Opening hoursMonday - Sunday, 09:00 - 17:00Final entrance at 4:00 pm

About Museum

Chinggis Khaan National Museum was established in 2019 by the decision of the Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh. The museum has more than 10,000 original exhibits ranging from exhibits of Modun Shanyu, the founder of the first nomadic state to the artifacts the activities of the kings and nobles of the Mongolian states, from Modun Shanyu, the founder of the Hun Empire, the first nomadic state, to the beginning of the 20th century, the artifacts they enjoyed and used, and major real events. , VR, interactive, and video technology, painting, hand painting, sculpture, blacksmithing, sewing, embroidery, and models are exhibited.


Байнгын болон түр үзэсгэлэн, үзүүллэгийн 8 танхим, сан хөмрөгийн 6 танхим, лабораторийн өрөө, сэргээн засварлалтын өрөөтэй. Хурлын их, бага танхим, номын сан, уншлагын танхим, музейн боловсрол олгох сургалтын өрөө, кофе шоп, музейн бэлэг дурсгалын дэлгүүртэй.
