Raman spectra investigation of InAlGaN quaternary alloys grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition J. Appl. Phys. 112, 063111 (2012) Structural and micromechanical analyses by polarized Raman spectroscopy of wurtzitic GaN films... more
The optical properties of PbSe nanocrystal quantum dots ͑NQDs͒ were studied as a function of applied hydrostatic pressure over the range from ambient to 5.4 GPa. PbSe NQDs exhibit an energy gap that is dominated by quantum confinement.... more
GSE_ADA/RSV is a free software package for custom analysis of single crystal micro-X-ray diffraction (SCµXRD) data, developed with particular emphasis on data from samples enclosed in diamond anvil cells and subject to high pressure... more
We present isothermal volume compression behavior of two polycrystalline (Mg,Fe)O samples with FeO = 39 and 78 mol% up to *90 GPa at 300 K using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and neon as a pressuretransmitting medium. For the iron-rich... more
Mg x Zn 1−x O ͑x = 0.15͒ and ZnO nanocrystals of about 40 nm in diameter were studied using x-ray diffraction and diamond-anvil cells. The equation of state ͑EOS͒ for MgZnO is reported for the first time. Between pressures of 9.45 and... more
Changes in the conformations of conjugated molecules affect the optical and electronic properties significantly. Hydrostatic pressure has been used to probe the conformations of biphenyl and deuterated biphenyl at liquid-helium... more
The conformation of p-terphenyl and deuterated p-terphenyl has been investigated, using high-pressure infrared spectroscopy at liquid-helium temperatures. First-principles calculations, together with the experimental results, were... more
The different conformations of molecular compounds play important roles in biochemistry and organic solid-state technology. Hydrostatic pressure has been applied to para-quaterphenyl to probe its molecular structure at liquid-helium... more
Using infrared spectroscopy and a diamond-anvil cell, we have observed carbon and carbon-hydrogen local vibrational modes (LVM's) in InP at hydrostatic pressures as high as 5.5 GPa at liquid-helium temperatures. For pressures beyond... more
Crystal whiskers of bis (4-nitrophenyl) disulfide have been grown on a 100-nm thick Pb film from a supersaturated solution of p-nitrothiophenol. The whiskers preferentially grow on Pb but not on Si, In, or Ag. The crystals were... more
We report the structural transitions of pyridine as a function of pressure up to 26 GPa using in situ Raman spectroscopy and infrared absorption spectroscopy. By monitoring changes in the Raman shifts in the lattice region as well as the... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
We present results of concomitant measurements of synchrotron x-ray diffraction (XRD), Brillouin, and Raman spectroscopy on the single crystal samples of cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) under quasi-hydrostatic pressures up to 65 GPa, as... more
Methane is one of the most abundant hydrocarbon molecules in the universe and is expected to be a significant part of the icy giant planets (Uranus and Neptune) and their satellites. Ethane is one of the most predictable products of... more
The elastic properties of two single crystals of majoritic garnet (Mg3.24Al1.53Si3.23O12 and Mg3.01Fe0.17Al1.68Si3.15O12), have been measured using simultaneously single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Brillouin spectroscopy in an... more
We present the pressure-volume-temperature (P −V −T) equation of state of polycrystalline (Mg 0.06 Fe 0.94)O (Mw94) determined from laser-heated x-ray diffraction experiments up to 122 GPa and 2100 K, conditions approaching those of the... more
The microscopic structure of Mg-H complexes in GaN has been a subject of intense theoretical and experimental investigation. In order to probe the Mg-H structure, we have studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the local vibrational... more
The structure of acceptor-hydrogen complexes is a subject of fundamental and technological interest. To probe the interactions between hydrogen, the acceptor, and the surrounding host atoms, hydrostatic pressure may be applied over a wide... more