Deploys Are The ✨WRONG✨ Way To Change User Experience

This piece was first published on the blog on 2023-03-08.


I’m no stranger to ranting about deploys. But there’s one thing I haven’t sufficiently ranted about yet, which is this: Deploying software is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad way to go about the process of changing user-facing code.

It sucks even if you have excellent, fast, fully automated deploys (which most of you do not). Relying on deploys to change user experience is a problem because it fundamentally confuses and scrambles up two very different actions: Deploys and releases.


“Deploying” refers to the process of building, testing, and rolling out changes to your production software. Deploying should happen very often, ideally several times a day. Perhaps even triggered every time an engineer lands a change.

Everything we know about building and changing software safely points to the fact that speed is safety and smaller changes make for safer deploys. Every deploy should apply a small diff to your software, and deploys should generally be invisible to users (other than minor bug fixes).


“Releasing” refers to the process of changing user experience in a meaningful way. This might mean anything from adding functionality to adding entire product lines. Most orgs have some concept of above or below the fold where this matters. For example, bug fixes and small requests can ship continuously, but larger changes call for a more involved process that could mean anything from release notes to coordinating a major press release.

A tale of cascading failures

Have you ever experienced anything like this?

Your company has been working on a major new piece of functionality for six months now. You have tested it extensively in staging and dev environments, even running load tests to simulate production. You have a marketing site ready to go live, and embargoed articles on TechCrunch and The New Stack that will be published at 10:00 a.m. PST. All you need to do now is time your deploy so the new product goes live at the same time.

It takes about three hours to do a full build, test, and deploy of your entire system. You’ve deployed as much as possible in advance, and you’ve already built and tested the artifacts, so all you have to do is a streamlined subset of the deploy process in the morning. You’ve gotten it down to just about an hour. You are paranoid, so you decide to start an hour early. So you kick off the deploy script at 8:00 a.m. PST… and sit there biting your nails, waiting for it to finish.

SHIT! 20 minutes through the deploy, there’s a random flaky SSH timeout that causes the whole thing to cancel and roll back. You realize that by running a non-standard subset of the deploy process, some of your error handling got bypassed. You frantically fix it and restart the whole process.

Your software finishes deploying at 9:30 a.m., 30 minutes before the embargoed articles go live. Visitors to your website might be confused in the meantime, but better to finish early than to finish late, right? 😬

Except… as 10:00 a.m. rolls around, and new users excitedly begin hitting your new service, you suddenly find that a path got mistyped, and many requests are returning 500. You hurriedly merge a fix and begin the whole 3-hour long build/test/deploy process from scratch. How embarrassing! 🙈

Deploys are a terrible way to change user experience

The build/release/deploy process generally has a lot of safeguards and checks baked in to make sure it completes correctly. But as a result…

  • It’s slow
  • It’s often flaky
  • It’s unreliable
  • It’s staggered
  • The process itself is untestable
  • It can be nearly impossible to time it right
  • It’s very all or nothing—the norm is to roll back completely upon any error
  • Fixing a single character mistake takes the same amount of time as doubling the feature set!

Changing user-visible behaviors and feature sets using the deploy process is a great way to get egg on your face. Because the process is built for distributing large code distributions or artifacts; user experience gets changed only as a side effect.

So how should you change user experience?

By using feature flags.

Feature flags: the solution to many of life’s software’s problems

You should deploy your code continuously throughout the day or week. But you should wrap any large, user-visible behavior changes behind a feature flag, so you can release that code by flipping a flag.

This enables you to develop safely without worrying about what your users see. It also means that turning a feature on and off no longer requires a diff, a code review, or a deploy. Changing user experience is no longer an engineering task at all.

Deploys are an engineering task, but releases can be done by product managers—even marketing teams. Instead of trying to calculate when to begin deploying by working backwards from 10:00 a.m., you simply flip the switch at 10:00 a.m.

Testing in production, progressive delivery

The benefits of decoupling deploys and releases extend far beyond timely launches. Feature flags are a critical tool for apostles of testing in production (spoiler alert: everybody tests in production, whether they admit it or not; good teams are aware of this and build tools to do it safely). You can use feature flags to do things like:

  • Enable the code for internal users only
  • Show it to a defined subset of alpha testers, or a randomized few
  • Slowly ramp up the percentage of users who see the new code gradually. This is super helpful when you aren’t sure how much load it will place on a backend component
  • Build a new feature, but only turning it on for a couple “early access” customers who are willing to deal with bugs
  • Make a perf improvement that should be bulletproof logically (and invisible to the end user), but safely. Roll it out flagged off, and do progressive delivery starting with users/customers/segments that are low risk if something’s fucked up
  • Doing something timezone-related in a batch process, and testing it out on New Zealand (small audience, timezone far away from your engineers in PST) first

Allowing beta testing, early adoption, etc. is a terrific way to prove out concepts, involve development partners, and have some customers feel special and extra engaged. And feature flags are a veritable Swiss Army Knife for practicing progressive delivery.

It becomes a downright superpower when combined with an observability tool (a real one that supports high cardinality, etc.), because you can:

  • Break down and group by flag name plus build id, user id, app id, etc.
  • Compare performance, behavior, or return code between identical requests with different flags enabled
  • For example, “requests to /export with flag “USE_CACHING” enabled are 3x slower than requests to /export without that flag, and 10% of them now return ‘402’”

It’s hard to emphasize enough just how powerful it is when you have the ability to break down by build ID and feature flag value and see exactly what the difference is between requests where a given flag is enabled vs. requests where it is not.

It’s very challenging to test in production safely without feature flags; the possibilities for doing so with them are endless. Feature flags are a scalpel, where deploys are a chainsaw. Both complement each other, and both have their place.

“But what about long-lived feature branches?”

Long-lived branches are the traditional way that teams develop features, and do so without deploying or releasing code to users. This is a familiar workflow to most developers.

But there is much to be said for continuously deploying code to production, even if you aren’t exposing new surface area to the world. There are lots of subterranean dependencies and interactions that you can test and validate all along.

There’s also something very psychologically different between working with branches. As one of our engineering directors, Jess Mink, says:

There’s something very different, stress and motivation-wise. It’s either, ‘my code is in a branch, or staging env. We’re releasing, I really hope it works, I’ll be up and watching the graphs and ready to respond,’ or ‘oh look! A development customer started using my code. This is so cool! Now we know what to fix, and oh look at the observability. I’ll fix that latency issue now and by the time we scale it up to everyone it’s a super quiet deploy.’

Which brings me to another related point. I know I just said that you should use feature flags for shipping user-facing stuff, but being able to fix things quickly makes you much more willing to ship smaller user-facing fixes. As our designer, Sarah Voegeli, said:

With frequent deploys, we feel a lot better about shipping user-facing changes via deploy (without necessarily needing a feature flag), because we know we can fix small issues and bugs easily in the next one. We’re much more willing to push something out with a deploy if we know we can fix it an hour or two later if there’s an issue.

Everything gets faster, which instills more confidence, which means everything gets faster. It’s an accelerating feedback loop at the heart of your sociotechnical system.

“Great idea, but this sounds like a huge project. Maybe next year.”

I think some people have the idea that this has to be a huge, heavyweight project that involves signing up for a SaaS, forking over a small fortune, and changing everything about the way they build software. While you can do that—and we’re big fans/users of LaunchDarkly in particular—you don’t have to, and you certainly don’t have to start there.

As Mike Terhar from our customer success team says, “When I build them in my own apps, it’s usually just something in a ‘configuration’ database table. You can make a config that can enable/disable, or set a scope by team, user, region, etc.”

You don’t have to get super fancy to decouple deploys from releases. You can start small. Eliminate some pain today.

In conclusion

Decoupling your deploys and releases frees your engineering teams to ship small changes continuously, instead of sitting on branches for a dangerous length of time. It empowers other teams to own their own roadmaps and move at their own pace. It is better, faster, safer, and more reliable than trying to use deploys to manage user-facing changes.

If you don’t have feature flags, you should embrace them. Do it today! 🌈

Deploys Are The ✨WRONG✨ Way To Change User Experience

The Future of Ops is Platform Engineering

First published on 2022-09-30 at

Two years ago I wrote a piece in The New Stack about the Future of Ops Careers. Towards the end, I wrote:

The reality is that jack-of-all-trades systems infrastructure jobs are slowly vanishing: the world doesn’t need thousands of people who can expertly tune postfix, SpamAssassin, and ClamAV—the world has Gmail. (…)

Building infrastructure and operational expertise used to be bundled together into a single role. But the industry is now bifurcating along an infrastructure fault line, and the overlap between infrastructure-oriented engineers and operationally-minded engineers is swiftly eroding. Engineers who love this work increasingly have a choice to make. Either you can 1) go deep on infrastructure by joining a company that does infrastructure as a service, or 2) go broad on operability by joining a company to help them do as little infrastructure as possible.

I described the second category as “operations engineering minus the infrastructure,” dedicated to evaluating and assembling a production stack of third-party platform providers, enabling software engineers to self-serve their services and own their own code in production. I said:

  • Your job will be to aggressively minimize the cycles your org devotes to infrastructure by finding effective ways to outsource or minimize infra labor. Your job is to NOT go deep if there is any workable alternative.
  • Your job will be to work cross-functionally with all the other software engineering teams, looking for ways to speed up their time to value and helping them own their own code in production.
  • Your job will be to move past the kludgey old models of “outsourcing” to sophisticated understandings of how and where to leverage abstractions that can radically accelerate development.

That second category I was describing now has a name. We call those teams “platform engineering.”

The fifty-year arc of software careers

In the beginning, there were people who wrote and ran software. At some point, we spun away ops skills from dev skills into two different professions, but that turned out to be a ginormous mistake, so along came DevOps to reunify them. Nowadays, ops as an independent profession is in the process of fading out. Companies are spinning down their ops teams left and right. Engineers who formerly identified as sysadmins or operations have turned into DevOps engineers, and soon there will just be “software people” again. This is the way of things.

Please note that this is NOT the same thing as saying “ops is dead,” or “ops skills are no longer valuable or needed1.” Our systems are only getting more complex, more difficult to operate, and simultaneously more critical to life on earth, which means that operational excellence has never been more desperately needed (and if you don’t respect that, 🌈 you deserve to suffer 🌈).

The industry story of the past three to five years has been us trying to figure out how to help software engineers own their own code in production2, phasing out dedicated ops teams, and aggressively outsourcing as much infrastructure as possible.

As we should. Developer cycles are the scarcest resource in your company, and you want to spend as many of those as possible on your core product: the crown jewel, the code that makes you a business. Money is cheaper than engineering cycles, and teams that are focused on their core business will always outperform teams whose focus is spread across dozens of non-revenue-generating projects. Let someone else build and run all the dependencies and adjacencies.

Before: some engineers wrote code, and some engineers ran code.

Now: all engineers write code, and all engineers run the code they write.

Platform engineering is what stands between you and darkness

When you start talking about putting software engineers on call for their own code, and generally being more involved in production, some percentage of the time you will hear back a guttural wail of despair: “You can’t expect me to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!”

Quite right; we can’t. Platform engineering teams are part of the answer to this perfectly reasonable complaint. It’s not that you’re being asked to do or understand more in toto, but the distribution of labor and responsibility is shifting:

Before: some engineers wrote code, and some engineers ran code.

Now: all engineers write code, and all engineers run the code they write—but we divide the areas of responsibility by layer or function.

The emergence of a minimum viable self-serve tier

In the earliest days of a company, your first few engineers end up bootstrapping an infrastructure by reading AWS docs or blog posts, or asking a friend for recommendations to get started. They might start by setting up a managed container service, or configuring Terraform, and for a while everybody deploys and owns their own code, just as god intended.

But cognitive limits kick in pretty quickly. The maze of APIs and SDKs and components out there is simply bewildering, even for an experienced ops hand. Before long, it becomes someone’s job to make good decisions, pick a suite of compute and storage options that serve the team’s needs, and write some tooling that pulls everything into a coherent whole—which, at a minimum, lets you:

  1. Run tests and generate new artifacts
  2. Deploy artifacts, version them, and roll back
  3. Instrument, monitor, and debug
  4. Store data somewhere, manage schemas and migrations
  5. Adjust capacity as needed
  6. Define and commit all components (and their relationships) as code

Once these are built, it should be trivial for an engineer to come along and spin up a new service using templates and components from existing services. It should be much simpler and easier to use the blessed paths than anything else, and there should be friction if you go off the beaten path.

Congratulations! You’ve just been platformed 🎉. One of the key principles of any developer platform is that it should be easy to do the right things, and hard to do the wrong things.

The differences between platform engineering and traditional ops

Platform teams are typically staffed by engineers who are comfortable writing software. Not just scripting and automation, but writing tests and doing code reviews. Platform teams also operate much more like product development teams do, with product managers (and occasionally, designers, developer advocates, or UX researchers).

This doesn’t mean that everybody on a platform team has to have originally been a software engineer; in fact, a super common failure condition for platform teams is simply thinking all they need to do is hire software engineers to build developer tools. A strong platform team has an equally deep grounding in operations experience and software development. Individuals who are experts in both areas are fairly rare, but you can pull together a strong, well-rounded team by assembling a mix of SWEs (with some ops experience) and ops or DevOps engineers (with some software experience) and having them learn and grow from each other.

Platform teams are decidedly cloud-native; they actually mostly involve platforms built atop the cloud itself—PaaS, IaaS, everything-aaS, serverless, and so forth.

Ops/DevOps teams are oriented around managing infrastructure, often several generations of infrastructure. Their turf is everything from data centers and bare metal up through virtualization, containers, and the cloud (they aren’t so much cloud-native as cloud-enabled). They measure themselves on things like SLOs and the DORA metrics. You know they’re doing a good job if the system is up/available and users are happy.

Platform teams are oriented around providing a good experience for developers to self-serve and self-manage their code. The more swiftly and easily developers can move, the better your platform team. Operational excellence, in the platform model, is actually more the responsibility of the other engineering teams (and/or an adjacent SRE team) than that of the platform team.

Platform teams typically work higher up the stack than operations, DevOps, or SRE teams do, and they involve a great deal less infrastructure. On the contrary, platform teams are bent on paying other people to run as much shit as possible, preserving their own scarce development cycles for their core product.

Here is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek table of the similarities and differences between the archetypes.

Platform engineers vs. DevOps engineers

Platform Engineer Ops (or DevOps) Engineer
% of job spent writing code > 50% < 50%
Rest of time spent Gathering product requirements, doing user research, architecture discussions, optimizing internal workflows, researching new tools and developer productivity ideas, reviewing other teams’ diffs for impact, performance tuning, helping other engineers own & scale their code, fixing CI/CD pipelines. Fixing cron jobs, automating old setup docs, converting PXE/rsync to Chef/Puppet, converting Chef/Puppet to Terraform, converting VMs to containers, deploying software, debugging broken deploys, writing monitoring checks, doing retros, building out new services, pairing with software engineers to understand and debug their code, investigating weird shit, documentation, etc.
Responsible for Enabling internal teams to self-serve their ability to run and own their code in production. Creating standard, reusable components and processes. Defining golden paths. Infrastructure capacity planning, scaling, performance tuning, upgrading. Reliability and resiliency, SLOs and monitoring/alerting. Delivering quality experience to customers.
Builds for Internal developer teams Customers
Development style Infrastructure as a product Infrastructure as code
Works with product managers Yes No
Works with UX researchers or designers Sometimes No
Dashboards & graphs Uses APM, observability, tracing. Cares a lot about instrumentation and OpenTelemetry. Uses metrics, logs, dashboards; monitoring, alerting, and agent/sidecar/blackbox telemetry.
What ‘coding’ means to them Developing new features & services, writing tests. These are (primarily) software people who do systems. Automation, configuration, DSLs, extending and debugging existing code. These are systems people who do software.
Preferred language Go, Rust Python, Ruby
Time spent in Linux Hardly any A lot
Succeeds when Developers can easily choose good defaults, self-serve their infra, and own their own code in production. Infrastructure is scalable, secure, cost-effective, reliable, and customers are happy.
Native terrain Serverless, *aaS, APIs for everything (cloud-native and above). Instances, VMs, containers, regions, multi-cloud (everything “below,” but up to and including the cloud).
Databases Uses hosted DBs Runs their own, blending automation & DBA expertise
SSH No Yes
Shell REPL bash/zsh
Mantra “Run Less Software” “Cattle, Not Pets”

What about DevOps vs. SRE?

Countless words have been spilled on the difference between DevOps and SRE3, which I won’t rehash.

Here’s what I’ll say: DevOps, to me, feels like a relevant concept for companies that have a lot of infrastructure to wrangle. Companies that do in fact have dev teams and ops teams, or dev teams and DevOps teams (🙄), tend to have a lot of operational shit to automate, test, and run. They use config management, virtualization, and containers, often managing several generations worth of technology, possibly even down to data centers and bare metal. DevOps is for companies that have some combination of bare metal, VMs, regions, AZs, multi-cloud, networking devices, self-managed databases, etc.

DevOps is capacious. It contains multitudes. DevOps writes code, and DevOps has a fuckload of code to manage.

It is also on its way to becoming irrelevant. We are swiftly entering a post-DevOps world.

SRE, to me, feels different. I associate SRE with very large companies, where they mostly have software engineers owning their own code in production, but maybe still struggle with it a bit. SREs are often embedded within software engineering teams or product groups, and they focus a lot on, well, reliability, as the name suggests.

This means they do less infrastructure jockeying or automating (although they still do some coding). They typically have a lot to say about instrumentation, monitoring and observability, and cross-functional coordination. They run incident response and do blameless retros, and they tend to be experts at scaling.

If a company has both a DevOps team and SRE, typically I expect to see the SRE team more on the frontlines, involved with incidents, telemetry, etc., and DevOps teams more on the backburner, slinging pipes and plumbing.

Observability engineering as a case study

In the same piece I referenced earlier, I also wrote about the role of observability teams. I said they should largely no longer be running their own monitoring and graphing software in-house. Yet there is still a place for observability teams to exist: they remain a critical link between outsourced solutions and internal developer needs.

That team should write libraries, generate examples, and drive standardization; ushering in consistency, predictability, and usability. They should partner with internal teams to evaluate use cases. They should partner with your vendors as roadmap stakeholders. They might also write glue code and helper modules to connect disparate data sources and create cohesive visualizations. Basically, that team becomes an integration point between your organization and the outsourced work.

I originally wrote this about observability, but it could just as easily be used to describe platform engineering as a whole. This is the role—being the bridge between other vendors and your own core software. It’s a very high-leverage place to sit.

Ops is dead, long live ops

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this because we’ve had such a hard time nailing down exactly who the Honeycomb customer is. Sometimes our buyer is an ops team buying it for their SWEs, sometimes it’s SREs in the midst of an outage, sometimes it’s a VP or director of engineering, or an architect, or a CTO, or a “full stack” engineering team, or even a product manager. It is hard to form a snappy answer out of that list.

The first couple questions every new go-to-market candidate asks us are “who is your buyer?” and “how do we help them?” To which I respond with a five minute ramble where I list every above persona and each of their pain points. Hardly the concrete answer they would like to receive.

As it goes, sociotechnical trends come and go. A year ago, Christine and I were speculating that platform engineering might be on the verge of consolidating the necessary ingredients that makes up our ideal buyer:

  1. Writing and shipping code, and needing to understand their own code
  2. Positioned to help other teams with their instrumentation patterns and tooling
  3. Firmly cloud-native+ and untethered to hardware or traditional infrastructure

To my delight, since that conversation, these trends have only accelerated—and I, for one, welcome our new platform engineering overlords to the observability table. ☺️

If you’d like to learn more about platform engineering, we’ll be running a Twitter space on ✨ October 20th ✨ at 12:00 p.m. PT. Come join us! I’ll be there along with two colleagues and we’ll be answering your questions and shedding more light on the topic.

1  I do hear people saying that, and it used to make me fucking furious, but now I just smugly remind myself how much self-inflicted suffering they are in for. Disrespecting operational expertise is the shortest path to never again sleeping through the night.

2 It is rather incredible how rapidly this idea has taken off. When we started talking about putting developers on call for their code in 2016, people got seriously angry with us. Before that, the only twitter mention I could find of putting devs on call was one by (of course) Adrian Cockcroft, but by 2019-2020 it had stopped being controversial and soon became common wisdom.

3 I actually wrote one of those myself: DevOps vs SRE: Delayed Coverage of the Dumbest War). LMAO. I think Liz had the final word on this back in … 2017? 2018? … when she said something like class SRE implements DevOps. And yes, DevOps is a philosophy or a methodology and not a job title, etc.

The Future of Ops is Platform Engineering

Why On-Call Pain Is A Sociotechnical Problem

Cross-posted from

Most people hate being on call, because most on-call rotations are terrible.

Pager bombs, flappy alerts, false positives going off night and day, sleepless nights… Who can blame them? Small wonder that so many people develop a Pavlovian response to the sound of their Pagerduty ringtone. Alert goes off; adrenaline soars.

Conventional wisdom tells us that being on call means you put your whole life on hold, then spend all week lurching between firefighting and false alarms as you get progressively more sleep-deprived. It sucks, but that’s just what you get when you own your code in production. Right?

Noooooo. Wrong wrongy wrong wrong. Being on call should not be a constant cycle of things breaking down and firefighting, or alerts going off at all hours. This is not ‘normal.’ These are telltale signs of a fragile system and lack of alert discipline.

If on-call pain is a constant source of pain at your organization, that is a PROBLEM. It’s a five-alarm fire. You should drop what you’re doing and fix it with urgency.

An eternally miserable on-call rotation is a violation of the pact we make to support these systems:

  1. It is engineering’s job to own their code in production.
  2. It is management’s job to make sure it doesn’t suck.

This is a two-way handshake. If management isn’t holding up their end, if they don’t allocate enough time to fix the underlying problems – if they run a feature factory that never stops to refactor or invest in reliability work – then on-call will never get better, and you should leave.

On-call rotations are sociotechnical systems

On-call rotations are a classic example of a sociotechnical problem. A sociotechnical system consists of three elements: in this case that’s your production system, the people who operate it, and the tools they use to enact change on it.

You cannot solve sociotechnical problems with purely people solutions or with purely technical solutions. You need to use both.

The technical problems are usually easier to diagnose. You need to automate failovers, instrument your code, build and test repairing code, audit your indexes, etc. The social problems can be trickier to spot, but here’s a tip: they usually manifest as organizational problems.

Some engineers spend their entire career actively avoiding roles where they would have to be on call. Other engineers cling to the safety buffer of ops teams on call for their code, so that only manual escalations reach them.

Responsibility for your code is increasingly non-optional

This is becoming a harder line to hold, as the consensus has shifted decisively towards engineers owning their own code in production. Our systems are becoming exponentially more complex, and feedback loops are tightening. The people best equipped to own software in production are the people who built it. And in order to own it effectively, they need to close the loop by receiving the signal when something breaks.

But the point is not to invite software engineers into the same circle of hell that ops engineers have traditionally inhabited. This isn’t an act of vengeance. The point is that tightening these feedback loops is how we make systems better. Being on call shouldn’t have to destroy your social life or your sleep schedule.

Yes, engineering owns their software. But ensuring that engineering’s time is respected and their rest time valued is on management. It’s management’s job to make sure time is allocated to fixing recurring or known issues – and that they don’t kick the proverbial can down the road to later turn into tech debt. If reliability or productivity is suffering, managers need to reassign engineering cycles away from feature work. Managers’ performance should be evaluated by the four DORA metrics, as well as a fifth; how often is their team alerted outside of working hours?

It’s reasonable to be woken up two to three times a year when on call. But more than that is not okay. It’s management’s responsibility to ensure enough resources are dedicated to maintaining system stability, and they should be held accountable – not the on-call engineers.

Humans doing human things

We all have lives outside of work – families, doctor appointments, dentist visits, and so on. Instead of being surprised when things come up, we can predict the ways people’s lives will conflict with on-call duty and come up with ways to ease the burden.

  • Kids. I would never ask a new parent to be on call. Being woken up by ONE instrument of chaos is all anyone should ever have to cope with at any given time.
  • Sleepy brain. People are never going to be at their best when they are woken up in the middle of the night. We should make sure alert text, documentation, and steps are all clear, simple, and otherwise tuned for 2 a.m. brain fog.
  • Getting sleep. Sometimes people struggle getting back to sleep, or they were up all night dealing with something. Establish that 1) no one is EVER to be on call two nights in a row after a bad night, and 2) they are entitled to sleep in, come in late, leave early – whatever works best to help them catch up on their sleep.
  • Anxiety. I’ve managed people before who had high anxiety about being on call. They were perfectly willing, but it didn’t matter how quiet the pager was – their anxiety knowing it was on made it impossible to sleep. We tried it for a while, and it wasn’t getting better, so we ultimately found other ways for them to pull their weight.

If someone is absolutely unable to participate in on-call rotations, well, it happens. If it’s a temporary situation, you might want to let it go. But if it’s a permanent thing, like in the ‘anxiety’ example above, the team should address this by finding other ways for that person to do their share of maintenance work.

For example, they could be in charge of failed builds or maintain the dev environment. What matters is that 1) the team as a whole feels like it’s a fair distribution of labor, and 2) there are enough people left in the on-call rotation that no one is overly burdened.

Technical stumbling blocks

  • Un-owned code. Everything you support, and every alert that can fire, should have a team that owns it.
  • Conversely, you may have architectural issues that make it impossible to isolate and alert only the owners. If you have ten different on-call rotations for various areas of the code base, but any time the database gets slow all ten of you get paged, this is a bad situation.
  • SLOs. As you scale up, there will come a point where you can no longer alert on individual services or symptoms. They will simply drown you. At this point, you need to migrate your alerts over to Service Level Objectives. SLOs align your engineering pain directly with user pain.
  • Paging too early. Ah, this always sounds like such a great idea. ‘Wouldn’t it be great if we could catch it and alert someone before the users are impacted?’ But it’s not. It’s a recipe for flappy alerts and aggravation. Alert when users are impacted, not before.
  • Two lanes. You need two types of alerts: ‘WAKE ME UP’ and ‘Deal with this later.’ No more, no less. Keep the list of ‘wake me up’ alerts as short, crisp, and carefully curated. Put everything that needs to be dealt with ‘soon’ in the second lane, and have your on-call engineer sweep through it at the start of the day and the end of the day. If it doesn’t need to be acted upon in the next day, it probably shouldn’t be an alert.

On-call problems are often organizational problems

Sometimes people don’t want to be on call, and it’s not due to life events. This is a bit trickier to address because they are actually the result of organizational problems that present themselves as on-call problems. For example:

  • Tribal knowledge, or the ‘bus factor.’ You’re the debugger of last resort because you’ve been responsible for a mission-critical component of the system from the very beginning. The team tried training new people, but you still get called every time something goes wrong, and it’s not clear if the issue would be fixed if you weren’t available (or how long it would take them if they did).
  • Individual ownership vs. team ownership. Software is owned by teams, not by individuals. In an ideal world, this means everyone on the team is capable of debugging and maintaining all the systems they collectively own. In the real world, this means everything is at least understood by more than one engineer.
  • Too little – or too much – coverage. If you have three to four people on call, that’s too much of your life spent lugging around a laptop. Tossing all 20-30 engineers into a single rotation is also the wrong way to go; engineers won’t be on call often enough to stay familiar with the systems. The ideal on-call rotation has seven to eight people; five people is a bare minimum. With eight people, you are on call for a highly sustainable one week out of every two months.
  • Lower the barriers to asking for help, swapping times, covering for each other, etc. When someone asks for help with their on-call shift, thank them for asking. If the on-call shift isn’t that arduous, it’s really no big deal to back someone up for the duration of a movie.
  • Appointing primary/secondary on-call engineers can be really helpful here. Only the primary needs to get alerted and lug their laptop around, but they have a designated point person to tag if they need to run to the grocery store, drive through the boonies, or otherwise go offline for a while.
  • Put managers on call. I’m not generally a fan of putting managers in the rotation, but they really are the ideal backup situation. Especially when it comes to picking up the pager the day after someone has had a rough night. This serves multiple purposes: it helps keep the manager fresh, it exposes them to the reality of what on-call is currently like, and their time doesn’t have to be swapped for someone else’s.

The next time someone doesn’t want to be on call, it may be time to take a closer look at your organization as a whole to see whether the problem really is resource allocation, risk mitigation, or something else.

Making on-call costs tangible

On the topic of paying people more to be on call: there are loads of opinions here – it’s a very fraught topic. I generally come down on the side of ‘no, it’s part of the job,’ just like it is for doctors. With one big exception.

If you’re having a hard time getting upper management to understand the value of spending engineering cycles on the infrastructure and reliability work that needs to be done, instead of just cranking features… by all means, pay people for being on call.

Pay them for every event they have to respond to.

Pay them well.

Pay them so goddamn well the finance team starts squawking about the need to pay down that reliability debt.

If that’s the only way you can make it real for them, well, use the tools you’ve got. Engineers should never have to quietly suffer the pain of flaky software and unhappy users alone. Give management pain too until they take their jobs seriously enough to see that reliability issues get fixed.

Why On-Call Pain Is A Sociotechnical Problem

The Truth About “MEH-TRICS”

First published on 2022-04-13 at

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I said a lot of inflammatory things about metrics.

“Metrics are shit salad.”

“Metrics are simply nerfed dimensions.”

“Metrics suck,” “metrics are legacy,” “metrics and time series aggregates will fucking kneecap you.”

I cannot tell a lie; Twitter will testify that I’ve spent the past six years ragging on metrics. So much so that ever since we launched Honeycomb Metrics last year, our poor solution architects have been encountering skeptics in the field who repeat my quotes back to them and ask, dubiously, whether Honeycomb Metrics are any good or not, and whether we genuinely plan on investing in it or not, given our known anti-metrics sympathies.

That’s a great question. 😊

Metrics aren’t worthless; they’re just limited.

Metrics are a mature technology that’s been around for over 30 years, and they have some real advantages. They’re tiny, fast, and cheap; you can hold a bunch of them in memory as counters, summaries, and gauges. They aggregate well and take up a fixed amount of storage space. The entire monitoring industry is built on top of metrics.

When it comes to workloads like, “How heavy is the write load on my hard drive?” or “What is the temperature or fan status inside my chassis?” or “What is the traffic rate in and out of this interface on my switch?”  metrics are what you should use. In fact, pretty much any time you want to know the health of a system or component in toto, metrics are the right tool.

Because that’s what metrics do best—report statistics in aggregate, from the perspective of any system or component. They can tell you that your Ruby HTTP worker pool is 70% utilized or that your nginx webserver is returning 502s 1% of the time. What they can’t tell you is what this means for any one of your users, applications, delivery vehicles, and so forth.

Until recently, metrics-based tools or logs were the only game in town. People were trying to sell us metrics tools for observability use cases, and that’s what got my goat so badly. If you simply append “… for observability” to each of my inflammatory statements, then I stand by them completely.

“Metrics are shit salad … for observability.

Yup, rings true.

You’re never going to make a metrics tool like Prometheus or Datadog into an observability tool. You’re just not. Observability is about unknown-unknowns, while metrics are a tool for known-unknowns.

If you need a refresher on the differences between observability and monitoring, I’ll refer you to pieces like thisthis, and this. What I want to talk about here is slightly different. In a post-observability world, what is the true and proper place for metrics tooling?

Metrics and observability have different use cases.

Metrics aren’t completely useless, even if you have a robust observability presence. We still use metrics at Honeycomb to this day for certain workloads—and always will because they’re the right tool for the job.

There are two kinds of workloads, roughly speaking: your code—the code you write, review, ship, debug and maintain on a daily basis. And other people’s code—the code you have to run and use in order to support your code. Some examples of the latter might be: Linux, Docker, MySql, Amazon RDS, Kafka, AWS Lambda, GCP gateways, memcache, CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes, etc.

Your code is your crown jewels, the code you need to survive and succeed as a business. It changes constantly—many times per week, if not per day. You are expected to understand its inner workings intimately, and spend lots of time chasing down bugs or understanding and reproducing behavior. You care about the way it performs and interacts with each and every individual user, with changing infrastructure state, and under a variety of different load conditions.

That is why your code demands observability. In order to understand your software, you must first instrument it, in a way that collects lots of rich context and bundles it up around each event end-to-end. Then you need to stream those events into a tool that lets you slice and dice and trace and explore with support for high-cardinality and high-dimensionality data. That’s the only way you’re going to be able to correlate errors, track down outliers, and reflect each user’s experience.

But what about the rest of the software? You can’t instrument Amazon RDS, and only crazy people would instrument, rebuild, and repackage things like Kafka or Docker or nginx. The whole point of third-party software is that you DON’T USE IT until it’s stable enough to be taken more or less for granted. Sure, you roll updates, but usually on the order of months or years—not every day. You don’t need to be intimately familiar with its inner workings because you aren’t changing it every day. Those aren’t your crown jewels.

You do care about their health though, only differently. You care about whether you need to provision more capacity or not. You care about knowing how hard you’re hammering on the underlying hardware or hypervisor. That’s why metrics and monitoring are the right tools to use for third-party code. They don’t let you peer under the hood in the same way, or slice and dice in the same way, but that’s okay. You shouldn’t have to.

With third-party stuff, you don’t care about the code, you care about the health of the service. In aggregate.

(There are some kinds of in-between software, like databases, where event-level information is super useful for debugging things like slow queries and lock percentages, and you can use various black box techniques to approximate observability without instrumentation. But in general this model holds up quite well.)

In a post-observability world, what are metrics for?

I’ve often pointed out that observability is built on top of arbitrarily wide structured data blobs, and that metrics, logs, and traces can be derived from those blobs while the reverse is not true—you can’t take a bunch of metrics and reformulate a rich event.

And yes, people who have observability typically find themselves using metrics and dashboards less and less. They’re simply not as versatile or useful as events that you can slice and dice and manipulate in infinite ways. And you can derive aggregates and trends from the events you have stored.

But metrics will always be useful for understanding third-party software, from the perspective of the service, cluster, or node. They will always be the right tool for the job when it comes to software interfacing with hardware. And they can be super complementary when you are investigating your code using events and instrumentation.

If you’re an engineer writing and shipping code, you’re never not going to want to know if your change caused memory usage to triple, or CPU utilization to skyrocket, or disk usage or network throughput to saturate. That’s why we built Honeycomb Metrics as an overlay, a way to enhance or validate your understanding of the impact your code changes have had on the underlying system.

Metrics are also valuable as a bridge to the past. People have been instrumenting software for metrics for 30 years—they’re never going away completely, and not everything can or should be reinstrumented with events. Lots of people already have robust monitoring systems that slurp in millions of metrics. Nobody wants to have to redo all that work just because they’re moving to a different tool, so people tend to point their metrics firehose at Honeycomb as a way of getting started as they roll observability out into their code.

The Truth About “MEH-TRICS”

How Much Should My Observability Stack Cost?

First posted on 2021-08-18 at

What should one pay for observability? What should your observability stack cost? What should be in your observability stack?

How much observability is enough? How much is too much, or is there such a thing?

Is it better to pay for one product that claims (dubiously) to do everything, or twenty products that are each optimized to do a different part of the problem super well?

It’s almost enough to make a busy engineer say “Screw it, I’m spinning up Nagios”.

(Hey, I said almost.)

All of these service providers can give you sticker shock when you begin investigating them. The biggest reason is always that we aren’t used to considering the price of our own time.  We act like it’s “free” to just take an hour and spin something up … we don’t count the cost of maintenance, context switching, and opportunity costs of not using the time to build something of business value.  Which is both understandable and forgivable, as a starting point.

Considerably less forgivable is the vagueness–and sometimes outright misdirection and scare tactics–some vendors offer around pricing. It’s not ok for a business to optimize for revenue at the expense of user experience. As users, we have the right to demand transparency and accurate information.  As vendors, we have the responsibility to provide it.  Any pricing scheme that doesn’t align with best practices and users’ interests will be a drag on reputation and growth.

The core question, rarely addressed outright, is: how much should you pay? In this post I’ll talk about what your observability costs include, and in the next post, what you should consider including in your “observability stack”.

But I’ll give you the answer to your question right off the bat: you should probably spend 20-30% of infra costs on observability.

O11y spend should be 20-30% of infra spend

Rule of thumb: your observability spend should come to 20-30% of your infra spend. (I’ve seen 10% a few times from reasonable-seeming shops, but they have been edge cases and outliers. I have also seen 50% or more, but again, outliers.)

Full disclosure: this isn’t based on any particular science.  It’s just based on my experience of 15+ years working in operations engineering, talking to other engineers and managers, and a couple of informal Twitter polls to satisfy my own curiosity.

Nevertheless, it’s a pretty solid rule. There are exceptions, but in general, if you’re spending less than 20%, you’re “saving money” at the expense of engineering time, or being silently dragged underwater by a million little time leaks and quality of service issues — which you could eliminate completely with a bit of investment.

Consider the person who told me proudly that his o11y spend was just 1-3%. (He meant the PagerDuty bill and Pingdom checks, actually.) He wasn’t counting the dedicated hardware for their ELK cluster (80k/month), or the 2-3 extra engineers they had to recruit, train and hire (250-300k/year apiece) to run the many open source tools they got for “free”.

And ultimately, it didn’t meet their needs very well. Few people knew how to use it, so they leaned on the “observability team” to craft custom views, write scripts and ETL one-offs, and serve as the institutional hive mind and software usability tutors.  They could have used better tools, ones under active development by large product teams.  They could have used that headcount to create core business value instead.

Engineers cost money

Engineers are expensive. Recruiting them is hard. The good ones are increasingly unwilling to waste time on unnecessary labor. This manager was “saving” maybe a million dollars a year (he mentioned a vendor quote of less than 100k/month)–but spending a couple million more than that in less-visible ways.

Worse, he was driving his engineering org into the ground by wasting so much of their time and energy on non-mission-critical work, inferior tooling, one-offs, frustrating maintenance work, etc, all of which had nothing to do with their core business value.

If you want to know if an org hires and retains good engineers, you could do worse than to ask the question: “What tools do you use, and why?”

  • Good orgs use good tools. They know engineering cycles are their scarcest and most valuable resource, and they want to train maximum firepower on their core business problems.
  • Mediocre orgs use mediocre tools, have no discipline or consistency around adoption and deprecation, and leak lost engineering cycles everywhere.

So back to our rule of thumb: observability amounting to 20-30% of total spend is where most shops should fall. This refers to cloud-native infrastructure, using third-party services to instrument and monitor code, with the basics covered — resource utilization graphs, end to end checks, paging, etc.

So, what do I need in my “observability stack”?

What are the basics? Well, obviously “it depends”. It depends on your requirements, your components, your commitments, your budget, sunk costs and skill sets, your teams, and most expensive of all — customer expectations and the cost of violating them. You should think carefully about these things and try to draw a straight line from the business case to the money you spend (or don’t spend). And don’t forget to factor in those invisible human costs.


How Much Should My Observability Stack Cost?