Papers by Delano V Palmer
And to the many people who prayed and encouraged me from time to time, especially Karis, Giovani ... more And to the many people who prayed and encouraged me from time to time, especially Karis, Giovani and Lois, I say a big thanks tu unnu! Soli Christo Gloria CHAPTER ONE 19 Marley's 60 th 'anniversary' was simultaneously celebrated in Jamaica and Ethiopia in February 2005. Years earlier he was awarded the Order of Merit by the Jamaican government, 'entitling him to be called "honorable"' (Booker 2003, 199; cf. Erskine 2007, xiii). Booker is Marley's mother and a devoted Rasta. A fine synopsis of Marley's life and religion is to be found in Murrell et al. (1998; cf. Goldman 2006). Other Rastas who have written about the movement and the experience of blackness include Yasus
This is piquant irony: here we are with all our high notions of ourselves as intellectual and spi... more This is piquant irony: here we are with all our high notions of ourselves as intellectual and spiritual beings, and the most profound form of knowledge for us is the plain business of skin on skin. It is humiliating. When two members of this godlike, cerebral species approach the heights of communion between themselves; what do they do? Think? Speculate? Meditate? No, they take off their clothes. Do they want to get their brains together? No. It is the most appalling of ironies: their search for

The Gospel of Luke, in particular, the longest book in the New Testament, has been long since rec... more The Gospel of Luke, in particular, the longest book in the New Testament, has been long since recognized as the Gospel of the poor, the disenfranchised, and the marginalized-themes which resonate with the theological objectives of Majority World theologians. Both Matthew and Luke shaped the Jesus tradition handed down to themto meet the needs of their Jewish and gentile constituents, with the latter providing a sequel with a universalizing literary format with no less persuasive rhetoric. Luke, of course, has been approached by many with a hermeneutic of suspicion because "one of the curious features of the Third Gospel is that, having been anointed to proclaim good news to the poor (4:18), Jesus is found, repeatedly, frequenting the homes of the wealthy (e.g. 5:29; 7:36; 14:1; 19:5).. . .Indeed, one searches Luke's Gospel in vain for any narration of Jesus' preaching good news to the poor". 2 Also, the extent to which Luke is seen to be a reliable historian is still hotly debated. 3 These perceived weaknesses notwithstanding, we find the evangelists' historiographical strategy attractive because they wrote not just to theologize and inform but to subvert the worst features of Empire. Although Contextual Theology is for the most part postcolonial, its potential as a tool to ensure that the Lucan corpora of the poor and the marginalized permeate every stratum of the society is yet to be fully realized. Like the nations of the majority world, Luke, we believe, was a Gentile. He along with the other gospel writers also saw quite clearly the power of storytelling (with a focus on bios) as a way to effect meaningful cultural change. Writing the only Gentile Gospel treatise then (Luke-Acts), one can discern efforts of excellence in his work. Minority status can be a motivating factor in this regard. While this may explain the quality of his work, the anxiety to outdo himself could be an explanation for the quantity of his output (cf. the following: of the 7, 947 verses found in the New Testament, the Gospel of John accounts for 1407; Paul's epistles, 2032; and Luke-Acts, 2157, over 25 percent of the New Testament). 4 Luke has shown keen interest in Gentile conversions and 2
CJET, 1999
This paper explores the relevance of a movement whose presence in the region is of doubtful value... more This paper explores the relevance of a movement whose presence in the region is of doubtful value by not a few church leaders and academics. The author invites your personal evaluation of this longstanding -ism, especially in light of the recent Capitol Hill fiasco.
CJET, 2021
If Sam Sharpe had a way with words as all the evidence seems to point, in what way or ways did h... more If Sam Sharpe had a way with words as all the evidence seems to point, in what way or ways did his linguistic capability influence the success of his mission to see a Jamaica devoid of the dehumanizing effects of slavery? And can we learn anything else from this national hero to aid us in our struggle to advance the cause to free ourselves from mental slavery, while at the same time celebrating the gains Sharpe and others have fought for? The paper explores and interrogates the potential of a significant part of the legacy of Daddy Sharpe as a way to continue the conversation of the ongoing project of Caribbean Theology in the 21st Century.
This paper posits that there are three divine codes of ethics that govern the globe. Because they... more This paper posits that there are three divine codes of ethics that govern the globe. Because they are identical triplets with only one Parent, they resemble quite a bit. Progressive revelation demands that we distinguish them to derive maximum benefit for human flourishing
In this paper I posit that Luke employed chiasmus to delineate the way in which the gospel rea... more In this paper I posit that Luke employed chiasmus to delineate the way in which the gospel reached Rome from Jerusalem. The structure highlights certain divine initiatives (two centrifugal and two centripetal) that engaged the Messianic community in mission. A fifth initiative, the center-piece of the macro-structure, focuses attention on the importance of theological discussion for the enterprise of gospel contextualization.
The paper, a survey of the chapter, takes a fresh look at the concept of justification
Justice, the canon, and the Caribbean in Dialogue
Husband as PAL and wife as SAL (Secondary Accountability Leader) in First Corinthians
A discussion on cessationism
This paper proposes a new structure for an understanding of the tri-adic 6, 7, and 8.
A perspective from the Caribbean
An examination of James' orthopraxy
This paper surveys various historical contexts of theology
An exploration of the essential character of the child of God.
Papers by Delano V Palmer