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Journal created:
on 9 May 2007 (#12903372)
on 22 September 2010
Chicago Fatshionistas
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
We are the unofficial Chicago-area chapter of fatshionista, and we share their goals (created by the delicious amarama): "Here we will discuss the ins and outs of fat fashions, seriously and stupidly--but above all--standing tall, and with panache. We fatshionistas are self-accepting despite The Man's Saipan-made boot at our chubby, elegant throats. We are silly, and serious, and want shit to fit."

We also share their guidelines (again, amarama):

1. We are committed to creating a respectful, supportive environment on chicago_fats. We are a diverse fat-positive, anti-racist, disabled-friendly, trans-inclusive, queer-accepting community, open to everyone. Please be aware that your viewpoint is, by definition, subjective--both here and elsewhere.

2. We expect very high standards for communication. This means that we expect discussion to be polite and for members and participants to disagree like adults. Direct attacks and name-calling will unconditionally be met with banning.

3. In the event of a dispute, moderators will do their best to referee the discussion in the most objective way possible. However, our preference is that community members sort their issues out themselves.

4. We welcome people all along the self-acceptance process here. Sensitive discussions happen on this board from time to time, and we require that members take full responsibility for their own words and actions, and for which discussions they choose to engage in.

5. No maintainer or moderator can make this community completely "safe," though this is a place in which fat-positive, self-accepting people are clearly in the majority. Members, please take responsibility--yourselves--for making the community that you want. We will do our reasonable best to support you.

Other than that, WELCOME!
