Bearings play a vital role in all rotating machinery, and their failure is one of the significant causes of machine breakdown leading to a profound loss of safety and property. Therefore, the failure of rolling element bearings should be...
moreBearings play a vital role in all rotating machinery, and their failure is one of the significant causes of machine breakdown leading to a profound loss of safety and property. Therefore, the failure of rolling element bearings should be detected early while the machine fault is small. This paper presents the model that detects bearing failures using the continuous wavelet transform and classifies them using a switchable normalization-based convolutional neural network (SN-CNN). State-of-the-art accuracy was achieved with the proposed model using the Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) bearing dataset, which serves as the primary dataset for validating various algorithms for bearing failure detection. Batch normalization techniques were also employed and compared to the proposed model. The spectrogram images were also used as input for further comparison. Using switchable normalization, the proposed model achieved the testing accuracy in between 99.44% and 100% for different batch sizes and datasets. INDEX TERMS Bearing fault detection, deep learning, CWRU dataset, switchable normalization, scalogram, convolutional neural network. I. INTRODUCTION With the rapid advancement in science and technology, the use of electric machines has increased swiftly. Electric machinery is used ubiquitously in manufacturing applications. They are used daily and almost for all applications, which makes them work under unfavorable circumstances, humidity, and excessive loads, leading to motor breakdown resulting in huge maintenance loss, depreciation in production level, severe monetary losses, and possible risk of loss of lives. The rotating machines and induction motor, which are composed of numerous elements like rotor, stator, shaft, and bearings, play a crucial role in industrial systems. Bearings, also known as rolling element bearings (REBs), are the most crucial and the core component of any machinery, and their health state, i.e., healthy or faults and cracks at various locations, directly affects the performance, stability, efficiency, and lifespan of the machines [1], [2]. Bearings mainly consist of four elements: ball, inner-race (IR), outer-race (OR), and cage. Fig.1 shows the bearing elements and the Case Western Reserve University [3] bearing test rig. Many studies [4], [5] on the possibility of failure of induction motors show that bearing damage accounts for The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Shunfeng Cheng.