Thesis Chapters by Ostap Bodyk

The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online pl... more The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online platforms as Coursera, Udemy, Edx and Alison. Communicative and linguistic competencies are necessary characteristics of an active citizen who interacts effectively with the surrounding society. Also, in the conditions when the internationalization processes are increasing knowledge of a foreign language becomes very important. Massive open online courses (MOOC) are considered to be a promising and powerful means of language training. Today, they have combined the possibilities provided by the Internet, the quality content, and the best teaching practices. We have found that MOOC can be used for distance and blended learning, as well as in the process of self-education. When designing online language courses for MOOC you should consider certain criteria and requirements. The topics of the online courses, level of complexity, quality educational content, practical orientation, interactivity, availability of feedback, etc. are of special importance. We found that the analyzed platforms have several identical functional features: multilingual interface, a possibility to choose the language of courses, a possibility to obtain a certificate, the availability of links to related courses, the availability of headings, a possibility to search for courses by keywords. In total, we identified 5,159 online courses for learning 21 languages. The Udemy platform has the largest number of online language courses (4,270 courses). The most popular languages appeared to be English (1,760 courses), Spanish (544 courses), French (451 courses), and Chinese (450 courses). The least popular languages, which are represented by only one online course, are Swedish, Latin, Noongar, and Tibetan. We found that such online platforms as Coursera and Edx provide courses that give users an opportunity to obtain a professional certificate, specialization, or a degree.

The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online pl... more The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online platforms as Coursera, Udemy, Edx and Alison. Communicative and linguistic competencies are necessary characteristics of an active citizen who interacts effectively with the surrounding society. Also, in the conditions when the internationalization processes are increasing knowledge of a foreign language becomes very important. Massive open online courses (MOOC) are considered to be a promising and powerful means of language training. Today, they have combined the possibilities provided by the Internet, the quality content, and the best teaching practices. We have found that MOOC can be used for distance and blended learning, as well as in the process of self-education. When designing online language courses for MOOC you should consider certain criteria and requirements. The topics of the online courses, level of complexity, quality educational content, practical orientation, interactivity, availability of feedback, etc. are of special importance. We found that the analyzed platforms have several identical functional features: multilingual interface, a possibility to choose the language of courses, a possibility to obtain a certificate, the availability of links to related courses, the availability of headings, a possibility to search for courses by keywords. In total, we identified 5,159 online courses for learning 21 languages. The Udemy platform has the largest number of online language courses (4,270 courses). The most popular languages appeared to be English (1,760 courses), Spanish (544 courses), French (451 courses), and Chinese (450 courses). The least popular languages, which are represented by only one online course, are Swedish, Latin, Noongar, and Tibetan. We found that such online platforms as Coursera and Edx provide courses that give users an opportunity to obtain a professional certificate, specialization, or a degree.
Італійська культура в становленні європейської цивілізації: матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Маріуполь, 21 жовтня 2020 р.). , 2020
Important for us is the concept of structural and semantic organization of the topos of the medie... more Important for us is the concept of structural and semantic organization of the topos of the medieval city (Kiev 1030-1036, 1506 and Florence XIV – early XV centuries) in the works of these writers
Papers by Ostap Bodyk

Information Technologies and Learning Tools, Jun 28, 2024
Digital tools constitute an integral component in the organization of contemporary foreign langua... more Digital tools constitute an integral component in the organization of contemporary foreign language environment. The incorporation of Internet technologies into the educational process stimulates the cognitive activity of learners. This article explores potential avenues for cultivating educational-strategic competence in German-language writing through the use of the MOODLE educational platform and Padlet board. The scientific novelty of the research is that overcoming barriers by pre-service teachers in using the educational platform Moodle and the Padlet board ensures the formation of educational-strategic competence in German language writing and
intercultural communicative competence. The authors examine the tasks and skills associated with educational-strategic competence, aiming at enhancing the writing skills of pre-service teachers and foster further intercultural foreign language communicative competence.
A theoretical analysis of the relevant literature regarding the integration of innovative techniques into the educational process for pre-service teachers is presented. The didactic possibilities of digital tools during the production of German-language texts are investigated. The article presents metacognitive, cognitive, and communicative learning strategies based on the utilization of digital tools in detail. The authors provide detailed descriptions of language material teaching strategies within the context of intercultural communication.
The intercultural aspect of teaching strategies, which serves as a prominent regulator in the conditions of intercultural communication, is highlighted. The results of applying internet technologies in the educational foreign language process are represented through a survey, indicating their relevance and effectiveness in developing language and communication strategies, both socio-affective and linguistic. Attention is drawn to the potential for modeling foreign language socio-communicative situations through the use of digital tools.
The article emphasizes the importance of digital tools in formative and summative assessment for written skills activities. Pre-service teachers are encouraged to overcome psychological barriers to the effective implementation of innovative techniques, as digitalization is an inseparable component of contemporary society and education.
Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlologìâ, 2023

Aktualʹnì pitannâ gumanìtarnih nauk, 2022
У статті наголошується на тому, що дослідження цінностей вимагає всебічного аналізу їхньої змісто... more У статті наголошується на тому, що дослідження цінностей вимагає всебічного аналізу їхньої змістової складової та опосередковується їх цивілізаційними особливостями. Виявлено, що особливої уваги заслуговує феномен європейських цінностей, зокрема принципи поваги до прав людини, свободи та рівності, крізь призму включення України в європейський освітній простір. Вказано, що фундаментальною основою європейських цінностей виступають права та свободи кожного індивіда й рівність усіх перед законом. В Україні все частіше почали говорити про соціалізацію людей з особливими потребами в суспільстві, оскільки такі люди мають право на освіту, на користування громадським транспортом, участь у різноманітних конкурсах тощо. Автори зазначають, що бажання соціалізуватись повинно бути не лише у людей, які мають вади, а й у людей, які приймають їх у суспільстві. Для того, щоб показати та переосмислити важкість питання інклюзії в суспільстві, сучасні українські письменники з художньої точки зору підходять до висвітлення актуальних проблем людства. Європейські цінності є досить популярним предметом дослідження у світовому та українському науковому просторі. Науковці прийшли до висновку, що вивчення моделей соціальної взаємодії між людьми з обмеженими можливостями та звичайними людьми, які перебувають у нерівних ситуаціях щодо ресурсів і статусу, сприяє поглибленню розуміння громадськістю моделей соціальної взаємодії та почуттів людей з обмеженими можливостями, заохочує людей з обмеженими можливостями брати участь у соціальній взаємодії, а також покращує обізнаність людей з обмеженими можливостями про їхню поведінку та поведінку інших людей. На прикладі творчості Оксани Сайко досліджуються питання адаптації підлітків із вадами в соціумі та їх соціалізація в суспільстві крізь призму європейських цінностей. Акцентується увага на поетикальних аспектах у творі письменниці «До сивих гір». Дослідження спонукає до роздумів щодо прийняття таких людей в соціумі та надання їм максимальної допомоги для повноцінного життя та насолоди від нього.

Vitoki pedagogìčnoï majsternostì, Sep 10, 2022
У статті йдеться про особливості цифровізації та її впровадження у процесі підготовки вчителів та... more У статті йдеться про особливості цифровізації та її впровадження у процесі підготовки вчителів та державних службовців у контексті сучасної української післядипломної педагогічної освіти, що є однією з актуальних тем і важливих потреб сьогодення. Основною метою дослідження є узагальнення практичного досвіду українських науковців щодо особливостей підвищення кваліфікації вчителів-предметників та державних службовців, а також пошуку ефективних механізмів роботи з дорослими в цифровому просторі. Для досягнення поставленої мети вирішено наступні завдання: проаналізовано технічну можливість та доступність роботи в сучасних онлайн-та офлайн-умовах під час підвищення кваліфікації вчителів та державних службовців; визначено етапи запровадження е-платформи освітнього «хабу». Зазначено, що процес підготовки має фокусуватися на розвитку «твердих» і «м'яких» навичок слухачів. Використано методи дослідження: 1) теоретичні: системний аналіз, абстрагування, узагальнення, порівняння, систематизація та класифікація отриманої інформації та її інтерпретація; 2) емпіричні: метод опитування та анкетування, метод порівняльного аналізу одержаних результатів, експертна оцінка. Визначено, що сучасне освітнє середовище має складатися з двох компонентів: онлайн-платформи, яка прискорить надання тренінгових послуг, та освітнього «хабу», оснащеного сучасною базою. Це також допоможе поширити освітні послуги закладу вищої освіти не лише онлайн, але й офлайн, зважаючи на застосування сучасних методик. Загалом проєкт сприятиме більш активній співпраці представників територіальних громад України. Ключові слова: підвищення кваліфікації вчителів та державних службовців, цифровий простір, цифровізація, онлайн-платформа, освітній центр, «тверді» та «м'які» («гнучкі») навички, дистанційне навчання Постановка проблеми в загальному виді та її зв'язок із важливими науковими та практичними завданнями. Виклики сучасного життя вимагають від нас володіння трендовими вміннями та

Academic Journal of Modern Philology, 2022
The article traces and analyses the movement of the author's consciousness of Lesya Ukrainka with... more The article traces and analyses the movement of the author's consciousness of Lesya Ukrainka with regard to the research topic of the evolution of the archetypal image of a religious visionary in the dramatic works of the Ukrainian poetess through the prism of mythopoetic archetypal categories on different "sections" of her dramatic works Vavylons'kyj polon (Babylonian Captivity), Na rujinaсh (On the Ruins) and poems "Kassandra" (Cassandra) and "Orhija" (The Orgy). The author explains that, by referring the ancient subjects, Lesia Ukrainka realizes the need to breathe new life into the mythology of the ancients, look at the history of humankind as a tragic process of the struggle between good and evil, and connect the movement of history with manifestations of spiritual stability, with its tendency to the ideals of good. According to her aesthetic views in the artistic perception of antiquity, the poetess does not seek to aestheticize it, but to reveal in the ancient myth the eternal, timeless psychological state of human inner life and in this way explore the "catastrophes" of the modern soul.
A modern approach to substantiating the education structure and content is being carried out toda... more A modern approach to substantiating the education structure and content is being carried out today in the context of decentralized management, expanding the powers of comprehensive secondary schools (CSS), developing education variability and differentiation, individualizing instruction, increasing the role of research activities, expanding range of educational services taking into account social partnership. In general, these processes are aimed at Ukraine’s integration into a single European educational space, but, unfortunately, at present they have some negative consequences: the emergence of an imbalance in the education content and integration, pupils’ overload, the decline in the quality of the educational process and the level of graduates training.
In the period of radical modernization of the Ukrainian education system, the problem of school a... more In the period of radical modernization of the Ukrainian education system, the problem of school authorities’ managerial competence development and the formation of the leaderships' corps of a new creative, innovative type, who are ready and capable to initiative and non-standard managerial decisions becomes especially relevant. Therefore, the study of school
authorities’ professional competence is determined by the needs of the society in that it outpaces the educational and professional personal development of the base-level managers of school education as active subjects of culture, social and historical process.

Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2023
The research provides a quantitative and content analysis of literary works on the topic of inclu... more The research provides a quantitative and content analysis of literary works on the topic of inclusion, which were written by Ukrainian writers in the period of 2013-2019. The advantages of reading literary works on the topic of inclusion were revealed. The authors analyzed the factors of effective inclusive education, including those with the use of literature, where characters with disabilities are displayed. A total of 15 literary works were analyzed. The largest number of books on the topic of inclusion were published by the Ukrainian "Stary Lev Publishing House". Most of the works on the topic of inclusion were written in 2015. It has turned out that not all the books are available for reading in full. It was found that Ukrainian literature on the topic of inclusion describes the life situations of the main characters who have congenital defects (blindness, a hump on the back, Down's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, autism), who have some defects developed in car accidents (deafness) or illness. In addition, the age of readers, which should be focused on when reading books, turned out to be diverse: 3-8 years old (7%), 6-9 years old (33%), 9-12 years old (47%), over 13 years old (13%). In the analyzed literary works, 53% of the main characters are female, and 47% of the characters are male. In further research, it is planned to analyze the quantity and quality of illustrations that accompany and supplement the content of works on the topic of inclusion which were written by Ukrainian writers.

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2022
The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online pl... more The article provides a quantitative analysis of online language courses located on such online platforms as Coursera, Udemy, Edx and Alison. Communicative and linguistic competencies are necessary characteristics of an active citizen who interacts effectively with the surrounding society. Also, in the conditions when the internationalization processes are increasing knowledge of a foreign language becomes very important. Massive open online courses (MOOC) are considered to be a promising and powerful means of language training. Today, they have combined the possibilities provided by the Internet, the quality content, and the best teaching practices. We have found that MOOC can be used for distance and blended learning, as well as in the process of self-education. When designing online language courses for MOOC you should consider certain criteria and requirements. The topics of the online courses, level of complexity, quality educational content, practical orientation, interactivity, availability of feedback, etc. are of special importance. We found that the analyzed platforms have several identical functional features: multilingual interface, a possibility to choose the language of courses, a possibility to obtain a certificate, the availability of links to related courses, the availability of headings, a possibility to search for courses by keywords. In total, we identified 5,159 online courses for learning 21 languages. The Udemy platform has the largest number of online language courses (4,270 courses). The most popular languages appeared to be English (1,760 courses), Spanish (544 courses), French (451 courses), and Chinese (450 courses). The least popular languages, which are represented by only one online course, are Swedish, Latin, Noongar, and Tibetan. We found that such online platforms as Coursera and Edx provide courses that give users an opportunity to obtain a professional certificate, specialization, or a degree.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be ... more All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. The content and reliability of the articles are the responsibility of the authors. When using and borrowing materials reference to the publication is required. Collection of scientific articles published is the scientific and practical publication, which contains scientific articles of students, graduate students, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, research workers and practitioners from Europe and Ukraine. The articles contain the study, reflecting the processes and changes in the structure of modern science.

Нова ідеологія і практика вітчизняної освіти підкреслюють пріоритет людської особистості. Однією ... more Нова ідеологія і практика вітчизняної освіти підкреслюють пріоритет людської особистості. Однією з вимог системного підходу до управління закладами освіти (далі – ЗО) стає підвищення управлінської культури керівника, що свідчить про її важливість і соціальну значущість. Підвищити рівень управлінської культури керівників ЗО мають знання з менеджменту, висока вмотивованість щодо розвитку управлінської культури, бажання і здатність постійно працювати над собою, самовдосконалюватися. Однією з ефективних сучасних технологій розвитку і саморозвитку керівника ЗО є селф-коучинг, інструменти якого дозволяють вирішувати зазначені питання, розвивати управлінську культуру, навчитися керувати своєю професійною діяльністю та особистим життям. Коучинг як ефективний метод управління успішно досліджується зарубіжними й українськими науковцями, у тому числі – щодо впровадження в роботу з педагогами. Проте питання використання селф-коучингу керівниками ЗО майже не досліджено, як і використання селф-ко...

Theory and Practice in Language Studies
The research provides a quantitative and content analysis of literary works on the topic of inclu... more The research provides a quantitative and content analysis of literary works on the topic of inclusion, which were written by Ukrainian writers in the period of 2013-2019. The advantages of reading literary works on the topic of inclusion were revealed. The authors analyzed the factors of effective inclusive education, including those with the use of literature, where characters with disabilities are displayed. A total of 15 literary works were analyzed. The largest number of books on the topic of inclusion were published by the Ukrainian “Stary Lev Publishing House”. Most of the works on the topic of inclusion were written in 2015. It has turned out that not all the books are available for reading in full. It was found that Ukrainian literature on the topic of inclusion describes the life situations of the main characters who have congenital defects (blindness, a hump on the back, Down’s syndrome, Asperger’s syndrome, autism), who have some defects developed in car accidents (deafne...
Thesis Chapters by Ostap Bodyk
Papers by Ostap Bodyk
intercultural communicative competence. The authors examine the tasks and skills associated with educational-strategic competence, aiming at enhancing the writing skills of pre-service teachers and foster further intercultural foreign language communicative competence.
A theoretical analysis of the relevant literature regarding the integration of innovative techniques into the educational process for pre-service teachers is presented. The didactic possibilities of digital tools during the production of German-language texts are investigated. The article presents metacognitive, cognitive, and communicative learning strategies based on the utilization of digital tools in detail. The authors provide detailed descriptions of language material teaching strategies within the context of intercultural communication.
The intercultural aspect of teaching strategies, which serves as a prominent regulator in the conditions of intercultural communication, is highlighted. The results of applying internet technologies in the educational foreign language process are represented through a survey, indicating their relevance and effectiveness in developing language and communication strategies, both socio-affective and linguistic. Attention is drawn to the potential for modeling foreign language socio-communicative situations through the use of digital tools.
The article emphasizes the importance of digital tools in formative and summative assessment for written skills activities. Pre-service teachers are encouraged to overcome psychological barriers to the effective implementation of innovative techniques, as digitalization is an inseparable component of contemporary society and education.
authorities’ professional competence is determined by the needs of the society in that it outpaces the educational and professional personal development of the base-level managers of school education as active subjects of culture, social and historical process.
intercultural communicative competence. The authors examine the tasks and skills associated with educational-strategic competence, aiming at enhancing the writing skills of pre-service teachers and foster further intercultural foreign language communicative competence.
A theoretical analysis of the relevant literature regarding the integration of innovative techniques into the educational process for pre-service teachers is presented. The didactic possibilities of digital tools during the production of German-language texts are investigated. The article presents metacognitive, cognitive, and communicative learning strategies based on the utilization of digital tools in detail. The authors provide detailed descriptions of language material teaching strategies within the context of intercultural communication.
The intercultural aspect of teaching strategies, which serves as a prominent regulator in the conditions of intercultural communication, is highlighted. The results of applying internet technologies in the educational foreign language process are represented through a survey, indicating their relevance and effectiveness in developing language and communication strategies, both socio-affective and linguistic. Attention is drawn to the potential for modeling foreign language socio-communicative situations through the use of digital tools.
The article emphasizes the importance of digital tools in formative and summative assessment for written skills activities. Pre-service teachers are encouraged to overcome psychological barriers to the effective implementation of innovative techniques, as digitalization is an inseparable component of contemporary society and education.
authorities’ professional competence is determined by the needs of the society in that it outpaces the educational and professional personal development of the base-level managers of school education as active subjects of culture, social and historical process.