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This book, Thinking Media Aesthetics, is available as Open Access. It has been selected to be part of the Knowledge Unlatched Crowdfunding initiative which enables libraries worldwide to invest funds for transforming academic books to... more
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      AestheticsMethodologyPhenomenologyVideo Art
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      PhilosophyArts and Humanities
This essay is collected in Cine-Ethics.  Eds. Jinhee Choi and Mattias Frey.  London: Routledge, 2014.  It examines Stanley Cavell's account of cinema's responses to the paradoxes of skepticism.
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Every assiduous reader of Miriam Hansen's work knows that one of her major contributions to film and critical theory was to investigate cinema's possibilities for constituting an alternative public sphere with transformative effects on... more
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When visible sensation confronts the invisible force that conditions it, sensation releases force as something that might destroy it, or become its ally or friend. Gilles Deleuze, The Logic of Sensation With the cinema, it is the world... more
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From the late 1960s and throughout the 1970s, the institutionalization of cinema studies in universities in North America and Europe became identified with a certain idea of theory. This was less a " theory " in the abstract or natural... more
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This essay was originally commissioned as the entry on "Ethics" for the "The Routledge Encyclopedia of Film and Philosophy." However, it was refused by the editors. It is offered here for readers to judge for themselves.
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      PhilosophyEthicsFilm StudiesFilm Theory
In fall 2007, I offered a graduate seminar at Harvard University on Stanley Cavell’s writings on film. The idea of the seminar was to examine closely Cavell’s thought on film. It was always my intention that the seminar would build toward... more
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      Philosophy of FilmStanley CavellFilm AestheticsD. N. Rodowick
I am not sure that many people know that my books "Elegy for Theory" and "Philosophy's Artful Conversation" were originally one organic manuscript. The Harvard University Press Board of Syndics (apparently with wonderful support form... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsFilm TheoryPhilosophy of Film
These are corrected pages proofs of Chapter Five from my recent book, What Philosophy Wants from Images. The chapter is an expanded version of my essay, "The Force of Small Gestures," which includes an account of my experimental video,... more
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      Contemporary ArtPhilosophy of FilmFilm-PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
Two looped HD video projections, color, silent; nineteen digital prints In 1983, I completed a film entitled 1963 (a meditation on history and violence), which would prove to be my last circulating analog work. Made twenty years after the... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtVisual ArtsD. N. Rodowick
#MyNeighborMonVoisinMeinNachbar is a long-term photographic documentation of a precise urban location, which Google Maps identifies as: 48°49'46.2"N 2°23'00.3"E. This space is located in a major European city next to a busy thoroughfare... more
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      PhotographyInstallation ArtContemporary ArtVisual Arts
Plato's Phaedrus is the second iteration of a new series works that I call " philosopher walks, " or more formally, peripatetikos after the peripatetic philosophers of ancient Greece. Like my earlier " walking works, " the peripatetikos... more
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      PlatoContemporary ArtVideo ArtVisual Arts