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HUGE NEWS! PLEASE READ! Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance

PAWS Chicago Call to Action: Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance

More info here:

Dear PAWS Chicago Supporter:

Next Tuesday, July 29 is a very important day for animal welfare in Chicago. Alderman Ed Burke, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Alderman Rugai, will be introducing the Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance. Alderman Burke and Rugai have drafted this ordinance as a crime-fighting, humane and taxpayer friendly solution to Chicago's pet overpopulation, stray and animal crime problems.

This ordinance will require mandatory spay/neuter for dogs and cats more than 6 months of age. The ordinance includes seven clear exemptions that respect the rights of compliant animal breeders, police dogs, working dogs, show dogs, law enforcement animals and for family pets deemed by a veterinarian to have a valid medical reason not to be spay/neutered.

Those who do not wish to spay/neuter their pets will be able to purchase a breeder's license. Many backyard breeders keep pets in inhumane conditions and are not registered or inspected. This ordinance will require registration of breeders and a mechanism to monitor that breeders engage in safe and humane practices.

We need your support! This ordinance is receiving extremely heavy opposition from breeders and AKC organizations from all over the country.

Here is what you can do to show your overwhelming support of this ordinance:

1) Attend the City Council hearing
When: Tuesday, July 29
Where: Chicago City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Council Chambers, 5th Floor
Time: 10:00 a.m.

Please Note: We will be meeting together at 9:15 a.m. We need as many people as possible to show support. Please RSVP to this email by hitting "reply" if you plan to attend

2) Email or send your own copy of this letter to the Aldermen on the Finance & Licensing Committee today! Please also call every Alderman on this list - they need to hear from you. For the Aldermen list, click here.

This is a very instrumental time for the animal welfare in the city of Chicago and we need your support. The passing of this ordinance will ensure Chicago will be a No Kill city and one of the most humane cities in the nation.

Paula Fasseas
PAWS Chicago Founder & Chair


This is WONDERFUL news and a big step forward to help control our problems here in Chicago. PLEASE do whatever you can to take action, to rally people to support this cause with you...and to spread the word!

You can imagine how much opposition this is getting, so we need to counter that by fighting back against backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners!

Pass it along!




Enforce the laws we have now.

The dog overpopulation problem is not caused by responsible breeders. They are not the problem. Responsible breeders of purebred dogs require the buyer to sign an agreement that if they are unable to care for the animal it must be returned to the breeder. These breeder then will find a new home for the animal and if the dog is purchased as opposed to being adopted the breeder gives a portion of the money to the original owner as incentive for them to abide by the contract so the dog is returned to a safe and healthy environment.

The biggest problem is irresponsible humans who buy a puppy out of pure emotion and then have buyers remorse.

Why enact another feel good law that is not and can not be properly enforced.

We have laws in Chicago that require a dog have a rabies tag - rarely enforced.

Then there is the DFA tag - again where is it enforced.

Go to any dog park in the city and I am willing to bet that 70% of the dogs have no DFA tags and many have no rabies tags. Yet, have you ever called 911 or 311 to have an officer come and issue citations? Never happens.

Smoking in city parks is now banned - no enforcement.

Both a violation for no rabies or DFA tags carry heavy fines - still no enforcement.

Chicago has a ban on making or receiving a cell call while driving (unless it is over hands free) when was the last time you saw a cop issue a ticket.

I can go on and on.

I would propose a list of remedies that together may make a dent in the problem.

1. Require a cooling off period of 5 days before a person can take home the purchased or rescued dog.

2. Ban the breeding of all but AKC recognized breeds

3. Make it illegal for anyone including vets from altering the appearance of fighting breed dogs. Such a ban might help
reduce the number of dogs that are trained to fight since having intact tails and ears would not make them good
candidates for fighting. Existing dogs could be issued tags showing the were altered prior to the ban. An altered Pit
without a tag & the owner gets a $500.00 fine.

4. Now this will sound horrible - but maybe we have to face the very undesirable fact that dogs not adopted after a
reasonable period of time should be put down.

5. Last but not least, ban the sale of all puppies from retail stores. If a person can afford a purebred they can go directly
to a licensed reputable breeder. And remember, that a breeder is usually a specialist in one breed of dog. If someone
boasts about their vast variety of puppy breeds they are not a breeder - they are a puppy mill. Turn and run from

In our society today it is rare that we need new laws, but we do need our laws enforced.

It is more likely we need new public officials.

Re: Enforce the laws we have now.

The dog overpopulation problem is not caused by responsible breeders. They are not the problem.

I know this. That's why I said backyard breeders.

Responsible breeders of purebred dogs require the buyer to sign an agreement that if they are unable to care for the animal it must be returned to the breeder. These breeder then will find a new home for the animal and if the dog is purchased as opposed to being adopted the breeder gives a portion of the money to the original owner as incentive for them to abide by the contract so the dog is returned to a safe and healthy environment.

Every breeder has different requirements and different contracts so while I understand what you're saying, again - these aren't the people they're targeting, these are the people who will be able to purchase licenses to continue running their legitimate business.

The biggest problem is irresponsible humans who buy a puppy out of pure emotion and then have buyers remorse

No, the biggest problem is the backyard breeders who breed any old dog with any other old dog and get 5 puppies, then give those puppies away to people who have more backyard puppies... But yes, buyers remorse is a large part of the problem. But then there's 10 million other reasons why people give up their pets. The point is, there wouldn't be so many pets to give up if there weren't so many having more puppies. Do the math.

I agree that it's going to be tough to enforce this, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be a law/ordinance. If the logic is, lawbreakers will be lawbreakers so don't make it a law, then why make any laws?

2. Ban the breeding of all but AKC recognized breeds

You're contradicting yourself are you going to enforce that if you can't enforce a spay/neuter ordinance??

4. Now this will sound horrible - but maybe we have to face the very undesirable fact that dogs not adopted after a
reasonable period of time should be put down.

As far as I understand, PAWS and ACS are two of the only remaining shelters that either don't euthanize period (PAWS I believe is no-kill, right?) or like ACS where as long as the dog is of good temperament and good health, they remain on the adoption floor. Every other shelter I know of has a time limit, hence why programs like Drive For Life are in transport animals who's time is up to a no-kill shelter, or one that has some space open.

5. Last but not least, ban the sale of all puppies from retail stores. If a person can afford a purebred they can go directly
to a licensed reputable breeder. And remember, that a breeder is usually a specialist in one breed of dog. If someone
boasts about their vast variety of puppy breeds they are not a breeder - they are a puppy mill. Turn and run from

I agree with this, however you're going to be shutting down every pet store in Chicago and that's going to get a lot more opposition since you're shutting "reputable" and legal business down than just requiring all pets to be spayed or neutered.

It is more likely we need new public officials.

I agree.



Your blog is interesting!

Keep up the good work!
our man Jack!

April 2009

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