Chonbuk National University
Department of Psychology
The issues of retail and office center structure formation are developed and presented in the existent literature. This article argues that in each case, these issues need to be refined depending on the location, the number of... more
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The issues of retail and office center structure formation are developed and presented in the existent literature. This article argues that in each case, these issues need to be refined depending on the location, the number of... more
TD(M)P=3O T)@()A(D*EO (*O *)*D?)@A(B=3OE(S3 i7j .O E,)?3 i:j .O 3W?DE3MO B@FEA)=O N)B3AE i_j .O)22@32)A(D*OEA)A-E i6j O)*MO3T3*OA,3O*)*D?)@A(B=3OE?)B+ (*2 idj O)==O(C?DE3O*32)A(T3O(C?)BAEOADOA,3O@3=()P(=(AFODNO A,3O 3=3BA@DB,3C(B)=O... more
The issues of retail and office center structure formation are developed and presented in the existent literature. This article argues that in each case, these issues need to be refined depending on the location, the number of... more
The issues of retail and office center structure formation are developed and presented in the existent literature. This article argues that in each case, these issues need to be refined depending on the location, the number of... more
TD(M)P=3O T)@()A(D*EO (*O *)*D?)@A(B=3OE(S3 i7j .O E,)?3 i:j .O 3W?DE3MO B@FEA)=O N)B3AE i_j .O)22@32)A(D*OEA)A-E i6j O)*MO3T3*OA,3O*)*D?)@A(B=3OE?)B+ (*2 idj O)==O(C?DE3O*32)A(T3O(C?)BAEOADOA,3O@3=()P(=(AFODNO A,3O 3=3BA@DB,3C(B)=O... more
Depression in elderly communities is threatening in their quality of life. Late-life depression is causing distressful emotion, cognitive function and somatic aspects differ from major depression. In fMRI study, there are several... more
- by Tae yun Kim