? ?
17 November 2005 @ 04:28 pm

so issue 4 is finally ready and let's be honest I am not completely satisfied with it.

- the internet addict
-unsent letter of mine
-old poems of mine translated in English ( so be indulgent for the mistakes)" as if I were in a star..." " kill me", " siva" and "the fairies of agonies"
-Extract of the katha upanishad
-Sum up of Witch Duty
-The language flowers and what they mean
-review and extract of the most recent book that blows my soul and made me cried a lot of times
-interview of a creative fairy named Silvia Lugli who paints wonderful winged creatures
-the same old silly bitches dance ( my anger about the vacuity , pathetic shallowness and immaturity of some chicks)
-Interview of a real great singer ,songwriter,artist, model wow she's everything she can do everything;D Edit Pijpers aka Edie
I  adore the way she answered my question, beside being a singer I really love she sounds like a nice human being to be known!and to be heard!
-through and beyond words
-the nobody interview, yes it's been a while I wanted to do that again- alaways fascinating to come across a soul and see how you can relate to them)
-some quotes that touch me a lot
-violence made in France, I wanted to talk a little about what's going on in my country...
 and a little more...
price : 1,50 € plus postage and paypal fee

more info just ask!
No trade at the moment no comment :)
Current Mood: cynicalcynical
24 September 2005 @ 02:45 pm
sent to:
*Reba H.
*Love D.
and soon to Sheri B. and to Meg
Current Mood: busy
12 September 2005 @ 06:10 pm

Goddess I am so glad I have finally finished this zine...I was so moody, I felt also very depressed and I couldn't really "shared" this darkness in this zine( which is why I am working at the moment on my new zine Blank Page Girls)
so this third issue is about:

-my personal thoughts and confusions
-my love and fascination for Mary magdalene ( two poems on her by beautiful poets)
-metaphorical stories, short stories,meandering thoughts,lonely quotes
-my collages (which may be too much for some of them...I am not happy with every of them let's be honest:p)
-the following of the flower's meaning...always fascinated with the beauty of flower variety and names
-sheep addiction ( drawing of sheep I have received in the mail for my childish collection)
-my support to the creative souls of the DIY community( sharing with you souls who create and who have a real talent!)
-Interview of the Nobody ( special concept to interview somebody who is nobody to me as I dont know her and finding pieces of me in her humanity...trying to find what links us to one another)
-lyrics I adore and the meaning of them to me, meaning of music in my existence
-Interview of Reba Hasko ( singer,pianist,song writer) very interesting artist that was very kind to let me interview her:)I am lucky!:)

24 pages, 1,50€ (plus shipping cost + paypal fee( I didn t included before but I am really poor at the moment and I am going to have real money difficulties this month as I have to change a lot of things on my car on wednesday!!!!! I just still cannot imagine the price, let's hope it won't be as much as I think!!!)

Well I hope some people will find this third issue interesting
I wanted to be better than the previous one with more writing of myself but this zine is not really a entire perzine, it's more turned towards other creative souls and the need to share and inspire others with what and who inspired me:)
Finally the perfectionnist in me is still not satisfied and cannot tell you I think it s better because I just don't's still a following of something!
I just hope my next zine to come will be different really and deeper!
It might even more boring because "Blank Page Girls" will be a true perzines, but the more I read perzines and other zines the more I feel touched by true perzines because though it could sound uninteresting to read a nobody talked about her life and thoughts I am always amazed by this ,I think it s one of the most beautiful sharing:)
I am still working on the cover anyway:)
I really love the cover of Chamelon Sighs 3 !!!;) I found this image in a fashion magazine and thought it was very original and one of a kind!
paypal at [email protected]
but please send me a mail before to know the total price
thank you:)
Current Mood: nostalgicnostalgic
28 July 2005 @ 03:43 pm
sending 2nd issue to Kirsty(paid)
to Vicky( trade)
to suzette Mac Grath ( for participation)
to julie,both issues( paid)
to Elizabeth( first issue,for participation)
Current Mood: creative
26 July 2005 @ 11:29 am

P.3-5      Beautiful Dead Flowers
P.6         Glamour Bombing
P.7-9      Magick Meditation
P.10       the lasting secret pain of Dereliction
P.11        My artworks with fairies***
P.12-13 Interview of a creative being : Wingleam
P.14-15  Dictionnary of the flower E to L
P. 16-17 Metaphorical stories
P18        Away from the cutting    
P.19       Soothing Path ( list of things that make me feel apeased)
P.20       Lyrics by Cat Power
P.21       Inspirationnal quotes (found here and there)
P.22       Beyond words
P.23       Poems of mine
mail me at lonelybliss@gmail with chameleon sighs or zine in the title if you are interested
payment via paypal at [email protected]
price: 1,50 € + shipping cost ( depends on your country( I am from France)
I might accept some kind of trade for your zine or for anything creative handmade stuff...but I am difficult ;)
(cover and back in color and the rest in black & white)
for more details just ask :)
Current Mood: creative
26 July 2005 @ 09:03 am
Kata in canada
emily in England
11 July 2005 @ 02:42 pm
Orders that have been paid and need to be sent
* kata in Canada
*Lori in the usa
might be done this week:)
Current Mood: busy
02 July 2005 @ 05:27 pm
orders shipped
to Coco ( england)Paid
to Annie (usa)Paid
to Annett (germany)
to Ilga ( Germany)

PLease feel free to share what you have liked and prefered in this first zine and any suggestion:)
others orders I have to send:
Caroline( holland)
Karin( switzerland)
Flo ( usa)
Tomomi ( usa)
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
02 July 2005 @ 05:05 pm

P.4-5 Intro: Poetic trip (Baudelaire)
P.6-9 Metaphorical short stories written by me
P.10-11 Flower Dictionnary( sum up of what I found on internet)A to D
P.12-13 Interview of a creative being (self taugh French vintage collage artist=>me)
P.14-15 Soothing path ( breathing technique and sort of yoga intro)
P.16-17 One of my livejournal entry, a moment of awareness
P.18 La metta (loving-kindness prayer) something I worship, my life path
P.19 Draw me a sheep if you please? ( my collection of sheep from the whole world)
P.20 The Nobody Interview ( my way to re-link my soul to humanity)
P.21 Inspirationnal quotes (found here and there)
P.22 Beyond words
P.23 Utro : my gratitude towards the muses and fairies

As I have said the cover and back will be in color and the rest in black and white, the price will be 1,50€ so(it is 1,80$)+ the postage
Email me to order a copy if you are interested and I'll let you know the total price!
[email protected]
payment via paypal( it's very secure)
if it's a problem for you,we might find a way to make a trade for it perhaps? depends what you have to trade:)
Current Mood: artistic