Welcome to Chloe Crossing, a Chloe Sullivan fanfiction community for pieces of fanfiction where the featured major pairing is one where Chloe Sullivan from television's 'Smallville' is paired with a character from another fandom. For example: Chloe/Bruce Wayne (Batman), Chloe/Neal (White Collar) or Chloe/Michael (Roswell). There are no boundaries stopping you from posting a crossover with any fandom you would like to. Because of this please be warned that fanfiction archived here may very well deal with femslash and slash pairings (F/F, M/M) and that the ratings of some fics may be classified as adults only. Please do not read above the rating for your age group.
Please take a few moments to read through the following rules before joining up.
1. Always use the subject line. An example for this might be:
Fic: (Title) - Part Number - Rating
Additionally you may want to enter what fandom you are writing about.
2. Include the following at the top of your entry: