OMG, This is So CURSED and Perfect at the same time! Anyone who is blessed with nerodivergance will instantly relate and see how normal this game is! lol Brilliant!
this is a really good game but I'm not going to lie the fact that i cant speed up what they were saying was a little frustrating, like omg why you talking so slow???
It was good fun though and i liked jumping around all the mushrooms and bits and i like the visuals, very bright and cool to look at :)
you talked about it in the making of talk you linked in the description but I still want to ask what was the process of coming up with the game's mechanics that portray adhd? I really liked how simple but effective it was at making its point.
Loved the game, thank U. Just curious if it was a personal motivation to share a personal story or someone close to you, and if you were french, belgian or canadian creator ?
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OMG, This is So CURSED and Perfect at the same time! Anyone who is blessed with nerodivergance will instantly relate and see how normal this game is! lol Brilliant!
the way everything kept changing every two seconds was infuriating' 1000000/10 defiantly recommend
so relatable. ouch.
the inventory joke and the "why can't you just remember this?' was relatable
I was on the verge of tears the whole tim
Incredible, all the notes - omg. Excellent little game <3
Infuriating, 10 out of 10.
The inventory gag made me feel so incredibly seen
This game understands me better than the people around me. It's also my first game video, it's very special to me!! Here is a link to my game video on Bilibili →妳好!我是一隻有ADHD的小恐龍_The Tale of The ADHD Dinosaur_遊戲實況_游戏实况 (
I translated it into Chinese myself.
I absolutely loved it. It's definitely a relatable and shareable game. I will play it again, it's on my to-do list.
I got so annoyed when it kept swapping 10/10
love the game!
i would love a game where you just get those "10 more fruits" for like an hour, cause this was enjoyable and i only got 1 fruit!
The relatability in this game is unreal
this is a really good game but I'm not going to lie the fact that i cant speed up what they were saying was a little frustrating, like omg why you talking so slow???
It was good fun though and i liked jumping around all the mushrooms and bits and i like the visuals, very bright and cool to look at :)
That was very much intentional and part of the experience 😄
What I liked about this game is that it really gave me a sense of resignation and lack of confidence, like "ok, what will happen this time?"
the changing locations is not 100% relatable, but my adhd is not severe (or at least I am medicated)
some of the notes things are kind of relatable though
speed-running this game is kinda fun though.
you can walk with the notes open by the way.
playing this again after over a year and its just as relatable as the first time, really nailed the adhd confusion
thanks ☺️
exactly !
yea, that's how it goes :(
Hehe Relatable
you talked about it in the making of talk you linked in the description but I still want to ask what was the process of coming up with the game's mechanics that portray adhd? I really liked how simple but effective it was at making its point.
10/10 great game
There wasn't any process, I just wrote ideas down whenever, after a week or two there were enough ideas for a game
very charming little game, could relate to the dinosaur
This is way too accurate. 10/10 love it
i hate it(in a good/nice way)
Loved the game, thank U. Just curious if it was a personal motivation to share a personal story or someone close to you, and if you were french, belgian or canadian creator ?
personal, french
thank you
Merci :)
On a parlé du jeu dans notre podcast #68 :)
Et, pour les fans du jeu, ce sweet shirt semble parfait!/attention+deficit+hyperactive+dinosaur+center-A609f589818e64479d5f302f2?productType=111&sellable=vrgd189rrySay0GEdwq0-111-22&appearance=4
love how the dinosaur just wanders around when you talk to an NPC
The notes hit me soooo hard. Great game.
i was mad but also having fun, great game god job
This is so incredibly frustrating and creative! I enjoyed hating it!
i feel bad for the dino TT
So original!! cheers!
this game is so me 90 outta 50 snowcarrots