Smokotina A.V. Cretan amphora imports into Bosporus in the 6th century // LRCW 6. Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean. Land and Sea: Pottery Routes / Eds. V. Caminneci, E. Giannitrapani, M. C. Parello, M. S. Rizzo. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2023. P. 210–215., 2023
Recent excavations in Bosporus (the modern city of Kerch) and neighborhood have revealed new arch... more Recent excavations in Bosporus (the modern city of Kerch) and neighborhood have revealed new archaeological complexes
of the Early Byzantine period. They have led to the discovery of new amphora types and to more detailed information about the
ratio of the local to imported amphorae in the different chronological periods. Local amphorae predominated in the Bosporan layers
of the 5th century, while Sinopean imports (C Snp I-III Demirci amphorae) also reached a considerable quantity, with only isolated
finds of Cretan amphorae, on which this paper focuses. A substantial increase of Cretan imports into Bosporus occurred during the
second quarter of the 6th century. Towards the middle of that century they reached approximately 30% of all amphorae finds in
the filling of some pits and fish processing vats and sometimes make up almost half the amphorae in a Bosporan destruction layer
after the middle of the 6th century. Cretan imports probably predominated at least up to the end of the 6th century or rather later.
TRC 4 amphorae, often with dipinto on the shoulder, were the most popular and widespread Cretan type in the Bosporan region.
Some TRC 2, TRC 6, TRC 9 and some other relatively rare types were also discovered.
Papers by Anna Smokotina
первых веков н.э. как источник по изучению динамики торговых связей Боспорского царства и
местного керамического производства римского времени. Одной из наиболее значимых задач в изучении римской керамики является уточнение локализации происхождения различных образцов и
технологических особенностей различных производственных центров. Представлены результаты
исследования двух наиболее распространенных на Боспоре групп краснолаковой керамики I в. до
н.э.–II в. н.э. – боспорской и понтийской сигиллаты. Все фрагменты происходят из раскопок на акрополе Пантикапея экспедицией ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина под руководством В.П. Толстикова в
1995–2006 гг. (раскоп Центральный-Северный). По результатам исследований методами рентгеновской томографии, электронной микроскопии, масс-спектрометрии и атомно-эмиссионной
спектроскопии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой, выявлены характерные параметры, различающие эти группы между собой – количественные характеристики пористости и включений, содержание основных элементов и микропримесей.
of the Early Byzantine period. They have led to the discovery of new amphora types and to more detailed information about the
ratio of the local to imported amphorae in the different chronological periods. Local amphorae predominated in the Bosporan layers
of the 5th century, while Sinopean imports (C Snp I-III Demirci amphorae) also reached a considerable quantity, with only isolated
finds of Cretan amphorae, on which this paper focuses. A substantial increase of Cretan imports into Bosporus occurred during the
second quarter of the 6th century. Towards the middle of that century they reached approximately 30% of all amphorae finds in
the filling of some pits and fish processing vats and sometimes make up almost half the amphorae in a Bosporan destruction layer
after the middle of the 6th century. Cretan imports probably predominated at least up to the end of the 6th century or rather later.
TRC 4 amphorae, often with dipinto on the shoulder, were the most popular and widespread Cretan type in the Bosporan region.
Some TRC 2, TRC 6, TRC 9 and some other relatively rare types were also discovered.
первых веков н.э. как источник по изучению динамики торговых связей Боспорского царства и
местного керамического производства римского времени. Одной из наиболее значимых задач в изучении римской керамики является уточнение локализации происхождения различных образцов и
технологических особенностей различных производственных центров. Представлены результаты
исследования двух наиболее распространенных на Боспоре групп краснолаковой керамики I в. до
н.э.–II в. н.э. – боспорской и понтийской сигиллаты. Все фрагменты происходят из раскопок на акрополе Пантикапея экспедицией ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина под руководством В.П. Толстикова в
1995–2006 гг. (раскоп Центральный-Северный). По результатам исследований методами рентгеновской томографии, электронной микроскопии, масс-спектрометрии и атомно-эмиссионной
спектроскопии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой, выявлены характерные параметры, различающие эти группы между собой – количественные характеристики пористости и включений, содержание основных элементов и микропримесей.
of the Early Byzantine period. They have led to the discovery of new amphora types and to more detailed information about the
ratio of the local to imported amphorae in the different chronological periods. Local amphorae predominated in the Bosporan layers
of the 5th century, while Sinopean imports (C Snp I-III Demirci amphorae) also reached a considerable quantity, with only isolated
finds of Cretan amphorae, on which this paper focuses. A substantial increase of Cretan imports into Bosporus occurred during the
second quarter of the 6th century. Towards the middle of that century they reached approximately 30% of all amphorae finds in
the filling of some pits and fish processing vats and sometimes make up almost half the amphorae in a Bosporan destruction layer
after the middle of the 6th century. Cretan imports probably predominated at least up to the end of the 6th century or rather later.
TRC 4 amphorae, often with dipinto on the shoulder, were the most popular and widespread Cretan type in the Bosporan region.
Some TRC 2, TRC 6, TRC 9 and some other relatively rare types were also discovered.