PAWS Chicago Call to Action: Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance
More info here: PAWS Chicago Supporter:
Next Tuesday, July 29 is a very important day for animal welfare in Chicago. Alderman Ed Burke, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Alderman Rugai, will be introducing the Pet Overpopulation & Safety Ordinance. Alderman Burke and Rugai have drafted this ordinance as a crime-fighting, humane and taxpayer friendly solution to Chicago's pet overpopulation, stray and animal crime problems.
This ordinance will require mandatory spay/neuter for dogs and cats more than 6 months of age. The ordinance includes seven clear exemptions that respect the rights of compliant animal breeders, police dogs, working dogs, show dogs, law enforcement animals and for family pets deemed by a veterinarian to have a valid medical reason not to be spay/neutered. Those who do not wish to spay/neuter their pets will be able to purchase a breeder's license. Many backyard breeders keep pets in inhumane conditions and are not registered or inspected. This ordinance will require registration of breeders and a mechanism to monitor that breeders engage in safe and humane practices.
We need your support! This ordinance is receiving extremely heavy opposition from breeders and AKC organizations from all over the country.
Here is what you can do to show your overwhelming support of this ordinance:
1) Attend the City Council hearing
When: Tuesday, July 29
Where: Chicago City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle Street, Council Chambers, 5th Floor
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Please Note: We will be meeting together at 9:15 a.m. We need as many people as possible to show support. Please RSVP to this email by hitting "reply" if you plan to attend
2) Email or send your own copy of this letter to the Aldermen on the Finance & Licensing Committee today! Please also call every Alderman on this list - they need to hear from you. For the Aldermen list, click here.
This is a very instrumental time for the animal welfare in the city of Chicago and we need your support. The passing of this ordinance will ensure Chicago will be a No Kill city and one of the most humane cities in the nation.
Paula Fasseas
PAWS Chicago Founder & Chair
This is WONDERFUL news and a big step forward to help control our problems here in Chicago. PLEASE do whatever you can to take action, to rally people to support this cause with you...and to spread the word!
You can imagine how much opposition this is getting, so we need to counter that by fighting back against backyard breeders and irresponsible pet owners!
Pass it along!