CHI Proceedings Formats
Page last updated: 6th December 2019.
Latex Copyright Block for Accepted Submissions
Please follow the instructions that are linked below, according to the template you are using:
- Papers instruction.
- Extended-Abstract instructions.
Given the many problems with the Paper templates for CHI 2019, especially with the Word template, we have decided to go back to a slight variant of the CHI 2018 template for CHI 2020. Please use the templates below when submitting Papers only. For other submission types, please see the CHI Extended Abstracts format (below). There are three (3) options available:
- LaTeX Template for Papers – Download .zip (updated: 03.06.19)
- Overleaf project – Template please check your PDF for spurious characters (including the references block) and fix them before submission. (updated: 01.06.19)
- LaTeX citations: Please use \bibliographystyle{SIGCHI-Reference-Format} to produce numerical citations (i.e., do not alter the bibliography style currently used in the template).
- Microsoft Word Template for Papers – Download .docx (updated: 01.06.19)
- PDF Example for Papers – Download .pdf (generated with LaTeX, updated: 03.06.19)
Note: if you use the LaTeX template, to add a teaser image, please use \teaser{ … } instead of \begin{teaserfigure} … \end{teaserfigure}, and make sure it is placed before \maketitle.
CHI Extended Abstracts Format
This template should be used for submitting to the workshops, courses, case studies, doctoral consortium, panels, interactivity, SIGs, late-breaking works, alt.chi, and student competitions venues (This template is NOT for submitting papers, use the CHI Proceedings format (above) for submitting Papers). You can use one of the following three (3) templates:
- LaTeX Template for Extended Abstracts – (updated: 16.12.19)
- Overleaf project – Template please check your PDF for spurious characters (including the references block) and fix them before submission. (updated: 21.06.19)
- LaTeX citations: Please use \bibliographystyle{SIGCHI-Reference-Format} to produce numerical citations (i.e., do not alter the bibliography style currently used in the template).
- Microsoft Word Template for Extended Abstracts – Download.docx (updated: 16.12.19)
- PDF Example for Extended Abstracts – Download.pdf (generated with LaTeX, updated: 16.12.19)
Digital Accessibility
The CHI conference committee is asking all authors to work on improving the accessibility of their submissions. Please see the Guide to an Accessible Submission for more details.
Technical Support
If you have LaTeX-specific questions, please review the User and Implementation Guide first.
ACM is happy to provide authors working with LaTeX class and Word files technical help. Please direct your technical query to: [email protected]
All email queries will be responded to within 24 hours.