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Due to the difficulties of finding superconformal Lagrangian theories for multiple M2-branes, we will in this paper instead focus on the field equations. By relaxing the requirement of a Lagrangian formulation we can explore the... more
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We investigate half-supersymmetric domain wall solutions of four maximally supersymmetric D = 9 massive supergravity theories obtained by Scherk-Schwarz reduction of D = 10 IIA and IIB supergravity. One of the theories does not have a... more
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We construct maximal D = 8 gauged supergravities by the reduction of D = 11 supergravity over threedimensional group manifolds. Such manifolds have been classified by Bianchi. We divide the corresponding gauged supergravities into two... more
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We construct five massive deformations of the unique nine-dimensional N = 2 supergravity, each with two parameters. All of these deformations have a higher-dimensional origin via Scherk-Schwarz reduction and correspond to gauged... more
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We investigate the accelerating phases of cosmologies supported by a metric, scalars and a single exponential scalar potential. The different solutions can be represented by trajectories on a sphere and we find that quintessence happens... more
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Performing a Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of D = 11 supergravity on a three-dimensional group manifold we construct five D = 8 gauged maximal supergravities whose gauge groups are the three-dimensional (non-)compact subgroups of... more
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We construct the most general non-extremal spherically symmetric instanton solution of a gravity-dilaton-axion system with SL(2, R) symmetry, for arbitrary euclidean spacetime dimension D ≥ 3. A subclass of these solutions describe... more
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We outline the solution of the Killing spinor equations of the heterotic supergravity. In addition, we describe the classification of all half supersymmetric solutions.
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We construct maximal D = 8 gauged supergravities by the reduction of D = 11 supergravity over three-dimensional group manifolds. Such manifolds are classified into two classes, A and B, and eleven types. This Bianchi classification... more
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Abstract In recent years dramatic progress has been made in the understanding of the nonperturbative structure of superstring theory and M-theory. Central to this progress are non-perturbative, solitonic objects collectively referred to... more
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Abstract We will start by reviewing some aspects of bosonic string theory and then move on to the fermionic supersymmetric string, ie the so called superstring. The focus will here be on the veri cation of the supersymmetry of the action.... more
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We find the geometry of all supersymmetric type I backgrounds by solving the gravitino and dilatino Killing spinor equations, using the spinorial geometry technique, in all cases. The solutions of the gravitino Killing spinor equation are... more
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      String TheorySupergravity
Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are currently being considered for large-scale energy storage. Optimisation of SIB electrolytes is, however, still largely lacking. Here we exhaustively evaluate NaPF 6 in diglyme as an electrolyte of... more
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For storing energy in future sustainable energy systems, sodium-ion batteries (SIB) have emerged as an alternative to the current state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), since SIBs are potentially cheaper. For LIBs and SIBs alike,... more
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and all images were made at airmasses less than 1.2 with Gemini facility guiding and tiptilt engaged. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio, the images displayed in have been smoothed with gaussians of FWHM of 0. 223, 0.223, 0.267, 0.356... more
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      MultidisciplinaryNatureBiological Sciences
In this contribution examples of the application of new technologies to disentangle the mechanism of beta-delayed multiparticle emission are given. In particular the mechanism of β-delayed twoproton emission from 31 Ar has been resolved... more
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    • New Technology
The response to monoenergetic neutrons in the energy range 130-3030 keV for 3He-filled ionization chambers of type FNS-I is experimentally determined. The experiment is performed using beams of monoenergetic neutrons produced in proton... more
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      Stainless SteelElastic ScatteringNeutron Scattering
A crystalline, silicon, microelectronic, cryogenic, thermal detector for single quanta of low energy radiation and high resolution spectroscopy is being developed. Its volume is less than 0.1 mm 3. The constituent parts of the detector... more
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      X RaysElectronic SpectraLow Energy BuildngsHigh Resolution
Fabrication of a thermal detector designed for high resolution spectroscopy of low-energy radiation is described. Details of the micromachining of pure silicon are given including the etching of the 0.1 mm 3 absorber and the doping... more
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      Signal ProcessingLow Energy BuildngsPhysical PropertiesData Acquisition System
Beta-delayed proton emission may occur at very low rates in the decays of the light nuclei 11 Be and 8 B. This paper explores the potential physical significance of such decays, estimates their rates and reports on first attempts to... more
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