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Cheese Inc.

Where do you get your cheese from?

Journal created:
on 21 October 2003 (#1407371)
on 12 June 2016
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
Do you like cheese? I mean, really like it? Do you enjoy cheese so much, that in fact, you LOVE it?!?
It's ok, because this is the place for you!
Express your most intimate moments with cheese, discuss the intensity it carries when being eaten or when it is sitting in the refrigerator.
Swiss, Laughing Cow, Wine Cheese, Easy Cheese, Gargonzola, Mozarella. ALL cheese products are accepted here.
Do not be ashamed about your love for cheese!
Let it be known that, with cheese, you can come over the hardest of hard ships!

*Any intolerance and/or disrespecting of cheese will NOT be tolerated. If by chance, you feel the need to do so, you will be thrown into a bin of venomous snakes!

Thank You!
<33 Your Fellow Maintainers frusciante & sugarnspice42
