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Apr. 8th, 2009

30 days


(no subject)

Apr. 5th, 2009

30 days


Animal Welfare League: Coasters For A Cause

Coasters for a Cause
Saturday, May 02, 2009 - Sunday, May 03, 2009

Join us Saturday, May 2nd for the 4th Annual Coasters for a Cause. For only $26 you can spend a day at Six Flags Great America .

Purchase your tickets through the AWL by calling (708) 636-8586 x227. Our shelter receives $8 for each ticket sold.

Help us...Help them!!

~Animal Welfare League

Mar. 18th, 2009

me mirror



Crossposted...please let anyone who may be in the area know!

Millie foster dog on the loose

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 09:42:13 -0700
From: [email protected]
Subject: Millie foster dog on the loose- please cross post

An unsocialized foster dog pushed through a sliding screen door last night, pulled it entirely off the tracks and is currently at large in the Northbrook, IL area. She was last spotted at 7:30am this morning (Wed) on Dundee and Midway Roads at the corporate office building.

Local police, foster mom and neighbors chased her until 3am and were able to get about 10 feet from her. She is crossing busy 4 lane roads, is less than a mile from I-94, next to a railroad track and not responding to treats at all. She is completely unsocialized after spending her life in a dog run and likely does not know where the foster house is. She has a pink collar and red leash on from a walk earlier in the night.
Millie is in a lot of danger and we are worried about her safety, please cross post. Do not attempt to catch her if she does not come to you willingly, please call me.

Please contact me immediately if you see her.
Many Thanks,
Katie Manion
(w) 312-828-3155
(c) 312-823-5930

Dec. 25th, 2008

30 days


Missing Greyhound - Chicago, IL - Lincoln Park area

Missing greyhound!

Watson escaped from his yard on Belden in Chicago at 1AM on Wednesday morning - 12/10/08. He is a big red brindle boy, wearing his collar. Watson is a very friendly, personable boy.

Please call 847-421-9828 or 312-502-8704 if you can help search. We will tell you where to go to get supplies and directions. Please call BEFORE you go out. You will need a can of cat food or tuna, a squawker, duct tape or staple gun, your dog, a map of the area and a cell phone.

There was excellent sighting today, Tuesday at 2:30PM! Here is the plan for 12/24 and 12/25. We are moving the search area east near St. Joseph’s Hospital and the jogging trail. You need to go to 510 W. ARMITAGE, (just west of Lincoln Ave) to get GREEN flyers and assignments.

He was last seen at the Diversey Driving Range frolicking in the snow around a statue of a golf club!

Our search area will be Armitage to the south, Addison to the north, Lincoln Park Zoo area to the east and west to Halstead.

We also need folks to take 30 minutes to remove the yellow flyers in the Logan and Buck Town areas. If you see a yellow flyer, remove it and replace it with a green flyer.

This boy seems to be having a really good time in the snow. Should you spot him, DON’T chase him. Run the other way and attempt to play instead of capture. Be sure to bring good smelling food/treats to entice him!

We have to get this boy home to Elizabeth for Christmas!


Dec. 12th, 2008

30 days


TLC Animal Shelter Open House - Sat. 12/13

You are cordially invited to T.L.C. Animal Shelter's Holiday Open House for the Animals

When: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Time: 1:30 pm until 3:30 pm
Where: at the T.L.C. Animal Shelter, 13016 W. 151st Street, Homer Glen

for more information, call 708-301-1594

Attire: Casual, Santa hat optional!

The animals have hung their stockings with care
In hopes that all of you will be there

Here's your chance to play Santa for the animals! No, you don't have to dress up like him, but if you would like to fill their stockings with food, toys, treats, or make a monetary donation it would be greatly appreciated...

Complimentary Refreshments will be served

Great Raffle prizes, too!

~ TLC Animal Shelter

Nov. 22nd, 2008

30 days


poor guy =(

Dogo Argentino
Large Adult Male Dog
Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue, Chicago, IL

More About Vinny:
You must complete an application at to get the adoption process started!!

My name is Vinnie! I am a sweet boy who wound up in a shelter as a stray. After careful examination by a vet, it has been determined that my ears, tail and leg were all HOME amputations. That's right folks, someone lopped my leg off on their own. Unfortunately, humans don't understand me very well so I can't tell them what exactly happened...although I don't think I want to remember that.

I'm doing well and love to shake paw - of course with my amputated leg! The rescue was approached about my condition and they were told that I am a good candidate for a prosthetic leg. How cool would that be!!?? I will definitely be one looker with a titanium leg.

The rescue is trying to raise money to help with this specific project so any donations would be greatly appreciated. Contact the rescue for more info!

Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue
Chicago, IL

2 more picturesCollapse )

Oct. 9th, 2008

30 days


Howl-O-Ween Adoption/Expo Event @ Navy Pier

It’s all treats this year at Howl-o-Ween, a CASA event presented by The Anti-Cruelty Society and Chicagoland Tails, at Navy Pier. You are invited to join us at this FREE event on Saturday, October 25, from 10 a.m.–7 p.m. at Festival Hall B at the east end of Navy Pier. Pets, of course, are welcome.

Adopt a Pet at Navy Pier and Active Areas
This huge event will feature 25 animal shelters, including The Anti-Cruelty Society and other members of the Chicago Animal Shelter Alliance (CASA), plus many outlying area shelters and breed rescue groups. This one-day adoption will gather areawide animal supporters together in an effort to find wonderful homes for many cats and dogs!

Featured will be a giant walking track for dog owners to walk potential new pets and their own pets. A 2,500 square foot obstacle course from K9 University will also be featured for fun training and activity, including goody bags for the first 500 participants.

Learn pet message and CPR, take a Doga (dog yoga) class from Lakeshore Athletic Club, or just explore the giant show.

Everything for Your Pets
From fun clubs to unique pet items and services, enjoy rows and rows of pet-related booths. Have noted Pet Intuitive Denise Zak tell you what your pet is thinking. Find out about Chicagoland Dock Dogs. Check out the latest apparel from doggie boutiques and the best treats and toys for kitties. Need a pet taxi or cleaning service? Find it all here.

Celebrities and Fun!
Meet popular radio personalities Eddie, JoBo & Erica (and their pets!) from B96 radio and other local celebrities. Join in a costumed pooch parade down the south dock, led by “Patch” the dog mascot at Navy Pier to our event at noon. Be a part of the stage show with Ronald McDonald at 12:30 p.m. and more!

Raffle prizes!
Buy $5 raffle tickets and pick out great prizes for you and your pets!

Vendor Booths are still available!
For more information, call 312/751-5525.

Sep. 25th, 2008

30 days


IL Doberman Rescue Presents: Lure Coursing Fundraiser

If your dog has a ton of energy, likes to run and chase things, or just needs to get outside, this is the event for you and your dog!

Sunday, September 28 from 9-4
7725 12th Street
Somers, WI 53171

Come and join us for a day of fun!

Click here for more information on this event

~ IL Doberman Rescue Plus ~

Sep. 16th, 2008

30 days


a hopeful boost for rescue awareness

Shedd Aquarium Presents: Pet Show

Starting in October, regular dog-training presentations will show you how the techniques we use to train our dolphins and whales also work great with pets. Meet our new resident dogs

Shedd's Trained Dogs: From Shelter to Show

What do Shedd’s Pacific white-sided dolphins and six dogs from area shelters have in common? They’re all graduates of the “Shedd way” of animal training.

Jul. 25th, 2008

me mirror


HUGE NEWS! PLEASE READ! Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance

PAWS Chicago Call to Action: Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance

More info here:

Dear PAWS Chicago Supporter:

Next Tuesday, July 29 is a very important day for animal welfare in Chicago. Alderman Ed Burke, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Alderman Rugai, will be introducing the Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance. Alderman Burke and Rugai have drafted this ordinance as a crime-fighting, humane and taxpayer friendly solution to Chicago's pet overpopulation, stray and animal crime problems.

This ordinance will require mandatory spay/neuter for dogs and cats more than 6 months of age. The ordinance includes seven clear exemptions that respect the rights of compliant animal breeders, police dogs, working dogs, show dogs, law enforcement animals and for family pets deemed by a veterinarian to have a valid medical reason not to be spay/neutered.

Those who do not wish to spay/neuter their pets will be able to purchase a breeder's license. Many backyard breeders keep pets in inhumane conditions and are not registered or inspected. This ordinance will require registration of breeders and a mechanism to monitor that breeders engage in safe and humane practices.

We need your support! This ordinance is receiving extremely heavy opposition from breeders and AKC organizations from all over the country.

Here is what you can do to show your overwhelming support of this ordinance:

1) Attend the City Council hearing
When: Tuesday, July 29
Where: Chicago City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Council Chambers, 5th Floor
Time: 10:00 a.m.

Please Note: We will be meeting together at 9:15 a.m. We need as many people as possible to show support. Please RSVP to this email by hitting "reply" if you plan to attend

2) Email or send your own copy of this letter to the Aldermen on the Finance & Licensing Committee today! Please also call every Alderman on this list - they need to hear from you. For the Aldermen list, click here.

This is a very instrumental time for the animal welfare in the city of Chicago and we need your support. The passing of this ordinance will ensure Chicago will be a No Kill city and one of the most humane cities in the nation.

Paula Fasseas
PAWS Chicago Founder & Chair


This is WONDERFUL news and a big step forward to help control our problems here in Chicago. PLEASE do whatever you can to take action, to rally people to support this cause with you...and to spread the word!

You can imagine how much opposition this is getting, so we need to counter that by fighting back against backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners!

Pass it along!


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