Papers by Mitsuo Nakamura

ISLAM NUSANTARA:Journal for the Study of Islamic History and Culture
Islam spread throughout the “Nusantara”, one of which was through the missionary work of Wali Son... more Islam spread throughout the “Nusantara”, one of which was through the missionary work of Wali Songo and other clerics, who accepted, inserted and integrated Islamic teachings with the original pre-existing culture which was then known as “Islam Nusantara” which was characterized by moderation, justice, progress, middle ground and harmony. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) can be classify as the largest Islamic organization worldwide, with around 121 million members. NU upholds Pancasila and the unity of diversity, namely religious and cultural pluralism. This is the line of indigenization and Indonesianization of Islam that was propagated by Gus Dur. Gus Yahya's new leadership acknowledged as able to absorb Gus Dur's ideology of tolerance, openness, the middle way, gradualism, pluralism, humanity, and the flexible application of Islamic law (fiqh). Gus Yahya was also able to take charge of Abdurrahman's controversial visit to Israel and has toured to promote dialogue between the two ...
... Contents Acknowledgement About the Contributors Preface 1. Introduction Nakamura Mitsuo vn ix... more ... Contents Acknowledgement About the Contributors Preface 1. Introduction Nakamura Mitsuo vn ix xiii PARTI THE INDONESIAN EXPERIENCE Civil Society versus the State Nahdlatul Ulama and Civil Society in Indonesia Mohammad Fajrul Falaakh 33 Muhammadiyah's ...

Indonesia, 1970
Most postwar studies of Japanese policies in Southeast Asia during World War II are colored by th... more Most postwar studies of Japanese policies in Southeast Asia during World War II are colored by the "moralistic" biases of their authors, which include apologists as well as critics.1 But in fact many of the situations and events for which criticism is levelled at the Japanese occupying forces arise not from anything specifical ly Japanese but from the general nature of a military government of occupation in wartime: whether that government is established by a "fascist" nation, as in the case of Japan, or a "democratic" one, as in the case of the United States.2 Military governments of occupation generally tend toward absolutism, and their rulers, backed by overwhelming force, often display an air of superiority and arrogance toward their subjects. Aid to combat units engaged in prosecuting the war becomes the supreme concern, while the civil rights of the civilian population are neglected. Utilization of the pre-existing forms of government in the occupied areas is pre ferred to imposing political and social changes, but often military governors find themselves facing barriers of cultural and linguistic difference which separate them from the governed. How much success the governors have in overcoming these barriers depends to a large extent on the personal character and training of the key adminis trative personnel. And however successful a military government may be in this regard, it is bound to invite resentment and hatred from the governed sooner or later. Due consideration has been paid to the interaction between the Japanese military government and the Indonesian population, but previous studies have largely ignored the interaction within the Japanese occupying forces themselves.3 As a result "The Japanese" 1. I regard Muhamed Abdul Aziz, Japan's Colonialism and Indonesia (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955) as an example of moralistic criticism and Shigetada Nishijima et. al. , Indoneshia ni okeru Nihon gunsei no kenkyu [A Study of the Japanese military govern ment in Indonesia] (Tokyo: Kinokuniya shoten, 1959) as apologetics. 2. See: John F. Embree, "American military government," in Meyer Fortes, ed. , Social Structure: Studies presented to A. R. Radcliffe-Brown (Oxford: Clarendon, 1949*) .
Paper delivered at the conference on Islam and the …, 1993
Indonesia: The Making of a Culture. Canberra: …, 1980
Asia‐Pacific Review, 1999
... ICMI (1990-) Ex-Chairman: BJ Habibie Acting Chairman: Ahmad Tirtosoedirdjo ... Perhaps the la... more ... ICMI (1990-) Ex-Chairman: BJ Habibie Acting Chairman: Ahmad Tirtosoedirdjo ... Perhaps the latter may be represented by Achmad Sumargono, an HMI drop-out, a successful businessman, and a determined activist for international Islamic solidarity. ...
Nahdlatul Ulama, Traditional Islam and Modernity in …, 1996
... lifting of the ban on Islam as the foundation for a political party meant the green light for... more ... lifting of the ban on Islam as the foundation for a political party meant the green light for Islamic or Muslim-based parties. ... candidate for medical reasons, Wiranto chose Salah-uddin Wahid, a younger brother of Abdurrahman, as his running mate in anticipation of PKB/NU sup-...

Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies, 2020
After pursuing a long academic career as an anthropologist, this article provides my (Mitsuo Naka... more After pursuing a long academic career as an anthropologist, this article provides my (Mitsuo Nakamura's) personal academic reflection of how my anthropological approach differs from the Geertzian paradigm, why anthropology and Islamic studies should be bridged, and what implications of the conversation between Islamic studies, anthropology, and other social sciences are. By answering the above questions, this reflective article sheds new light on the relationship between anthropology and Islam and Muslim studies in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. The anthropological studies of Muslims in Southeast Asia that have been heavily influenced by Clifford Geertz through his work, The Religion of Java (1960), are engaged critically in this article. If Geertz and his students pay more attention to Little Tradition (local culture and practices) and avoid Great Tradition (e.g., religious concepts and teachings), my anthropological approach argues for the importance of incorporating Great Tradition, which is Islamic Studies in the case of Muslim studies in Southeast Asia, in the study of anthropology and vice versa.

This article discusses the life, struggle, and personality of Abdul Kahar Muzakki in 2019 that wa... more This article discusses the life, struggle, and personality of Abdul Kahar Muzakki in 2019 that was appointed as a National Hero. This study is based on the fact that information and studies on figures who play essential roles and contributions in the journey of the Indonesian nation are limited. As a result, it is not uncommon for people to mistake and confuse him with another figure, Abdul Kahar Muzakkar, who was a DI/TII leader. Therefore, this article that had been adapted from an academic lecture is translated and presented again for today's audience. The first discussion focused on the early formative period of Abdul Kahar Muzakkir and his work in the world of education and national politics. Then, this article discusses Abdul Kahar Muzakkir's position and role in the dynamics of the Islamist movement and political exemplary at the local and national level. By seeing his example in attitude, religion, and politics, the writer can even refute the views of Harry J. Benda and Clifford Geertz who argued that Indonesian politics is based on contestation between priyayi, secular, and Islam (H.J. Benda) or sectarian politics (C.J. Geertz). Abdul Kahar Muzakkir's personality and political role show that politics is also a battle between authorities and ordinary folks where Islam acts as a source of inspiration and moral aspirations for people to realize a just and prosperous society.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13439009908720008, Apr 11, 2007
... ICMI (1990-) Ex-Chairman: BJ Habibie Acting Chairman: Ahmad Tirtosoedirdjo ... Perhaps the la... more ... ICMI (1990-) Ex-Chairman: BJ Habibie Acting Chairman: Ahmad Tirtosoedirdjo ... Perhaps the latter may be represented by Achmad Sumargono, an HMI drop-out, a successful businessman, and a determined activist for international Islamic solidarity. ...
1 Muhammadiyah 2 Islam Organisasi Bulan Sabit Muncul Dari Balik Pohon Beringin Studi Tentang Pergerakan Muhammadiyah Mitsuo Nakamura Diterjemahkan Oleh Yusron Asrofie, 1983
Die Welt des Islams, 1986
Papers by Mitsuo Nakamura