Panjab University, Chandigarh India
In this paper, an expanded mixed finite element method with lowest order Raviart Thomas elements is developed and analyzed for a class of nonlinear and nonlocal parabolic problems. After obtaining some regularity results for the exact... more
English education was introduced by the British with the twin purpose of impressing upon the natives the value of western thought and of preparing them for taking up jobs to assist in the administration of the country. The first protégés... more
The production and growth of modern science in India was encouraged by the British with a view to furthering colonial interests. British-sponsored science, by its very nature was field science and its agenda was decided on grounds of... more
Rahu and Ketu were deployed as planetary deities in the sixth century CE immediately after the mathematical theory of eclipses was propounded by Aryabhata. Their literary credentials however go back to early Vedic times. Here our aim is... more
India was the first country outside the Western World to take to modern science. The initiative came in the later half of the 19th century from Calcutta-based M.D. turned homeopath, Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar, and resulted in the... more
Discusses the question whether the pioneering Indian physicist Jagadis Chunder Bose was wronged in any manner by the international science establishment of the day. The paper also examines the Indian view of modern science fashioned by... more
Ever since human beings learnt to walk upright they have looked at the sky and wondered. The sky has remained the same but human perception of it has changed. First a divinity to be feared and appeased: then a phenomenon to be observed... more