This Community is for the Promotion of Character Role Play Games.
What exactly do we mean by character? Well, character RPGs include any games based on:
literary works
television shows
historical events
original creation
In which the members play as the characters (not the celebrities) of that particular genre. This covers just about all categories except RPS / Celebrity games-- oh, and point-based action play doesn't fit under the category either. If Celebrity / Point-based games are pimped, the advertisement will be deleted, and upon second offense the poster will be banned from this community.
Please use the following form to advertise:
Name: Genre: Rating: Format: (List both what type and where it’s located, ie: Journal-based on DJ) Community Link: Website Link: (if different) Contact: (your email address) Age/Audition Requirements: Further Info: (feel free to make this part as long as you like)
There are no set rules on how many times you may advertise, but keep in mind that it won’t do you any good to do so more than once a week and if I see any excessive posters they will be banned.