Q: What is this "Sailor Moon Sisterhood" community anyway?
A: This community is made for exactly what the name implies...Sailor Moon!
Q: What should I post here?
A: Anything and everything related to the Sailor Moon anime/manga/live actions/musicals/etc!
Some examples of things to post about: Ebay Auctions, fan sites, drawings, paintings, fanfictions(under the cut of course), icons, cosplay, sprites, random findings, youtube videos, articles, convention notices, polls, collections/displays (show off your memorabilia!), item seeking, rants, RPGs and so much more.........
Q: Can I claim a character from Sailor Moon?
A: Yes! The only requirement for claiming a character is that you have at least 3 posts under your belt here. (brand new posts & replies count, but no spam)
You can claim ANY character from the anime/manga. Main characters, lesser characters, villains, monsters, cats, anything is up for grabs! Just check the list and make sure the one you want isn't already taken.