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How do we know what Shakespeare’s plays sounded like in his time, or Sappho’s verses, or the tales of ancient Sumer? As they were written in phonetic scripts, modern historical linguists have largely been able to reconstruct the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesChinese Language and CultureAncient Chinese TextsOld Chinese Phonology, Morphology, Etymology
The goal of epigraphic study is to observe developments in the forms of signs and letters over time and in different scribal hands. With enough information, the idea is that one can posit the date of a text based on the forms of the signs... more
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)DatabasesEpigraphy
Capturing, organizing, and displaying accurate and useful images is a challenge for any research project. This paper will present a field-tested comprehensive system for digital imaging for archaeological and philological research... more
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      PhilologyArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesDatabases
In our work with archaeological and philological projects at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, database projects usually begin with a set of pre-existing legacy data, from excavation paperwork, to top plans, to... more
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      ArchaeologyDatabasesTextual analysis
A practical introduction to using OCHRE for textual research
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      DatabasesTextual analysis
A general introduction to the invention(s) of writing and alphabets
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      PhoeniciansUgaritic LanguageAncient Near EastNorthwest Semitic Epigraphy
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      PhilologyArchaeologyDatabase SystemsUgaritic Language
When integrated with text editions and images, digital paleography tools can deliver more accurate and informed results and enable specialists to communicate their message clearly and powerfully. In this article we introduce new digital... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDatabase SystemsQumranic StudiesPaleography
This article describes the digital edition of the Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition (HBCE), which is being produced as part of a project called Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research (CEDAR) at the University of Chicago. We... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)PhilosophyDigital HumanitiesManuscripts and Early Printed Books
for their help with proofreading. In addition, we thank the Brill editors, and especially the editors of the Digital Biblical Studies series, Claire Clivaz and David Hamidović, who patiently supported us in this wonderful project.... more
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      EngineeringPhilologyComputer Science
Twenty-five hundred years ago, the "paperwork" of the Achaemenid Empire was recorded on clay tablets. In 1933, archaeologists from the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute (OI) found tens of thousands of these tablets and fragments... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceTransliteration
This book discusses in detail a series of examples drawn from scholarly projects that use the OCHRE database platform (Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment). These case studies illustrate the wide range of data that can be... more
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      Digital HumanitiesGraph DatabaseDatabases