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      Spatial econometricsSpatial Regression
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      Urban PoliticsLaw EnforcementSocial WelfareInformal Sector
Objective:To examine food and beverage purchasing patterns across formal and informal outlets among Mexican households’ and explore differences by urbanicity and income.Design:Cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sample of... more
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      BusinessPublic Health NutritionInformal SectorPurchasing
Background: The retail food environment in Mexico is characterized by the coexistence of both, formal and informal food outlets. Yet, the contribution of these outlets to food purchases over time has not been documented. Understanding the... more
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      BusinessSocioeconomic StatusMetropolitan AreaSpecialty
Este trabajo plantea una situación hipotética en la que el gobierno nacional argentino busque implementar una reforma educativa centrada en la introducción de vouchers. Se analizan, a partir de evidencia empírica acerca de los... more
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      Political TheoryPolitical ScienceThought ExperimentsLibertarianism
Though free, pluralistic societies develop continuously without a shared hierarchy of particular ends, this does not take into account what such a system exists for in the first place. Its goals, this paper argues, must be analyzed in... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsGovernment
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Este estudio diseña el primer modelo predictivo del voto en Argentina no basado en encuestas de intención de voto y aplicable antes de una elec-ción presidencial. A partir de Lichtman y Keilis Borok (1981) se plantean siete indicadores... more
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      Voting BehaviorElectionsElections and Voting BehaviorElectoral Studies
En base al primer modelo predictivo del voto en Argentina no basado en encuestas de intención de voto y aplicable antes de un comicio presidencial, se concluye que el gobierno de la coalición Cambiemos perderá las elecciones en 2019. El... more
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      Political ScienceForecasting and Prediction ToolsCiencia PoliticaPredicción