? ?
15 December 2006 @ 02:23 am
So I came across this place, and it seems that people are still around, there just isnt much action. But we can change that.

Im an official poker addict. Ive been playing for a few years and I absolutely love it. I play every Saturday out of town with a bunch of friends, we sometimes get up to 25 people. And of course 99% of the time Im the only chick there. The odd time one of the guys will bring along their girlfriend.

I do play online, almost everyday lol and I have played in the casino a bunch of times. I prefer the home games the most though. Its great when you can constantly play against people you know, easier to win that way.

Ive fallen in love with Pot Limit Omaha. Always gotta use your brain when playing that. I play mostely at Full Tilt and PKR. PKR is a brand new site, and I absolutely love it. If you havent heard about it, you should def to go to and watch the intro, that alone should get you excited lol I used to play at Paradise, but Ive given that place a rest...for now anyways

So theres my intro....cmon girls start posting
Current Mood: hungryhungry
Current Music: Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
05 December 2006 @ 01:18 pm
Hi, not to be a pest but looking at the date of the last entry here (late August of this year), I was wondering if this community was still an active one?

As in, is everyone still reading but not posting, or is it a case of interest having simply slipped away and thus the community has gone quietly into the LJ night?

Just thought I'd test the waters before making a full length post.
22 August 2006 @ 12:12 am
Hello all,

I am a member and admin at, one of the largest communities of online poker players on the web. The site is predominantly male, but everyone is of course welcome!

We have some very active female members of the site who might be interested in what you are trying to set up.

I write articles for Pocketfives, and if you are interested in developing a story on playing online from the female point of view I would be happy to talk to you, interview or consider an article for publication.

Good luck with the community, I hope you find it helps you enjoy the great game of poker all the more!
12 July 2006 @ 06:12 pm
I am not a chick, but I found your blog quite by surprise and thought it would be awesome to promote on my Friends page. May I?

Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
Current Music: In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins
27 June 2006 @ 10:56 am

I recently started playing Hold em' on Pokerstars about a few months ago. I'm new to this community so I thought I would introduce myself. My boyfriend is the one who got me started, and well now I'm slightly addicted. I'm glad to find a community with us women poker players. Let's face it, some men are not kind at the tables.*

*My own personal experience.
15 June 2006 @ 10:59 pm
I love to play POKER! I really like Omaha HI/LO. I taught my 12 year old son to play Texas Hold'em so I would have some one to play with. I like 5 card too. I like to play at a table or online. I play on Pokerstars - cant afford to play for real money :) Maybe someday.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
Current Mood: tiredtired
02 June 2006 @ 02:51 pm
I've only been playing online poker with play money so far. I'd like to take the leap and start playinig with real money, but I'm still a little hesitant about giving out my checking account info, etc. Neteller seems to be the most popular option....any experience using them, or other options?

I wish Paypal still supported online gaming, as I feel safe using them, as I've had a Paypal account for ages and never had any problems.
01 June 2006 @ 03:00 pm
Hi everyone!
I just joined your community.
My name is Alex.
It's quite inetersting where people play poker now, I mean online.
Personally, I love PartyPoker, what about you?
24 May 2006 @ 10:10 am
Hi everyone!

I just recently started playing Texas Hold'Em after getting sucked into watching episode after episode of Celebrity Poker on Bravo with my boyfriend. Before I started watching it for awhile, I had no real understanding for or interest in the game, but now I guess I'm hooked.

A couple of weeks ago we started a bi-monthly poker night at our house playing no-limit, winner takes all hold'em with a $20 buy-in. It's just been pretty much the same group of friends so far, and we've already established a tradition of going out afterwards, with the winner buying everyone a round of drinks.

I just started playing online (play money) last night. I have a Mac, so the sites I can use are somewhat limited. So far I've tried & Fulltiltpoker.
23 May 2006 @ 11:39 am
Looks like this is a brand-new community....hopefully we can get some new members to join and generate some good poker discussion!

I'm a 30-year old poker player. Just play for the fun (and the side benefit...the $$$).

I play quite regularly (6+ times a month in live games, and 2-3 times a week, at least, online).