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The reception of Aby Warburg’s first published work, his dissertation on Sandro Botticelli, has overlooked layers of meaning implicit in Warburg’s word choice. His study of the afterlife of antiquity relies on the activation of the... more
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"Vor dem Hintergrund der Diskussion um Anthropozän und Klimawandel zeichnet der Band die historische Veränderung atmosphärischer Erscheinungen im Bezug auf sich wandelnde Erkenntnisverfahren nach. Die Beiträge des Bandes konfrontieren die... more
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This article explores turn-of-the-twentieth-century occult photographic experiments by Louis Darget and Hippolyte Baraduc that eliminated the technological medium of the photographic equipment and worked with an altogether different kind... more
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      History of ScienceOccultAirMedium
From a linguistic perspective, the word Umwelt ('environment' in German) is an inherently arthistorical concept. Umwelt was first used by the Danish writer Jens Immanuel Baggesen in an ode written in German in 1800. However, the term goes... more
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This essay explores Kling’s poem as a particularly revealing example of his notion of Sprachkörper, which interweaves word history with cultural and natural history. Whereas the earth sciences, in their preoccupation with the large-scale... more
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This essay argues that the Duineser Elegien articulate Rilke’s conception of air as a material expression of space. The Elegies present spaces pervaded by aerial substances such as breath, wind and ether; thereby, they transform space... more
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DAAD/GSA Book Prize for the Best Book in Literature/Cultural Studies, 2022;
Gordon J. Laing Award of the University of Chicago Press, 2024
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      German LiteratureAestheticsArt HistoryDance and Aesthetics
This article examines a text by a lesser-known figure of fin-de-siècle Vienna, Camillo Sitte’s Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen (1889), tracing the relationship between urban form and social structure in Sitte’s... more
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      SociologyGerman StudiesAestheticsUrban Planning
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      Medieval PhilosophyMeister Eckhart
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      Jan HusCouncil of Constance
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      Philosophy of SpaceLand SurveyingTopography
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      Philosophy of SpaceLandscape
In this thought-provoking study, Alexandra Kaar assembles an impressive dossier of diplomatic and other archival sources mentioning economic activity between Hussites and non-Hussites (referred to throughout as Catholics) to understand... more
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      Economic HistoryCrusadesEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Hussite
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of Political ThoughtHoly Roman Empire
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      German IdealismNeo-Kantianism
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      ReligionGender StudiesMedieval StudiesHybridity
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      Jewish StudiesDialectologyMultilingualismYiddish
""»Bachelor« und »Master«, Studiengebühren und Exzellenzinitiativen: Ökonomisierung und Wettbewerb sind in der Hochschulpolitik zu Leitbildern geworden, die Wissenschaftsbetrieb, Studium und Universitäten radikal umgestalten. Der... more
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      EducationHigher Education PolicyHochschulreform
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      CommunicationEuropean UnionEsperanto
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      CensorshipHistory of SexualityBiologyOskar Panizza