Papers by Kendall Jarrett

This paper contributes to research in the scholarship of teaching by reporting on undergraduate s... more This paper contributes to research in the scholarship of teaching by reporting on undergraduate sports students perceptions of their own learning when exposed to a Game Sense learning approach and reflections on my experience of teaching it. A multiple methods approach was utilised to gather data from a four-week games component of a 10-week unit of study with all participants (n = 20; aged 18-21) in their first year of a three-year sports-related undergraduate degree. The games classification system was used to plan session content over the four weeks with each week focusing on a different games classification. Data were organised and coded via inductive coding procedures with analysis conducted concurrently to identify three prominent themes: 1) positive experiences of competition and game play, 2) the range of cognitive and emotional learning opportunities provided by Game Sense pedagogy facilitated improved student engagement and learning, and 3) the challenge of effective teach...

Vygotsky believed that social interaction played a vitally important role in the development of c... more Vygotsky believed that social interaction played a vitally important role in the development of cognition. This social interaction was often initiated by recognition of a More Knowledgeable Other (MKO). With the development of learners as MKOs being a product of a teacher’s pedagogical choice, the role of pedagogy in the curriculum design process becomes an important consideration. So how do we develop more MKOs in physical education? What should we be considering when we design our physical education curricula of the future? This article presents information relating to the use of a specific family of pedagogical approaches, namely game based approaches (GBAs), as a means to design physical education curricula that develops and recognises learners as MKOs. Also discussed is Wiggins and McTighe’s (2005) Understanding by Design framework and its use in designing a PE curriculum that aligns to the key features of GBA implementation. Finally, strategies are presented to help teachers overcome common challenges of GBA implementation so that more MKOs are recognised and developed in our PE classes.

This paper provides an overview of poetic transcription and how I used it to re-present physical ... more This paper provides an overview of poetic transcription and how I used it to re-present physical education teachers’ experiences of teaching games using a game based approach (GBA). Composite narratives derived from a study exploring teachers’ experiences of GBA teaching provided the initial storying of experience with three separate teacher capacities for experience identified; that of a Learner, a Collaborator, and a Catalyst. These narratives were then re-storied as found poems. Discussion within this paper comments on the reflexive action I engaged with to transform interview transcripts into poetic form with specific comment offered as to my rationale for use of poetic transcription as well as the process I undertook to re-see teachers’ experiences of GBA experience. Comment stemming from a comparison of poems is also offered along with what experimentation with poetic transcription enabled me to “do” with my understanding of the experience of GBA teaching
Routledge eBooks, Sep 28, 2020

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2023
Historically, written assessments in the form of essays, unit outlines, question-response examina... more Historically, written assessments in the form of essays, unit outlines, question-response examinations and observation reports, and oral assessments in the form of group presentations, individual vivas, and round-table discussions have been used to assess pre-service physical education students’ and sport coaching students’ teaching and coaching knowledge (Capel, Hayes, Katene & Velija, 2009; Semiz & Ince, 2012). Yet, at a time when the call for more practice-based teacher education is getting louder (Ward, Higginson & Cho, 2020), we believe further consideration should be given to the authenticity of assessment modes being used to develop and determine pre-service PE students’ and sport coaching students’ understanding of the students they teach, the learning environments they are responsible for, and the pedagogical choices they are making.
One particular mode of assessment that could be considered is Practically Assessed Structured Scenarios (PASS). This predominantly spoken word mode of assessment is similar to Objective Structured Clinical Examinations used in medical and veterinary education (Kirton & Kravitz, 2011) in that it utilizes practical scenarios to test practical knowledge. This article presents comments from a four-way professional conversation conducted by university educators from four different countries who discussed the suitability and/or implementation of PASS as a mode of assessment within physical education teacher education (PETE) and sport coaching education programs. Thus, the purpose of this article is to introduce and develop readers’ understanding of PASS and provide access to university educators’ views on the benefits and challenges of PASS implementation. Furthermore, it is intended that discussion within the article stimulates debate amongst teacher educators on the range of assessments currently offered within PETE and sport coaching programs around the world.
Strategies: A Journal for Physical & Sport Educators, 2022
This article presents information relating to the use of a specific family of pedagogical approac... more This article presents information relating to the use of a specific family of pedagogical approaches, namely game-based approaches (GBAs), as a means to design physical education curricula that develops and recognizes learners as MKOs. Also discussed is Wiggins and McTighe's (2005) Understanding by Design framework and its use in designing a PE curriculum that aligns to the key features of GBA implementation. Finally, strategies are presented to help teachers overcome common challenges of GBA implementation so that more MKOs are recognized and developed in our PE classes.
The Practice of Leadership in Higher Education, 2020
As a society we have come to recognise effective leadership in sport as being the catalyst for su... more As a society we have come to recognise effective leadership in sport as being the catalyst for successful sporting performance. Whether it’s the backroom decisions of an administrator, the off-court instructions of a coach, or the on-field actions of a player, effective leaders in sport are known not just for their impact on successful performance and the development of other leaders, but also because of the circumstances within which their leadership led to success. Circumstances synonymous with sporting success include the overcoming of adversity (e.g. swimmer Yusra Mardini’s selection for the Refugee Olympic Team in 2016), sustained achievement (e.g. New England Patriots’ nine Super Bowl appearances in 18 years), and ‘against the odds’ triumphs (e.g. Leicester City FC winning the English Premier League in 2015/16).
Game Sense for Coaching and Teaching, 2021

Journal of Participatory Research Methods, 2021
This article documents the use of professional conversation as a method of participatory research... more This article documents the use of professional conversation as a method of participatory research to question, inform and innovate assessment practices used in tertiary settings. Utilising a professional conversations model, four tertiary educators engaged in a 6-month long email conversation designed to explore our individual and collective sense-making around use of a specific mode of assessment relating to sport pedagogy-related teacher and coach education courses. Justification for use of a professional conversations model is presented, along with participants' experiences of engaging in this participatory method of data capture. A brief summary of participants' post-conversation views on PASS is included, as well as recommendations relating to the utility of using a professional conversations model as a participatory research method.
AIESEP International Conference, Jun 1, 2011

This study focuses on the analysis of collective meaning associated with secondary physical educa... more This study focuses on the analysis of collective meaning associated with secondary physical education teachers' (N=12) experiences of teaching games using a Game Based Approach (GBA). Participants taught in one of two different international contexts, southeast Australia or southeast England, and all had some experience of using a GBA to teach games. An elicitation interview technique was used to help understand experience 'in context' within a phenomenographic research framework with the purpose being to uncover the qualitatively finite number of ways that GBA-related teaching was/can be experienced. As guided by use of a phenomenographic analysis framework three conceptions of awareness were identified that detail the collective meaning associated with participants' experiences of teaching using a GBA, namely that of a Learner, a Collaborator, and/or a Catalyst. An analysis of findings is presented with discussion focusing on the context and meaning of GBA-related ...
Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sport Coaching, 2020
The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users ar... more The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record.
Now more than ever, hospital administrations and staff need to respond quickly and decisively as ... more Now more than ever, hospital administrations and staff need to respond quickly and decisively as the rules of the game continue to change, or lose their competitive advantages. With the prospect of massive and radical reform of the health care system over the next 2-3 years, hospital managers and their staffs are going to be asked to integrate and implement more complex changes in shorter and shorter time frames. Externally driven changes in the structure and operation of hospitals will mean changes in individual job profiles, organizational performance measurements, patient care responsibilities, information systems and regulatory requirements, to name but a few.

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2017
This study investigated secondary school physical education teachers’ experiences of using a game... more This study investigated secondary school physical education teachers’ experiences of using a game based approach (GBA) with the primary aim of exploring the qualitatively different ways teachers experience what they consider to be a GBA when teaching games. Participants in this study (n=12) taught in schools in either southeast Australia or southeast England and all had previous experience of using a GBA to teach games. With the investigation of teaching experience being the fundamental focus of this study a phenomenographic research framework was chosen to explore a primary research question that inherently focused upon GBA experience interpretation and meaning. An analysis of findings indicated three conceptions of awareness detailing the collective meaning of participants’ GBA teaching experience; that being as a Learner, a Collaborator, and/or a Catalyst. Implications for physical education teacher education (PETE) programmes and recommendations from findings are offered for phy...
The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users ar... more The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record.

This paper provides an overview of poetic transcription and how I used it to re-present physical ... more This paper provides an overview of poetic transcription and how I used it to re-present physical education teachers’ experiences of teaching games using a game based approach (GBA). Composite narratives derived from a study exploring teachers’ experiences of GBA teaching provided the initial storying of experience with three separate teacher capacities for experience identified; that of a Learner, a Collaborator, and a Catalyst. These narratives were then re-storied as found poems. Discussion within this paper comments on the reflexive action I engaged with to transform interview transcripts into poetic form with specific comment offered as to my rationale for use of poetic transcription as well as the process I undertook to re-see teachers’ experiences of GBA experience. Comment stemming from a comparison of poems is also offered along with what experimentation with poetic transcription enabled me to "do" with my understanding of the experience of GBA teaching.
Papers by Kendall Jarrett
One particular mode of assessment that could be considered is Practically Assessed Structured Scenarios (PASS). This predominantly spoken word mode of assessment is similar to Objective Structured Clinical Examinations used in medical and veterinary education (Kirton & Kravitz, 2011) in that it utilizes practical scenarios to test practical knowledge. This article presents comments from a four-way professional conversation conducted by university educators from four different countries who discussed the suitability and/or implementation of PASS as a mode of assessment within physical education teacher education (PETE) and sport coaching education programs. Thus, the purpose of this article is to introduce and develop readers’ understanding of PASS and provide access to university educators’ views on the benefits and challenges of PASS implementation. Furthermore, it is intended that discussion within the article stimulates debate amongst teacher educators on the range of assessments currently offered within PETE and sport coaching programs around the world.
One particular mode of assessment that could be considered is Practically Assessed Structured Scenarios (PASS). This predominantly spoken word mode of assessment is similar to Objective Structured Clinical Examinations used in medical and veterinary education (Kirton & Kravitz, 2011) in that it utilizes practical scenarios to test practical knowledge. This article presents comments from a four-way professional conversation conducted by university educators from four different countries who discussed the suitability and/or implementation of PASS as a mode of assessment within physical education teacher education (PETE) and sport coaching education programs. Thus, the purpose of this article is to introduce and develop readers’ understanding of PASS and provide access to university educators’ views on the benefits and challenges of PASS implementation. Furthermore, it is intended that discussion within the article stimulates debate amongst teacher educators on the range of assessments currently offered within PETE and sport coaching programs around the world.