses on how the issues of anti-slavery, human rights, environment, woman suffrage movement were able to be the issues of transnational movement and finally affect changes in state policy and practice. Based on the lessons learned from the successful transnational movements, the article aims to find room for the effective agenda setting for financing for development as a transnational development agenda. It seeks to establish a sustainable global aid architecture enabling relevant actors in international development and cooperation to change their policy and practice on financing for development. This article found the three implications. Firstly, it is necessary to exploit the strategy of accountability politics to pressure actors in international development and cooperation to fulfil their pledge of 0.7% ODA/GNI which is accepted as a common goal in the international community in 1970. Secondly, organizing transnational networks is an effective mechanism to influence the behavior changes of states and international agencies in relation to financing for development. Lastly, NGOs and their advocacy is a critical actor to pressure states, international agencies, and private sector to tackle the issue of financing for development more actively, and therefore building enabling environment for NGOs and their advocacy is important for financing for development.
The principle of humanitarianism denotes that humanitarian assistance should be driven by humanit... more The principle of humanitarianism denotes that humanitarian assistance should be driven by humanitarian needs itself and that it needs to follow the values of neutrality, impartiality and universalism. In addition, it puts emphasis on the donor's accountability to the recipients and its tax payers. However, the South Korean civil society and government which engaged in the human-itarian assistance to North Korea since 1995 have not fully recognised the essential of the interna-tional effort and principle to protect human dignity in disaster-stricken areas. The South Korean government made the humanitarian assistance to North Korea conditional on the inter-Korean political and economic relations and interests from the principle of reciprocity, rather than the consideration of the humanitarian distress in North Korea and the principle of humanitarianism that emphasizes aid monitoring to ensure the delivery of aid to the target groups in the recipient country. It consequently resulted in the situation that no one knows whether the humanitarian assistance to North Korea since 1995 contributed to the promotion of human security in North Korea or not. Through the examination of the principles, norms and guidelines for humanitarianism which is supported by the international humanitarian regime, this thesis argues three implications for advancing South Korean aid to North Korea. Firstly, it argues that humanitarian assistance to North Korea should respect the principle of humanitarianism rather than the principle of reciprocity between both Koreas. Secondly, the paper suggests the South Korean government to deliver its assistance through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in that the expansion of NGO activities and cooperation in both Koreas would play a positive role in building a favourable political environment in Korean peninsula as well as the relief of humanitarian distress in North Korea. Lastly, it suggests that the necessity of humanitarian assistance to North Korean through the channel of international organizations such as WFP and UNICEF and UNDP to secure transparency by improving monitoring in the process of aid to North Korean recipients.
Since 1995 when North Korea appealed the international community for aid, South Korean NGOs for a... more Since 1995 when North Korea appealed the international community for aid, South Korean NGOs for aid to North Korea have played a significant role in organizing a nationwide advocacy movement. At the same time, North Korean human rights NGOs in South Korea have been established and their activities have been expanded. The study on the role of NGOs in South Korea needs to be conducted from different perspectives, such as peace building, democratization and good gover- nance, economic cooperation, and recovery of inter-Korean national identity. However, existing studies are limited to the delivery of huma-nitarian and development assistance to North Korea by South Korean NGOs. This study analyzes the roles of humanitarian, development and human rights NGOs which have conducted a significant political role from 1995 to 2012 in South Korea from the perspective of building the ground for Korean unification. This study argues that South Korean NGOs have acted as a safety net between North and South Korea(a peace building role), a norm entrepreneur through the increase of public awareness toward North Korean human rights(democratization and good governance), the delivery of humanitarian and development assistance to North Korea(economic cooperation), and the recovery of inter-Korean national identity(social and cultural change). In this sense, this paper points out that NGOs can be a useful and complementary actor for the government in building peace and achieving unification on the Korean peninsula when the positive roles of NGOs are institutionalized. In this light, their strengths and limitations should be systematically identified in future studies so that international NGOs may become strategic supporters of Korean unification.
There have been paradigms of international development cooperation, such as the Millennium Develo... more There have been paradigms of international development cooperation, such as the Millennium Development Goals (Millenium Development Goals, MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Plan (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). MDGs has been affected in various ways to support the development of North Korea, and changed paradigm, SDGs will also affect the development of cooperation in various aspects of North Korea. This paper certainly applies North Korea to recently announced SDGs. According to discussions, international donors will basically focus on No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Clean Water and Sanitation as they did in the past, and they also work for Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure and Responsible Consumption and Production for North Korea's Development.
In March 2013, North Korea adopted its “Byongjin” policy of simultaneously pursuing economic an... more In March 2013, North Korea adopted its “Byongjin” policy of simultaneously pursuing economic and nuclear development. While the Byongjin policy in the Kim Jong-il era aimed at developing military forces at the expense of economic development, Kim Jung-un era’s Byongjin policy prioritizes economic development ahead of defense. The Kim, Jung-un regime’s most urgent challenge is to enhance its people’s livelihoods. This reasoning could be further substantiated by evidence of a rise in economic investment and overall stagnation in defense investment, even after the Byongjin policy was announced. In this sense, the character of the new policy is defensive rather than aggressively expansionist. Since 2013, North Korea has initiated a series of economic reform measures that seek to expand its policy to open up by collaborating with China and Russia. To sum up, the Byongjin policy is a new North Korean strategy, which is carefully chosen to face “the dilemma of security and development.”
This paper explores initial conditions of international cooperation for North Korea’s development... more This paper explores initial conditions of international cooperation for North Korea’s development as analyzing North Korea’s SDG indicator. Generally, a number of fundamental questions plague the SDG indicator: what is meaning of the data actually? how the data could be collected? and how many countries could offer the data? Despite, we examine North Korea’s SDG indicator, and it brings following results. First, there should be a study for North Korea’s development indicators as a priority project. Second, most sectors traditionally dealt with in the health and education are at the global level of its development. However, some of detailed indicators from those sectors have no information, so it brings new homeworks to do in North Korea. Third, there are almost no information about unknown indicators from known goals, we need to build new approaches of those unknown tasks. Last, there should be a new roadmap for new agendas such as SDG [8], [9], [10] and [16].
The South Korean government has recently engaged in various discussions preparing for the possibi... more The South Korean government has recently engaged in various discussions preparing for the possibility of reunification between two Koreas. There arises necessary questions of establishing a proper mode of governance to build a strong foundation for reunification. This study attempts to suggest a basic principle of cooperation, which can construct the condition of a “progressive peaceful reunification of South-North Korea.” I argue that it is important to build up an inte- grated national governance system in which various social actors voluntarily participate during the reunification process. In order for establishing the national system of reunification, a leading role of the government is necessarily required. Its main function is to set up a microscopic mode of governance under the meta-governance system, which ensures the network of a national management to cope with various socio-political issues generated from the unification environment.
Immigrants to South Korea are a diverse group that includes marriage immigrants, migrant workers,... more Immigrants to South Korea are a diverse group that includes marriage immigrants, migrant workers, Koreans with foreign citizenship and refugees. Due to this, the policy on immigrants has evolved from earlier forms focusing on regulating immigration based on discrimination and exclusion, to integration and assimilation policies supporting multiculturalism. There are previous studies on immigrant policies and literature reviews both at home and abroad, but the factors that impact on policy diffusion have not been fully analyzed in Korea. This study reviews multicultural family support policies adopted by 153 local governments from 2007 to November 2012, and analyzes the impact of internal determinants which include financial and economic factors, consisting of self-generated revenue, per capita self-generated income, percentage of social welfare budget and urbanization, social and cultural factors including percentage of foreign population, the number of marriage immigrants and their children and the number of civil society organizations, and political and administrative factors including the political orientation of heads of local governments and city council members, election time and acceptance of policies for foreigners. The results suggest that variables of regional diffusion, per capita self-generated income, spending on social welfare, and the acceptance level of policies for foreigners are most significant, while the numbers of marriage immigrants and their children, the number of civil society organizations, and the heads of governments of local governments’ political orientation are partially significant.
I examine the experiences of South Korean nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that provide aid t... more I examine the experiences of South Korean nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that provide aid to North Korea in order to assess the success and limitations of the NGO movement. With reference to the political role of NGOs in constructivist theory, I identify three factors that have hindered the formation of a sustainable partnership between the South Korean government and NGOs since the inter-Korean summit of 2000. First, South Korean NGOs have lacked consistent efforts toward transparency and accountability in operations and organizational management. Second, the great increase in inter-Korean cooperation and exchange after 2000 weakened the research, education, and advocacy function of NGOs. Third, aid NGOs failed to establish independent, diversified, and stable funding mechanisms, decreasing their capacity to act as cooperative partners of the government. KEYWORDS: South Korea, nongovernmental organizations, aid policy, government-NGO relations, aid to North Korea, inter-Korean exchange and cooperation.
This article describes and analyzes two approaches in South Korean civil society to the issue of ... more This article describes and analyzes two approaches in South Korean civil society to the issue of human rights in North Korea: a civil and political rights–based approach and an economic, social, and cultural rights–based approach that emphasizes the right to food. By analyzing the relationship between the policy stances of South Korean administrations in respect of North Korean human rights (NKHR) and NGO (nongovernmental organization) advocacy, this essay argues that South Korean humanitarian and human rights NGOs contributed to the adoption of different human rights norms in South Korean society. Since 2000, South Korean humanitarian NGOs separated civil and political rights (CPR) concerns from economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) concerns and selectively adopted the latter by limiting these human rights to the “right to food.” Under the hard-line policy of the Lee Myung-Bak administration (2008–2012), South Korean human rights NGOs resumed active advocacy targeting the international community by exposing poor CPR situation in North Korea through transnational human rights networks given the CPR approach and this led to the dominance of the CPR approach in South Korean civil society. Thus, humanitarian and human rights NGOs in South Korea narrowed the focus of human rights norms to CPR and this emphasis influenced and shaped the way later political administrations in South Korea viewed human rights issues related to North Korea.
Papers by Kyungyon Moon