Mykola Il'kiv
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Talks by Mykola Il'kiv
знахідок є керамічний матеріал. Охарактеризовано індивідуальні
знахідки, які представлені виробами із кераміки, заліза, кістки та
рогу. Загалом виявлений матеріал датується у межах Х-ХІ ст.
знахідок є керамічний матеріал. Охарактеризовано індивідуальні
знахідки, які представлені виробами із кераміки, заліза, кістки та
рогу. Загалом виявлений матеріал датується у межах Х-ХІ ст.
when the region was part of the Kingdom of Romania. The material under consideration has a significant factual and illustrative potential, especially in museum work. It testifies that the interwar activities of many organizations and institutions in the Khotyn County remain insufficiently studied or have not become the object of scientific research at all, which poses the issue in a new light.
Autorii oferă o analiză sfragistică și istorică detaliată a unor matrice de sigilii
găsite pe teritoriul fostului județ Hotin din Basarabia de Nord. Majoritatea acestora sunt confecționate din bronz și datează din perioada interbelică, atunci când județul făcea parte din Regatul României. Materialul descris are un potențial faptic și ilustrativ semnificativ, în special în domeniul muzeografic, ce denotă faptul că activitățile multor organizații și instituții din județul Hotin al perioadei interbelice rămân insuficient studiate sau nu au constituit, în general, un subiect independent de cercetare științifică, ceea ce actualizează problematica precizată.
Kejwords: powder flasks, priming flask, closing mechanism, archaeological finds, Khotyn fortress.
Millstones from Revne at Bukovyna
In the article stones from light hand millstones from Revne group of settlements of the 8th — 10th centuries left by the Slavs — bearers of the Raiky archaeological culture are published (fig. 1; 2). The lithological composition of rocks was determined. The millstones were made of two types of rocks: 1 — organogenic-detrital limestone, layered, cavernous, grayish-yellow (fig. 3: 1, 2); 2 —organogenic detrital limestone, massive, finely cavernous, yellowish-gray (fig. 3: 3). Such rocks are typical for the area of Revne agglomeration. This confirms the local origin of the raw materials (fig. 4). The rocks can be easily processed with iron tools. At the same time, they are strong enough and not prone to fracture and small fracturing. An average density of limestone is 2.7 g/cm3.
Millstones are widely known from the materials of the Raiky culture sites (fig. 5). Probably, in all cases, local raw materials were used. On this background mention of the finds of grain graters occurs in scientific literature less often. In the materials of Revne agglomeration of the 8th — 10th centuries grain graters are unknown.
Discovered millstones are divided into «spoilage» or blank (fig. 3: 1), bed stone (fig. 3: 2) and runner stone (fig. 3: 3). There is a sufficient basis for the general reconstruction of a light hand millstone. It consists of archaeological finds (stones and occasionally other parts made of iron and wood), ethnographic and iconographic data (fig. 6). All these sources were qualitatively analysed by R. S. Minasyan and he proposed his own classification. Today, we consider his work to be the most generalizing and reliable basis for descriptive reconstruction of the millstone. However, the classification itself is not quite user-friendly. Therefore, we offer systematization as a combination of main features. It is presented in a tabular form (fig. 7). According to the proposed systematization, the millstones from Revne can be characterized as ІІ.2.A—B — bed stone with a hole and a wooden pin (not preserved), with runner stone and rind (not preserved), with a hole for a handle of indeterminate length (not preserved).
Hoard of the instruments for soil cultivation from the Chornivka archaeological complex
On the territory of the Chornivka archaeological complex the Bukovynian expedition of the State Enterprise «Science Research Centre “Protective Archaeology Service of Ukraine”» of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine monitors the condition of the monument sites. Thanks to this, in 2022, a deposit of parts for the instruments for soil cultivation was discovered outside the boundaries of known settlements. Two gouters, two tusks and a bushing hoe were found. The publication is dedicated to introducing this hoard into scientific circulation. The find of a deposit of agricultural tools outside the archaeological sites confirms the importance of constant monitoring of both the sites and the areas around them. A comparative analysis of these details with materials of the Raykovetska monuments also confirms the chronology of the hoard’s laying — VIII— X centuries.
The find of both sets in pairs (2 gouters and 2 tusks) proves that they were intended for use on ploughable tools / ploughs. The comparative analysis against the background of similar findings of the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD on the territory of the south of Eastern Europe in various archaeological cultures proves the highest level of development of these tools for primary soil tillage for its time.
Today, out of five locations of such foundations, three were discovered in a small part of the area of the Raykovetska culture in the northern part of Bukovyna. Do these finds testify to the better study of the Raykovetska sites in the Chernivtsi region compared to others or are a feature of this micro-region of settlement of the chronicled Slavs — time will tell.
The deposition of the material was probably of a purely domestic nature — short-term storage of property; the contents of the deposit emphasize the importance of agriculture for ancient people. Detailing the interpretation of such material (not precious) deposits requires the creation of a catalog for Eastern Europe as complete as possible.
Keywords: Early Slavs, Raykovetska culture, deposit, agricultural tools, gouter, tusk, hoe.
The positions of the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are located on an area of about 4.5 km2 within the boundaries of the modern Khotyn and on its southern outskirts. They consisted of the following parts: a camp of Polish-Lithuanian troops, separate advanced fortifications (a stone castle, a crossing bridge over the Dniester and a near bridge fortification, a brick church, the chances of Weyher, Lubomirski, Zyczewski, Denhoff and Lermont, the camp of lisowczyki), the military camp of Zaporozhian Host and the sections of the front occupied by the Cossacks. The informativeness of the sources is naturally more regarding the Polish-Lithuanian positions compared to the Cossack ones.
The archaeological research should be a new step in the study of the field of the Khotyn Battle of 1621.
археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика
кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та
раннього нового часу, а також охорони об’єктів археологічної спадщини,
історичних реконструкцій і музеєфікації старожитностей краю.
Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької,
Тернопільської, Івано-Франківської областей, Києва, Львова, Ужгорода,
Луцька, Кам’янця-Подільського, Будапешта.
Khotyn’s discovery, cartographic material, reports of written sources leads to the opinion that under the device used by the Zaporozhian Cossacks at sea and the Crimean Tatars in the open steppe and known, according to G. L. de Beauplan, as the «Nuremberg Quadrant» (quadran de Nurambert; quadran au Soleil, according to P. Chevalier), should be understood the portable sundial diptych with a compass and characteristic layout of the dial.