? ?
06 May 2015 @ 02:49 pm
eng remember me? hai! i'm pretty sure there's only a few people form the icon community around and no one else, but, hey I'm here. I've been extremelly busy, but sometimes IDK, I get all nostalgic and still do a thing or two, so considering this consists of 4 month of doing... it's quite small. And kinda very rusty. Which is sorta the reason I made an effort to take part in t_r, because everything is all over the place in this post. And btw, it was such an amazing competition, congrats to everybody :D.

IN ANY CASE, must be said rec: please WATCH THE FOSTERS.

esp no sé si queda alguien del fandom español, pero como igual les linkearé por otros lados se enterarán igual, y yo soy cabezota y aquí estoy anyway. los tiempos ya no son los de antes y coff. aparentmnt estoy escribiendo again? coff así que bueno, esto es pequeño, y no muy bueno, pero tiene de todo un poquito. y espero que haya algo rescatable :DDD

32 multifandom icons.
fandoms: the fosters (WITH SPOILERS till 2x21) (16+1), daredevil (5), agent carter (3), musketeers (2), utopia (2+1), in the flesh (1+1), orphan black (1)


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